You are instructed to deliver the President’s letter to President Vincent
in such a manner and at such opportunity as may be agreeable to the
President of Haiti.
President Franklin D.
Roosevelt to President Stenio
My Dear Mr. President: I understand that
August 21 next has been set aside as the day to celebrate the
beginning of a new era in Haiti and as one who has worked
consistently to bring about that which you will celebrate on that
day I wish to be one of the first to extend to you, and through you,
to the people of Haiti, my heartiest congratulations and good wishes
for the future of the next oldest republic of our hemisphere.
Since my visit to Haiti in 1917, I have followed developments in your
country with the greatest interest and it has been my sincere desire
to see relations between our two countries placed on the friendliest
possible footing. To this end, since my coming into office, the
Government of the United States has sought to withdraw from all
participation in Haitian internal affairs.
The Haitianization of the Garde and the withdrawal of the American
Marines have been accomplished at a date earlier than was thought
possible largely through the close cooperation and good will
existing between the Haitian and American officers and men which has
made possible rapid progress in the handing over to Haitian officers
of the high commands. But the wise administration of Your
Excellency, and the sense of responsibility and sincere desire of
those in Haiti charged with the Executive, Legislative and Judicial
functions of the Government, to see a Haiti united to meet the
problems confronting all nations today, have also, I feel, been
important factors in bringing about this happy solution which we all
join you in celebrating.
Finally, it is my earnest hope that the plan now under consideration
by the Haitian Government providing for the complete withdrawal of
the Government of the United States from all participation in the
administration of Haitian finance, which I feel represents the limit
to which my Government can properly go, and yet remain faithful to
its obligations, may prove acceptable, and that following the
conclusion of a new treaty putting an end to those now in existence,
we may in the future be bound only by those ties of friendship and
mutual beneficial economic intercourse which should unite friendly
and neighboring republics.
I have but recently returned to Washington after the conclusion of my
long voyage to Hawaii, but the memory of my delightful visit to Cape
Haitian and the warm and friendly reception accorded me by Your
Excellency and all officials of the Haitian Government is still
fresh in my mind.
I avail myself [etc.]
August 13,
[Page 308]
[For texts of additional papers concerning the withdrawal of the
marine and naval forces from Haiti on August 15, 1934, see: (1)
telegram of August 14, 1934, from the Minister in Haiti, (2)
statement by the Secretary of State issued August 15, 1934, and
(3) telegrams exchanged by President Roosevelt and President
Vincent on August 15, 1934, Department of State, Press Releases, August 18, 1934, pages