List of Illustrations
(These photographs will be found in a group following page 483.)
- Prime Minister Churchill and party on board H.M.S. Duke of York in the North Atlantic, December 1941
- Prime Minister Churchill addressing a joint session of the Congress, December 26, 1941
- Prime Minister Churchill and Mr. Harry Hopkins at the White House, January 1942
- Secretary of State Hull and principal officers of the Department of State, 1942
- President Roosevelt, Prime Minister Churchill, and Prime Minister Mackenzie King with members of the Pacific War Council, Washington, June 25, 1942
- General Marshall, Field Marshal Dill, Prime Minister Churchill, and Secretary of War Stimson, Fort Jackson, South Carolina, June 24, 1942
- President Roosevelt and Prime Minister Churchill with the United States and British Chiefs of Staff, Casablanca, January 18, 1943
- President Roosevelt and General Giraud, with their aides, Casablanca, January 19, 1943
- President Roosevelt with his military and civilian advisers, Casablanca, January 20, 1943
- President Roosevelt, Prime Minister Churchill, and the Sultan of Morocco with other guests before a dinner party, Casablanca, January 22, 1943
- President Roosevelt, Prime Minister Churchill, General Giraud and Major General de Gaulle, Casablanca, January 24, 1943
- President Roosevelt and Prime Minister Churchill at their press conference, Casablanca, January 24, 1943