Soviet Union, October 1986–January 1989

91. Memorandum of Conversation

Source: Department of State, Executive Secretariat, S/S Records, Memoranda of Conversations Pertaining to United States and USSR Relations, 1981–1990, Lot 93D188, Moscow/Washington Oct. 1987. Secret; Sensitive. Drafted by Simons. The meeting took place in Shultz’s office at the Department of State.

92. National Security Decision Directive 288

Source: Reagan Library, Executive Secretariat, National Security Council: National Security Decision Directives (NSDD), NSDD 288. Secret.

93. Paper Prepared in the Central Intelligence Agency

Source: Central Intelligence Agency, Office of the Director of Central Intelligence, Job 89B00224R: Committees, Task Forces, Boards, Councils Files (1981–1987, mostly 1987), Box 11, [text not declassified]. Top Secret; [handling restriction not declassified] The paper was prepared for a meeting between Webster and the President’s Intelligence Oversight Board (PIOB).

94. Non-Paper Prepared by Secretary of State Shultz

Source: Reagan Library, Shultz Papers, 1987 Nov. 16 MTG w/the PRES. No classification marking. An unknown hand wrote in the upper right-hand corner: “Mtg w/Prez 11/18 (GPS gave this to Prez).” According to the President’s Daily Diary, Reagan met with Shultz, Howard Baker, Carlucci, and Duberstein from 1:36 to 2:13 on November 18. (Reagan Library, President’s Daily Diary) Carlucci’s readout of the meeting indicates that Shultz distributed and summarized his “non-paper” at this meeting. (Reagan Library, Carlucci Files, Secretary Shultz (11/04/1987–11/18/1987))

95. Memorandum of Conversation

Source: Reagan Library, Carlucci Files, Secretary Shultz (11/04/1987–11/18/1987). Secret. No drafting information appears in the memorandum, but it was prepared on November 19. According to the President’s Daily Diary, this meeting began at 1:36 and ended at 2:13 p.m. (Reagan Library, President’s Daily Diary)

96. Telegram From the Embassy in the Soviet Union to the Department of State

Source: Reagan Library, Shultz Papers, Secretary’s Meeting With the President, 11/20/1987. Secret; Immediate; Nodis; Calypso. In telegram 361819 to Moscow, November 20, the Department instructed Matlock to tell Dobrynin that Shultz had received this report and found it to be useful. (Ibid.)

97. Memorandum From the President’s Assistant for National Security Affairs (Carlucci) to President Reagan

Source: Reagan Library, Ermarth Files, US-Soviet Summit November-December 1987 (5). Secret. Sent for information. Copies were sent to Bush and Howard Baker. Prepared by Ermarth. A stamped notation on the memorandum indicates Reagan saw it on November 23. Reagan initialed the memorandum next to the date. Ermarth sent the memorandum to Carlucci under a November 19 covering memorandum, requesting that he sign and forward the memorandum to the President.

98. Memorandum of Conversation

Source: Department of State, Executive Secretariat, S/S Records, Memoranda of Conversations Pertaining to United States and USSR Relations, 1981–1990, Lot 93D188, Geneva—11/23–24/87. Secret. Drafted by Parris. All brackets and blank underscores are in the original. The meeting took place at the Soviet Mission.

99. Memorandum of Conversation

Source: Department of State, Executive Secretariat, S/S–IRM Records, Memoranda of Conversations Pertaining to the United States and USSR Relations, 1981–1990, Lot 93D188, Geneva 11/23–24/87. Secret; Sensitive. Drafted by Simons on November 24.

100. Memorandum of Conversation

Source: Department of State, Executive Secretariat, S/S Records, Memoranda of Conversations Pertaining to United States and USSR Relations, 1981–1990, Lot 93D188, Geneva—11/23–24/87. Secret. Drafted by Parris. All brackets, except those that indicate the omission of material, and blank underscores are in the original. The meeting took place at the Soviet Mission.

101. Memorandum of Conversation

Source: Department of State, Executive Secretariat, S/S–IRM Records, Memoranda of Conversations Pertaining to United States and USSR Relations, 1981–1990, Lot 93D188, Geneva—11/23–24/87. Secret; Sensitive. Printed from a draft copy. No final version has been found. The meeting took place in the Ambassador’s Office.

102. Memorandum of Conversation

Source: Department of State, Executive Secretariat, S/S–IRM Records, Memoranda of Conversations Pertaining to United States and USSR Relations, 1981–1990, Lot 93D188, Geneva—11/23–24/87. Secret; Sensitive. Printed from a draft copy. No final version was found. The meeting took place in the First Floor Conference Room at the U.S. Mission.

103. Memorandum From Director of Central Intelligence Webster to President Reagan

Source: Reagan Library, Fritz Ermarth Files, US-Soviet Summit November-December 1987 (12). Secret. Under cover of a December 3 memorandum, Ermarth sent Powell copies of Webster’s memorandum to Reagan, Gates’s memorandum, and a copy of a memorandum from Powell to Reagan, recommending that Reagan read Gates’s memorandum. (Ibid.) Powell subsequently transmitted the CIA memoranda to Reagan under a December 4 covering memorandum; Reagan initialed this covering memorandum and approved Powell’s recommendation that he read Gates’s memorandum. (Ibid.)

104. Memorandum of Conversation

Source: Reagan Library, Ermarth Files, US-Soviet Summit November-December 1987 (12). Confidential. Printed from a December 7 draft copy. The conversation took place at the Maison Blanche restaurant.

