(3) The War Against Japan
[146] The Secretary of the British Chiefs of Staff (Hollis) to the Secretary, War Department General Staff (Smith)
[Washington,] December 24,
Defense Files
[147] Generalissimo Chiang to President Roosevelt
Chungking, December 24,
740.0011 European War 1939/18712
[148] The Chief of Staff, United States Army (Marshall) to the President
[Washington, December 25,
Defense Files
[149] The Chief of the American Military Mission to China (Magruder) to the President
Chungking, December 25,
Defense Files: Telegram
[150] The British Minister of Supply (Beaverbrook) to the President’s Special Assistant (Hopkins)
Washington, [December 26,
Hopkins Papers
[152] Draft Telegram by Prime Minister Churchill at Washington to the British Lord Privy Seal (Attlee), December 28, 1941
Washington, December 28,
Roosevelt Papers: Telegram
[153] Report by the Planning Committee of the United States and British Chiefs of Staff
[Washington,] December 28,
Defense Files
[155] Draft Memorandum by the Chief of Staff, United States Army (Marshall)
December 29,
Hopkins Papers
[156] President Roosevelt to Generalissimo Chiang
[Washington,] December 29,
740.0011 Pacific War/1624: Telegram
[157] Memorandum by the President’s Special Assistant (Hopkins)
Washington, December 30,
Hopkins Papers
[158] Prime Minister Churchill to President Roosevelt
[Ottawa,] December 30
Roosevelt Papers: Telegram
[159] The President’s Special Assistant (Hopkins) to the Chief of Naval Operations (Stark)
Washington, December 30,
Defense Files
[160] Draft Memorandum by the United States Chiefs of Staff
Washington, December 30,
Defense Files
[162] The British Commander in Chief in India (Wavell) to Prime Minister Churchill
[New Delhi
?] December 30, 1941.
Hopkins Papers
[163] Prime Minister Fraser to Prime Minister Churchill
Wellington, December 30,
Roosevelt Papers
[164] The Consul General at Wellington (Cox) to the Secretary of State
Wellington, December 31, 1941—noon.
740.0011 Pacific War/1508: Telegram
[167] The British Minister of Supply (Beaverbrook) to the President’s Special Assistant (Hopkins)
[Washington, December 31,
Hopkins Papers
[168] The President’s Special Assistant (Hopkins) to the British Minister of Supply (Beaverbrook)
[Washington,] January 1,
Hopkins Papers
[169] The Secretary of the British Chiefs of Staff (Hollis) to the Secretary, War Department General Staff (Smith)
Washington, January 1,
Defense Files
[170] The Assistant Chief of Staff, War Plans Division, United States Army (Gerow) to the Secretary of the British Chiefs of Staff (Hollis)
[Washington,] January 1,
Defense Files
[172] The Assistant Chief of Staff, War Plans Division, United States Army (Gerow) to the Netherlands Minister (Loudon)
Washington, January 2,
Defense Files
[174] The Secretary of the British Chiefs of Staff (Hollis) to the Secretary, War Department General Staff (Smith)
Washington, January 3,
Defense Files
- The source text is an unsigned carbon copy of a letter prepared by Welles at the President’s request and transmitted to the White House on January 1, 1942; the summary of developments prepared by Alan Watt of the Australian Legation (post, p. 322) quotes the President’s reply under date of January 1.↩