Harriman Papers: Telegram

The Presidents Special Assistant (Hopkins) to the British Minister of Supply (Beaverbrook)1


From Hopkins to Beaverbrook

The following matter is thought to be of the greatest importance; the need of a talk between our own emissaries and proper English officials is felt by us, the discussion to take place here and to deal with production and allotment of the world’s raw materials still capable of being obtained in our own two nations and from the resources of our friends. Certain critical items such as steel should be included in this parley. The finished production or distribution of munitions, which should be talked about on other levels would not be the concern of [Page 11] this conference. If you think this a good idea will you please think of whom you would like to represent your Ministry.

  1. Sent to the United States Naval Attaché, London, via Navy channels. Since the original text of the message could not be found in the Hopkins Papers, the editors obtained this copy from Harriman. The source text is a copy of the message as transmitted in paraphrase from Harriman to Beaverbrook’s office on December 14. From a notation on the file it appears that the message was forwarded to Beaverbrook, who had left London on December 12 for embarkation on H.M.S. Duke of York at the Clyde. See Churchill, The Grand Alliance, pp. 625–626.