Editorial Note
No official record of the substance of this meeting has been found. Only the names of the participants and the time are mentioned in the Log, ante, p. 523. The brief description by Elliott Roosevelt (p. 78) indicates that the French North African situation and the upcoming meeting of the President and the Prime Minister with the Combined Chiefs of Staff were discussed. It may have been at this luncheon that the President showed the Prime Minister a copy of telegram No. 192, January 8, 1943, from London, which transmitted Matthews’ report on a conversation with Eden regarding French North African problems. The copy of this telegram in the Roosevelt Papers, the text of which is printed in Foreign Relations, 1943, vol. II, p. 33, bears the President’s handwritten marginal notation “I showed this to the P.M., Casablanca, Jan 15, 1943. F.D.R.”