United States policy regarding problems arising from the question of the representation of China in the organs of the United Nations 1
1. Continued from Foreign Relations, 1950, vol. ii, pp. 186 ff.
[167] The Secretary of State to the Embassy in the United Kingdom
Washington, February
21, 1951—6 p.m.
340.290/2–651: Telegram
[168] The Secretary of State to the Embassy in the United Kingdom
Washington, February
21, 1951—6 p.m.
310.393/2–2151: Telegram
[169] The Secretary of State to the Consulate General at Lahore
Washington, February
21, 1951—7 p.m.
340.290/2–2151: Telegram
[170] The Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Gifford) to the Secretary of State
London, February
23, 1951—6 p.m.
340.290/2–2351: Telegram
[171] The Acting Secretary of State to the Embassy in the United Kingdom
Washington, February
25, 1951—8 p.m.
340.290/2–2351: Telegram
[172] The Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Gifford) to the Secretary of State
London, February
26, 1951—6 p.m.
310.2/2–2651: Telegram
[173] The Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Gifford) to the Secretary of State
London, February
26, 1951—6 p.m.
340.290/2–2651: Telegram
[174] The Acting Secretary of State to the Consulate General at Lahore
Washington, February
27, 1951—2 p.m.
340.290/2–2751: Telegram
[175] Memorandum of Conversation, by Mr. Ward P. Alien, Special Assistant on United Nations Affairs, Bureau of European Affairs
[Washington,] February 28, 1951.
[177] The Acting Secretary of State to the Embassy in the United Kingdom
Washington, March 1,
1951—5 p.m.
310.2/2–2651: Telegram
[178] Memorandum of Conversation, by Mr. Ward P. Allen, Special Assistant on United Nations Affairs, Bureau of European Affairs
[Washington,] March 6, 1951.
[179] Memorandum of Telephone Conversation, by the Director of the Office of Chinese Affairs (Clubb)
[Washington,] March 13, 1951.
[180] Memorandum of Telephone Conversation, by Mr. David H. Popper of the Office of United Nations Political and Security Affairs
[Washington,] March 16, 1951.
[181] The Secretary of State to Certain Diplomatic Offices
Washington, April 3,
1951—8:45 a.m.
399.10–UPU/4–1351: Circular airgram
[182] The Secretary of State to the Embassy in the United Kingdom
Washington, April 30,
1951—7 p.m.
795B.5/4–3051: Telegram
[184] The Secretary of State to the Embassy in the United Kingdom
Washington, May 25,
1951—7 p.m.
790.00/5–2551: Telegram
[185] The United States Representative at the United Nations (Austin) to the Secretary of State
New York, May 25,
1951—7:40 p.m.
330/5–2551: Telegram
[186] The Secretary of State to the United States Representative at the United Nations (Austin)
Washington, May 28,
1951—7 p.m.
330/5–2551: Telegram
[187] Memorandum of Conversation, by the Assistant Secretary of State for United Nations Affairs (Hickerson)
[Washington,] June 1, 1951.
[188] The Secretary of State to the Embassy in the United Kingdom
Washington, June 4,
1951—6 p.m.
310.393/6–451: Telegram
[189] The Acting United States Representative at the United Nations (Gross) to the Secretary of State
New York, June 4,
1951—6:39 p.m.
350/6–451: Telegram
[190] Memorandum by the Special Assistant in the Bureau of Far Eastern Affairs (Bacon) to the Director of the Office of Chinese Affairs (Clubb)
[Washington,] June 7, 1951.
[191] Memorandum the Assistant Secretary of State for United Nations Affairs (Hickerson)
Washington, July 30,
IO Files
[192] The Firs Secretary of Embassy in the United Kingdom (Ringwalt) to the Department of State
London, August 10,
[193] Memorandum, of Conversation, by Mr. Ward P. Allen, Special Assistant on United Nations Affairs, Bureau of European Affairs
[Washington,] August 15, 1951.
[194] The United States Representative at the United Nations (Austin) to the Secretary of State
New York, August 15,
1951—6:20 p.m.
310.2/8–1551: Telegram
[195] The Chargé in France (Bonsal) to the Secretary of Statehi
Paris, August 17,
1951—7 p.m.
310.2/8–1751: Telegram
[196] Briefing Memorandum for the Secretary of State, For Use at the Washington Tripartite Ministerial Talks, September 1951
[Washington,] August 31, 1951.
CFM Files, Lot M 88, Box 159