330. Editorial Note

On November 19, 1961, following the appearance of U.S. warships off the coast of the Dominican Republic, Dominican Air Force General Rafael Rodriguez Echavarria declared in favor of the Balaguer government. Hector and Arismendi left the country on November 20. It was learned afterward that Ramfis, who had resigned as chief of the Dominican armed forces and police on November 14, had slipped away on his yacht the night of November 17. U.S. talks with the Balaguer government resumed on the questions of ending sanctions, establishing a provisional government leading to OAS-sponsored elections, and the resumption of full U.S. diplomatic relations with the Dominican Republic. The talks bogged down due to civil unrest in the Republic and the reluctance of Balaguer to leave office. (Department of State, Central Files, 739.00/11-2261 through 739.00/12-1561; Martin, Overtaken by Events, pages 82-83)