59. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in Libya1

530. For Ambassador Jones. Following constitute instructions for second round Wheelus discussions:

A. Objectives

Primary purpose US continues to be that of retaining for as long as possible US access to Wheelus facilities under 1954 Agreement.
Additional objective is to maintain contact with Libyans on Wheelus problem; avoid deadlock which would jeopardize US retention Wheelus or security other US interests in Wheelus; and preserve for the longer term cordial relations between the two Governments.

B. Position concerning 1954 Base Agreement

You should indicate USG has given most careful attention GOL proposal abrogation 1954 Agreement. In our view, such action would not merely affect the important activities at Wheelus which we have been conducting on the expectation agreement would continue indefinitely but also be serious precedent endangering other essential base arrangements. US has never been confronted with or agreed to abrogation similar agreements with other countries. We therefore urge that abrogation issue be set aside.
You authorized, however, make following statement:
By terminal date 1954 agreement (December 24, 1971) the US military presence will have been withdrawn from Wheelus, except for such personnel as GOL may agree should remain.
There are presently no alternative facilities for training activities we conduct at Wheelus. Selection alternative location, planning and development new facilities, relocation equipment would require very considerable study and time. FYI—If pressed by Libyans as to how much study and time are required, you should point out that these are immensely complicated problems for us, and that we trust the GOL will not press us for response now to question whose answer US cannot have before completion of planning well into 1965. End FYI.
Study has already begun regarding equipment and personnel that can be moved out of Wheelus. This study shows initial reductions [Page 91] could begin this year. First reductions would be items least needed. Libyan side will appreciate US will wish retain until last moment before departure full use training facilities now possessed under 1954 Agreement. FYI—Article X of Agreement covers removal of property. End FYI.
We hope that even before our withdrawal is completed Wheelus will be in full operation as the center of a well-equipped RLAF which we endeavoring assist GOL bring into existence as effective force.
To this end we wish propose program for increased participation Libyan military personnel in use of base. We have in mind a broad range of items. Perhaps most important is appointment Libyan officer to act first as a co-commander and eventually as full commander of the base. Other items include enlarged program for training Libyans in base operations, greater Libyan participation in base security. Orderly and effective development of this program will require time. We like to suggest joint Libyan-US subcommittee be established in coming weeks to examine all details of Libyanization.
Wheelus has already begun serve Libyan Air Force and is capable making significant contribution that would relieve your defense budget of substantial expenditures. We visualize broad expansion this support for your forces at Wheelus. Current talks on military sales and assistance will disclose specific needs of the Libyan Air Force that we can meet at Wheelus.
You authorized at your discretion to provide any or all of the foregoing in writing to Maaziq.2

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, DEF 15–4 LIBYA–US. Secret; Priority. Drafted by Blake; cleared by Bronez, Howard Myers in G/PM, Jones in NE, Tasca, Judd in BNA, Newsom, Hinman and Hirschburg in AID, and Runyon; and approved by Harriman. Also sent to Baida and repeated to London, Cairo, Addis Ababa, CINCEUR, and CINCUSAFE.
  2. A detailed account of the second round of U.S.-Libyan negotiations on Wheelus on June 15 was transmitted in airgram A–63 from Baida, June 20. (Ibid.)