811.001 Roosevelt Visit/58: Telegram
The Minister in Haiti (Armour) to the Secretary of State
[Received July 6—6:18 a.m.]
72. The President landed at Cape Haitien at 9:30 this morning.10 He was greeted at the landing by President Vincent and members of the Cabinet. Due to an attack of dengue fever I was unable to reach Cape Haitien in time to accompany the President ashore. Drew,11 however, together with General Little12 accompanied the President. The President and his party were driven through the streets of the city to the temporary presidential palace where approximately three hundred persons including Haitian and American officials and citizens had gathered to greet him. Brief speeches were made by both Presidents following which a private conversation was held the subject and communiqué of which is to be announced in a communiqué issued by the Haitian Government. Text of speeches and communiqué will be forwarded to the Department by air mail. The main points to be referred to in the communiqué are: (1) announcement of complete Haitianization of the Garde on August 1st and withdrawal of Marine forces during the fortnight following—the President referred to this in his speech; (2) announcement of the action of the Congress authorizing the President to give a portion of Marine Corps equipment in Haiti to the Haitian Government; and (3) announcement that negotiations would shortly be undertaken for conclusion of a commercial treaty.
Following reception the President returned to the Houston receiving President Vincent on board about noon. I was able to be present [Page 298] at this meeting. The visit of the President was an unqualified success from every point of view. The President expressed himself to me as being greatly pleased with the visit. While, of course, full reports have been forwarded by the press the President felt that an official report should be sent to the Department for such use as it may wish to make of it.