Withdrawal of American Marines from Haiti and transfer to the Haitian Government by the United States of certain property in Haiti
[305] The Minister in Haiti (Armour) to the Acting Secretary of State
Port-au-Prince, November 28, 1933.
[Received December 2.]
[Received December 2.]
[306] The Acting Secretary of State to the Minister in Haiti (Armour)
Washington, June 5, 1934—8
838.00/3199: Telegram
[307] The Secretary of State to the Minister in Haiti (Armour)
Washington, June 21, 1934—2
838.00/3201a: Telegram
[308] The Secretary of State to the Minister in Haiti (Armour)
Washington, June 21, 1934—7
838.00/3201: Telegram
[309] The Minister in Haiti (Armour) to the Secretary of State
Port-au-Prince, July 2, 1934—1
[Received 3:08 p.m.]
[Received 3:08 p.m.]
838.00/3204: Telegram
[310] The Secretary of State to the Minister in Haiti (Armour)
Washington, July 2, 1934—7
838.00/3204: Telegram
[311] The Minister in Haiti (Armour) to the Secretary of State
U. S. S. “Jacob Jones”, July 5, 1934—8
[Received July 6—6:18 a.m.]
[Received July 6—6:18 a.m.]
811.001 Roosevelt Visit/58: Telegram
[312] The Third Secretary of Legation in Haiti (Drew) to the Secretary of State
Port-au-Prince, July 9, 1934.
[Received July 12.]
[Received July 12.]
[314] The Minister in Haiti (Armour) to the Secretary of State
Port-au-Prince, July 17, 1934—4
[Received 8 p.m.]
[Received 8 p.m.]
838.00/3216: Telegram
[316] The Haitian Secretary of State for Foreign Relations (Laleau) to the American Minister in Haiti (Armour)
Port-au-Prince, July 21, 1934.
[317] The American Minister in Haiti (Armour) to the Haitian Secretary of State for Foreign Relations (Laleau)
Port-au-Prince, July 23, 1934.
[318] Agreement Between the United States and Haiti for the Withdrawal of Military Forces From Haiti, Signed July 24, 1934
Signed at
Port-au-Prince in duplicate in the
English and French languages this twenty-fourth day of July,
Executive Agreement Series No. 68
[319] The Minister in Haiti (Armour) to the Secretary of State
Port-au-Prince, August 8, 1934.
[Received August 14.]
[Received August 14.]
[320] The Secretary of State to the Minister in Haiti (Armour)
Washington, August 14, 1934.
[321] The Acting Secretary of State to the Haitian Secretary of State for Foreign Relations (Laleau)
Washington, August 18, 1934.
838.00/3237: Telegram
[322] The Minister in Haiti (Armour) to the Secretary of State
Port-au-Prince, August 21, 1934—2
[Received 2:30 p.m.]
[Received 2:30 p.m.]
838.00/3239: Telegram