149. Circular Telegram From the Department of State to Certain Posts in the American Republics1

468. Please convey following to FonMin soonest:

Response various FonMins to consultation initiated by Secretary September 52 indicates general receptivity to idea informal MFM. Taking into account wishes and convenience largest number, Secy therefore wishes invite his colleagues meet with him in Washington Tuesday and probably Wednesday, Oct 2 and 3. In view informal nature gathering, no formal agenda necessary. Meetings would be closed. Secy would initiate meeting with general review world situation with emphasis on Berlin and other major problems. He would follow with appraisal Cuban situation on which we hope there will be general exchange views. We also expect at least Argentina, Venezuela and US will have comments to make on international aspects general question coups d’etat in American Republics as they may affect political tensions in hemisphere and success Alliance for Progress. There also some indications FonMins may want consider desirability COAS review agenda 11th IA Conference order eliminate all items except those major importance. However this matter, as well as any exchange views on possible date of Conference, may well take place outside meeting.

There would be no voting or any resolution emerging from meeting, but if a consensus develops on any subject this might be expressed in public communique to be issued close of meeting.

Secretary hopes all his colleagues will be able attend and dates have been arranged in order facilitate maximum attendance. However Secretary understands of course that in few cases attendance FonMin may prove impossible, in which event it hoped FonMin could deputize special high-level representative attend in his place.

Secretary desires invite those attending to informal dinner October 2.

Following points for your background and use your discretion: [Page 317]

Consultations indicate probable attendance all FonMins above dates except Mexican (who agreeable to meeting but committed accompany President Far East tour), Peruvian, Uruguayan and Chilean, whose attendance uncertain.
While Secretary does not plan stress problem coups, we believe it desirable not overlook question, in view position taken by US in its pending COAS resolution that discussion by FonMins appropriate, in view fact original Argentine initiative proposed informal meeting for this explicit purpose3 and in view strong feelings Venezuelan FonMin and others that problem must be raised. Any discussion will not refer to Peruvian situation. Moreover, informal discussion this matter would make it unnecessary for US to press its resolution in Council.
On balance we think it undesirable meeting take up question Bolivian withdrawal which inextricably mixed with Rio Lauca dispute which might well make Chilean attendance impossible.
In view Ecuadorean desire that question postponement Quito Conference not be discussed because of domestic political repercussions, we do not wish press this issue but believe corridor talks re streamlining agenda should not embarass Ecuadoreans. Quito may assure FonMin communique if any will not contain any reference this matter without their approval.
In view fact question admission new members now in process consideration COAS and in deference Guatemala’s desire it not be discussed at meeting, US does not propose raise it.
SYG Mora will be invited attend.
Meetings will be held in Department conference rooms and not in PAU, but this does not preclude possibility some ceremonial session after meeting at PAU with FonMins acting as Council members if this desired.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 371.04/9-1662. Confidential. Drafted by Allen, cleared in substance by Deputy Director of the Office of International Conferences Richard S. Wheeler, and approved by Martin. Sent to all diplomatic posts in the American Republics except Kingston and repeated to USUN, POLAD/CINCLANT and POLAD/CINCARIB.
  2. Circular telegram 388, September 5, summarized a meeting that day between Rusk and Latin American Ambassadors, in which Rusk discussed the Cuban situation and suggested an informal meeting of Foreign Ministers in New York, where many would be attending the U.N. General Assembly. (Ibid., 737.00/9-562) A record of the meeting was transmitted in Document 153.
  3. The Argentine suggestion was made in an August 21 aide-memoire, the text of which was transmitted in telegram 553 from Buenos Aires, August 21. (Department of State, Central Files, 371.04/8-2162)