(2) The War Against Germany and Italy

[124] The Secretary of War (Stimson) to the President

Roosevelt Papers

[127] President Roosevelt to General Weygand

Roosevelt Papers

[128] The President’s Personal Representative (Bullitt) to the President

Roosevelt Papers: Telegram

[129] The Coordinator of Information (Donovan) to the President

Roosevelt Papers

[132] The President’s Personal Representative (Bullitt) to the President

Roosevelt Papers: Telegram

[133] The British Ambassador (Halifax) to the President

Roosevelt Papers

[136] The Presidents Special Assistant (Hopkins) to the President

Roosevelt Papers

[137] The Ambassador in France (Leahy) to the Secretary of State

851.00/2593: Telegram

[139] The Consul General at Algiers (Cole) to the Secretary of State

851.00/2594: Telegram

[140] The Coordinator of Information (Donovan) to the President

Roosevelt Papers

[141] The Coordinator of Information (Donovan) to the President

Roosevelt Papers

  1. The report bears no date but it was submitted on December 26 and was attached as Annex 2 to JCCSs–3; see ante, p. 98. The following statement appears at the head of the report: “This paper was not approved but was returned to the Joint Planning Committee for reconsideration and resubmission for further consideration.” Further consideration was given to the report at the meeting of the Chiefs of Staff on December 31; see ante, p. 146.