310.2/2–2651: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the Embassy in the United Kingdom
3979. Ref questions raised urtel 4623.
1. Re ur reference US position on competence expert and quasi-expert UN bodies decide Chi rep issue indicated Depcirgram Jan 25 as opposed our postponement position in other bodies, foll is explanation. [Page 241] Expert bodies are such bodies as ILC, Advisory Comite on Admin and Budgetary Questions, Comite Contributions, etc. which are composed individuals elected by name by major UN organ (in above instances by GA) to serve in expert capacity. Here US will take position that any motion to unseat Member is out of order on ground these bodies are not competent take any decision re their own composition which is determined by GA. Term quasi-expert bodies refers functional Comms ECOSOC (except Narcotics Comm which is composed strictly govt reps). In accordance resolutions estab these Comms, although states are initially elected to Comms by ECOSOC, individuals, nominated by Govts after consultation UNSYG, are confirmed by name by ECOSOC; consequently, we believe any question re right such Members participate in Comms shd be raised in and decided by Council. Hence US will take position that any motion unseat Member is out of order on ground these Comms are not competent decide representation question in view method appt their members.
2. We were, of course, particularly concerned re ECAFE because voting situation extremely close. Naturally, we might again wish urge special consideration by UK of Chi representation problem in other bodies where situation critical, although forurinfo we wld not press our view when voting not close.