329. Telegram From the Department of State to the Consulate General in the Dominican Republic1

609. Embtel 976.2 Department today determined following actions in response your telegrams present situation:

Secretary has issued statement confirming our opposition to reimposition dictatorship and continuing support democratization (unclassified Deptel 608).3
You should immediately inform Balaguer we would respond affirmatively and promptly should he request courtesy visit US Naval unit. Cruiser now in position below horizon out of ground sight. (Code word “hospitality.” We would suggest covering statement by USG along following lines “President Balaguer who has been playing an active role in working toward the democratization of the DR has invited units US Navy which have been on maneuvers in nearby waters pay courtesy call at CT. This invitation has been accepted.” We would gear release of such statement to your recommendations which would of course take into account optimum timing from point of view of Balaguer’s safety. Comment: [Page 681] We prefer courtesy visit at invitation GODR as more immediate, more moderate and more generally acceptable measure than USG show of force. Obviously it would also serve show US strength soonest. (Personnel would not go ashore without further instructions.) We tend to believe presence Naval unit in harbor might have calming effect and might provide element of security for President Balaguer whose physical safety highly important to successful USG operations this difficult situation.
You are authorized request Navy make active demonstration force “Wave High” in international waters (not within DR jurisdiction) at your discretion. You may make request directly to Navy with info Washington or to Navy through Washington. Navy will respond soonest. Planes on strip alert commencing dawn 19th. You are authorized similarly request Navy move vessels into sight international waters. (Code word “Sea Gull.”)
We would be prepared consider active demonstration of force such as “Grass Cutter” within Dominican jurisdiction only if President Balaguer explicitly requests (preferably in writing).

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 739.00/11-1761. Secret; Niact; Limit Distribution. Drafted by Coerr; cleared by Jamison, Achilles, Crimmins, Schlesinger, L, and S/S; and approved by Woodward.
  2. Not printed. (Ibid.)
  3. Not printed. (Ibid., 739.00/11-1861) For text of the statement, see Document 328.