The American Minister in Haiti (Armour) to the Haitian Secretary of State for Foreign Relations (Laleau)20
Excellency: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of Your Excellency’s note of July 21, 1934, in which you state that, during the conversations held at Cape Haitian on July 5 last between His Excellency, President Vincent, and His Excellency, President Roosevelt, at the request of the Haitian Government and in view of the rapid progress of the Garde d’Haiti, an understanding was reached to terminate on August 1, 1934, the services of the American officers in that organization and that, a fortnight later, the Marine Brigade will be withdrawn.
With a view to giving effect to this understanding, Your Excellency has communicated to me, on behalf of Your Government, a draft accord with the request that I communicate to you, with the least possible delay, the views of my Government with regard to it in order that a date in the near future may be fixed for the signature of the accord to be reached by our two Governments.
[Page 305]I am now requested by my Government to inform Your Excellency that the draft of the accord transmitted by you meets with its approval. It is proposed, therefore, that, if convenient to you, July 24 next be set for the date of signature.
In conclusion, permit me to express the deep appreciation of my Government of the reference made to the President of the United States in Your Excellency’s note. It is needless to assure Your Excellency that the friendly disposition shown by the President of the United States is prompted by the desire, as he himself said in his address at Cape Haitian on July 5 last, to see the spirit of friendship and understanding that exists between the Governments and peoples of Haiti and the United States continue and become even stronger as the years go on.
Accept [etc.]
- Copy transmitted to the Department by the Minister in Haiti in his despatch No. 364, July 25, 1934; received July 30.↩