Negotiations between the United States and Panama for the revision of the treaty of November 18, 1903, and the adoption of a radio convention1

1. For previous correspondence, see section entitled “Adoption of Remedial Measures for the Canal Zone in Consultation With President Arias of Panama During His Visit to the United States,” Foreign Relations, 1933, vol. v, pp. 852 ff.

[578] The Minister in Panama (Gonzalez) to the Secretary of State

711.1928/233 2/7: Telegram

[579] The Secretary of State to President Roosevelt

711.19/200a: Telegram

[580] President Roosevelt to the Secretary of State

711.19/201: Telegram

[582] The Secretary of State to the Secretary of War (Dern)


[585] The Department of State to the Panamanian Legation


[589] The Panamanian Legation to the Department of State


[591] The Minister in Panama (Gonzalez) to the Secretafry of State
