6. Conference Documents and Supplementary Papers 1

1. According to a letter of August 5, 1942, from Ambassador John G. Winant to President Roosevelt, and to a memorandum by Theodore C. Achilles of the Division of European Affairs of the Department of State, dated October 3, 1942 ( Foreign Relations, 1942, vol. i, pp. 48 and 57, respectively), sometime during the Second Washington Conference Roosevelt gave to Churchill a memorandum, prepared by Hopkins, regarding the problem of Nazi atrocities. The text of the memorandum as prepared by Hopkins is printed ibid., p. 56. According to the Achilles memorandum, Roosevelt amended the Hopkins memorandum, a copy of which he gave to Churchill and a copy of which he retained himself. Such a corrected copy of the Hopkins memorandum has not been found in the Roosevelt papers. No other record has been found relating to the consideration by Roosevelt and Churchill of the war-crimes problem during the course of the Second Washington Conference.

[291] Memorandum by Prime Minister Churchill

Department of Defense Files

[292] The Secretary of War (Stimson) to the President

Roosevelt Papers

[293] Prime Minister Churchill to President Roosevelt

Roosevelt Papers

[296] Report by the Combined Chiefs of Staff

J. C. S. Files

[299] American-British Memorandum of Agreement

Roosevelt Papers

[301] The Chief of Staff, United States Army (Marshall) to the President

Department of the Army Files

[302] The Chief of Staff, United States Army (Marshall) to the President

Department of Defense Files

[304] Note by the Secretariat of the Combined Chiefs of Staff

J. C. S. Files

[308] White House Press Release

Hopkins Papers

[309] Memorandum by the President’s Special Assistant (Hopkins)

Hopkins Papers