J.C.S. Files
Note by the Combined Staff Planners1
C.C.S. 156
Suggested Procedure for Dealing With the Agenda of the Conference
1. The next stage of the discussions should be to examine each of the operations set out in the (C.C.S. 155)2 draft proposals for the conduct of the war in 1943, with a view to determining:
- (a)
- The resources of all kinds required for each.
- (b)
- How they are to be made available.
- (c)
- Target dates, where practicable.
2. U-Boat Warfare:
The naval and air forces required to defeat the U-boat are already under examination by the Combined Staff Planners whose report should form the agenda for an early meeting.
3. Mediterranean:
(a) Organization of Command, and establishment of spheres of responsibility in the Mediterranean.
(b) Husky :
(Reference: Paragraph 3 (a), C.C.S. 155)
The resources required for Husky have been assessed by the British Joint Planning Staff. A summary of this and of the outline plan will be circulated for discussion by the Combined Chiefs of Staff. Agreement should be reached as to the resources to be provided by U. S. and U. K. respectively and on the arrangements for planning and command.
(a) Air offensive from North Africa against Italy, Balkan objectives, and Axis shipping.
4. Turkey:
(Reference: Paragraph 3 (b), C.C.S. 155)
A draft paper by the British Joint Planning Staff on Allied Plans relating to Turkey which has not yet been considered by the British Chiefs of Staff will be circulated as a basis for discussion. British Chiefs of Staff to circulate a note on the Axis oil position for discussion in connection with this item.
5. The Bomber Offensive from the United Kingdom:
(Reference: Paragraph 3 (c), C.C.S. 155)
[Page 763]British Chiefs of Staff to indicate the present and projected build-up of the R.A.F. Bomber Command and the British conception of the general plan for its employment in 1943. Agreement should be reached on the program for the build-up of U.S. Bomber forces in the United Kingdom and on the general lines of employment of Allied Bomber forces from the U.K. against Germany.
6. Limited Offensive Operations from the U.K.:
(Reference: Paragraph 3(d), C.C.S. 155)
British Chiefs of Staff to circulate a paper outlining their conception of the limited offensive operations possible in 1943 under the terms of C.C.S. 155 and the resources available.
7. BoleroBuild-up:
(Reference: Paragraph 3 (e), C.C.S. 155)
British Chiefs of Staff to circulate a paper showing the forces which in their view could be made available for a return to the Continent in 1943 under the terms of C.C.S. 155. Agreement should be reached on the general concept of the circumstances which would make such an operation feasible.
8. Anakim.
(Reference: Paragraph 5(c) (1), C.C.S. 155)
British Chiefs of Staff to circulate a paper giving the broad concept for operation Anakim, with an indication of the forces considered necessary. Agreement should be reached as to the resources to be provided by U. S. and U. K. respectively.
9. Operations in the Southwest Pacific:
(Reference: Paragraph 5 (c) (2), C.C.S. 155)
U. S. Chiefs of Staff to circulate a paper giving the broad concept for operations in the Southwest Pacific with indications of the forces involved.
10. Assistance to Russia:
(Reference: Paragraph 6, C.C.S. 155)
Agreement should be reached on the probable effect of the operations agreed at the conference upon supplies to Russia in 1943.
11. The following items which appear in the agreed Agenda of the conference have not been dealt with above:
- (a)
- Strategic Responsibility and Command Set-up for Dakar-French West African Area required to be settled as early as possible. Admiral King to be invited to make proposals.
- (b)
- Increased efficiency in the case of Shipping. Lord Leathers and General Somervell to be invited to discuss and make appropriate recommendations to the Combined Chiefs of Staff.
- In circulating this note the Secretaries of the Combined Chiefs of Staff indicated that the note had been prepared at an informal meeting on January 18 of the Combined Staffs, who suggested that it be considered by the Combined Chiefs of Staff at their next meeting. The note was considered by the Combined Chiefs of Staff at their meeting on the morning of January 19, 1943, ante, p. 638.↩
- Supra. ↩