Political and financial affairs:—revolution, with Dominican aid; measures taken by the United States to restore order; resignation of President Oreste; election of President Zamor; recognition of his Government by the United States; resignation of President Zamor; election of President Theodore; proposal by the United States of a customs convention and other conditions precedent to recognition of his Government. Protest of Haiti against shipment abroad on the U. S. S. Machias of Government funds on deposit in the Banque Nationale1

1. Continued from For. Rel. 1913, pp. 573575. Political and financial matters are here placed in one chronological sequence because of their intimate connection.

[517] The Secretary of State to Chargé Terres.

File No. 838.00/924.

[518] Consul Livingston to the Secretary of State.

File No. 838.00/930.

[519] Minister Smith to the Secretary of State.

File No. 838.51/340.

[520] Consul Livingston to the Secretary of State.

File No. 838.00/935.

[521] Minister Smith to the Secretary of State.

[522] [Untitled]

File No. 838.00/938.

[523] The Secretary of State to Minister Smith.

File No. 838.00/938.

[524] The Secretary of State to Consul Livingston.

File No. 838.00/930.

[525] The Secretary of State to Minister Blanchard.

File No. 838.51/341a.

[526] The Secretary of State to Chargé Terres.

File No 838.00/949a.

[527] Minister Blanchard to the Secretary of State

File No. 838.00/960.

[528] Consular Assistant Hazeltine, on Special Detail, to the Secretary of State.

File No. 838.00/937.

[529] Minister Blanchard to the Secretary of State.

File No. 838.00/986.

[530] [Untitled]

File No. 838.51/355.

[531] The Secretary of State to Minister Blanchard.

File No. 838.51/355.

[532] Minister Blanchard to the Secretary of State.

File No. 838.00/996.

[533] Vice Consul Czaykowski to the Secretary of State.

File No. 838.00/995.

[534] Minister Blanchard, to the Secretary of State.

File No. 838.00/1006.

[535] The Acting Secretary of State to Minister Blanchard.

File No. 838.00/1005a.

[536] [Untitled]

File No. 838.00/1006.

[537] Minister Blanchard to the Secretary of State.

File No. 838.00/1008.

[538] The Acting Secretary of State to Minister Blanchard.

File No. 838.00/1008.

[539] Minister Blanchard to the Secretary of State.

File No. 838.00/1009.

[540] The Acting Secretary of State to Minister Blanchard.

File No. 838.00/1157b.

[541] Minister Blanchard to the Secretary of State.

File No. 838.00/1019.

[542] [Untitled]

File No. 838.00/1020.

[543] [Untitled]

File No. 838.00/1022.

[544] The Secretary of State to Minister Blanchard.

File No. 838.00/1020.

[545] Minister Blanchard to the Secretary of State.

File No. 838.00/1024.

[546] The Secretary of State to Minister Blanchard.

File No. 838.00/1024.