105. Memorandum of Conversation

Source: Department of State, Executive Secretariat, S/S Records, Memoranda of Conversations Pertaining to United States and USSR Relations, 1981–1990, Lot 93D188, Washington Summit, 12/87. Secret; Sensitive. Drafted by Simons. The meeting took place in Shultz’s office at the Department of State.

106. Memorandum for the Record

Source: Department of State, Executive Secretariat, S/S Records, Memoranda of Conversations Pertaining to United States and USSR Relations, 1981–1990, Lot 93D188, Washington Summit, 12/87. Secret; Sensitive. Drafted by Simons.

107. Memorandum of Conversation

Source: Department of State, Executive Secretariat, S/S Records, Memoranda of Conversations Pertaining to United States and USSR Relations, 1981–1990, Lot 93D188, Washington Summit, 12/87. Secret. Drafted by Ermarth. The meeting was held in the Oval Office at the White House.

108. Memorandum of Conversation

Source: Department of State, Executive Secretariat, S/S Records, Memoranda of Conversations Pertaining to United States and USSR Relations, 1981–1990, Lot 93D188, Washington Summit, 12/87. Secret. Drafted by Simons. The meeting took place in the Cabinet Room of the White House. Reagan spoke at 1:45 p.m. in the East Room of the White House and praised U.S. and Soviet arms control negotiators, after which he and Gorbachev signed the INF treaty. (Public Papers: Reagan, 1987, Book II, pp. 1455–1456)

109. Memorandum of Conversation

Source: Reagan Library, Fritz Ermarth Files, US-Soviet Summit November-December 1987 (14). Secret; Sensitive. Drafted by Zarechnak. The meeting took place in the small office next to the White House Oval Office. Undated Russian and English draft versions of joint instructions to the Delegations of the Soviet Union and the United States at the Geneva Negotiations on Nuclear and Space Arms are ibid.

110. Memorandum of Conversation

Source: Department of State, Executive Secretariat, S/S Records, Memoranda of Conversations Pertaining to United States and USSR Relations, 1981–1990, Lot 93D188, Washington Summit, 12/87. Secret; Sensitive. Drafted by Parris. The meeting took place in the White House Oval Office. All blank underscores are in the original.

111. Memorandum of Conversation

Source: Department of State, Executive Secretariat, S/S Records, Memoranda of Conversations Pertaining to United States and USSR Relations, 1981–1990, Lot 93D188, Washington Summit, 12/87. Secret; Sensitive. Drafted by Simons and Parris. The meeting took place in Shultz’s office at the Department of State. The abbreviation (fnu) in front of two Soviet participants indicates first name unknown.

112. Memorandum of Conversation

Source: Department of State, Executive Secretariat, S/S Records, Memoranda of Conversations Pertaining to United States and USSR Relations, 1981–1990, Lot 93D188, Washington Summit, 12/87. Secret; Sensitive. No drafting information appears on the memorandum. The meeting took place at the Soviet Embassy.

113. Memorandum of Conversation

Source: Reagan Library, Fritz Ermarth Files, U.S.-Soviet Summit November-December 1987 (13). No classification marking. No drafting information appears on the memorandum. All blank underscores are in the original. The breakfast conversation took place at the Soviet Embassy.

114. Memorandum of Conversation

Source: Department of State, Executive Secretariat, S/S Records, Memoranda of Conversations Pertaining to United States and USSR Relations, 1981–1990, Lot 93D188, Washington Summit, 12/87. Secret; Sensitive. Drafted by Simons. The meeting took place in the White House Oval Office.

115. Memorandum of Conversation

Source: Department of State, Executive Secretariat, S/S Records, Memoranda of Conversations Pertaining to United States and USSR Relations, 1981–1990, Lot 93D188, Washington Summit, 12/87. Secret. Drafted by Parris. The meeting took place in the Family Dining Room at the White House.

116. Minutes of a National Security Planning Group Meeting

Source: Reagan Library, NSC Intelligence Files, System IV Files, Box H381, 40776–40800. Top Secret; [handling restriction not declassified]. The meeting took place in the White House Situation Room.

117. Memorandum From Fritz Ermarth of the National Security Council Staff to the President’s Assistant for National Security Affairs (Powell)

Source: Reagan Library, Ermarth Files, Chron Files, January-February 1988 (1). Secret. Sent for information. Copies were sent to Rodman, Rostow, Linhard, and Ledsky. A stamped notation on the memorandum indicates that Powell saw it.

118. Memorandum of Conversation

Source: Reagan Library, Ermarth Files, General Powell’s Meeting with Georgiy Korniyenko 01/28/1988. Confidential. Drafted by Ermarth. The meeting took place in Powell’s office. Ermarth sent a copy of the memorandum to Powell under a January 29 memorandum, requesting that Powell approve both the memorandum of conversation and an attached memorandum to the CIA and Department of State transmitting a copy of the memorandum of conversation. (Ibid.) A stamped notation indicates that Powell approved the recommendation. NSC Executive Secretary Paul Schott Stevens sent copies of the memorandum of conversation to Levitsky and CIA Executive Secretary H. Lawrence Sandall under a February 3 memorandum. (Ibid.)

119. Memorandum From Secretary of State Shultz to President Reagan

Source: Reagan Library, Shultz Papers, Memoranda for the President (01/27/1988–02/08/1988). Confidential. There is no indication that Reagan saw the memorandum.

120. Minutes of a National Security Planning Group Meeting

Source: Reagan Library, Executive Secretariat, NSC: National Security Planning Group (NSPG) Records, NSPG 176. Secret. No drafting information appears on the minutes. The meeting took place in the White House Situation Room. All brackets are in the original. Powell sent the President copies of the meeting agenda, the list of participants, and a set of talking points under a February 8 memorandum.