111. Record of Meeting1
Record of IRG/NEA Meeting—November 16, 1967
The meeting was devoted to a further consideration of our policy towards South Arabia, in the light of the developments since the [Page 242] IRG/NEA meeting of July 26, 1967 (see IRG/NEA 67-24, 7/26/67, for a record of agreements reached at that time).2 The Group:
Reviewed recent significant developments in the rapidly moving situation as noted in the paper prepared for the meeting by the Country Director (IRG/NEA 67-43)3 and as elaborated by him.
Agreed that, although our previous tentative planning with respect to an independent South Arabia might prove to be basically valid, there was now more reason to be concerned regarding the viability of the emerging government than anticipated last July and we should be convinced that the government in power was going to be able to govern successfully and intended to honor its international obligations before we extended our recognition. Should we decide to do so, we might prefer initially to establish our mission at the Charge level. In this connection, the Group agreed that we should keep in close consultation with the British and the Saudi Arabians both regarding their assessments of the new government as it emerges and their intentions towards it.
Agreed that we should certainly not be ahead of the British in the matter of recognition and would also look for prior action by some of South Arabia’s regional neighbors. The Saudi attitude would be important but her decision not to recognize would not necessarily cause us to withhold recognition.
- Executive Chairman—Mr. Battle
- AID—Mr. Wheeler
- CIA—[name not declassified]
- DOD—Mr. Schwartz
- JCS—Brig. Gen. Sibley
- USIA—Mr. Carter
- NSC—Mr. Saunders
- State: (ARP) Mr. Brewer
- Acting Staff Director—Mr. Buckle
Acting Staff Director
- Source: Johnson Library, National Security File, Saunders Files, Aden & South Arabia, 4/1/66-1/20/69. Secret. Drafted by Acting Staff Director John F. Buckle on November 17.↩
- Document 100.↩
- Document 110.↩