331. Telegram From the Consulate General in the Dominican Republic to the Department of State1

990. Situation as of 0700.

Ships now visible and making two runs before city.
Alvarez2 came in to say UCN has word that their contacts with military in Cibao area have been successful and there is now joint military opposition understanding which controls Santiago-San Francisco-LaVega. UCN also has news from Sanisidro General Rodriguez Echavarria, who still there took charge in middle night and issuing communique—this not verification or direct news of situation.
Yesterday Vidal Torres, Governor Santiago, appointed Secretary Interior and Pedro Jorge, popular with moderate opposition. Vidal replaces Herrera Bellini, moderate, who took over Partido Dominican of Rommercado who took off for Miami and reportedly Europe on Thursday 16.
Military liaison officer has just called R/Admiral Valdezvidaure who assures Navy behind Balaguer and that Trujillos have to go. He is certain he is in effective control Navy. Has not been in touch with Sanisidro but believes Air Force also behind Balaguer.
Remaining question is Army.
  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 739.00/11-1961. Secret; Niact. Relayed to the White House, OSD, Army, Navy, Air Force, and CIA.
  2. Braulio Alvarez Sanchez.