60. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in Libya1

4. Joint State Defense message. Ref: Deptel 106 to Baida,2 Baida’s 189,3 London’s 6485 to State.4

Request Ambassador convey to Mazziq that:

US desires to proceed in accordance GOL acceptance US proposal with establishment US-Libyan subcommittee on Libyanization of base.
As Ambassador Jones indicated the US side will consist of both diplomatic and military personnel who will be named at a later date.
US suggests early meeting of subcommittee for which space and staff facilities at Wheelus would be made available. US would appreciate receiving indication from GOL of earliest date on which subcommittee might meet.
US views purpose subcommittee as development and implementation (after obtaining approval if necessary from their respective higher authorities) of measures agreed to by subcommittee affecting existing arrangements and operations at Wheelus which will more clearly identify its character, administration, and facilities with Libyan interests.

The only dates subcommittee should be concerned with are dates of implementation of phased measures of Libyanization program being developed by subcommittee through joint action. FYI: Vital this point be made to distinguish between functions Libyan-US and Libyan-UK subcommittees in order preclude misunderstanding and confusion. End FYI.

FYI: At an appropriate time after Libyanization effort has progressed we would propose that GOL representatives on subcommittee, and few key personnel of MOD and Foreign Office, accept US invitation which Ambassador would be authorized extend for visit by them along with US members subcommittee to other facilities outside Libya where arrangements satisfactory to host governments are in effect. Consider [Page 93] this trip should not be mentioned at outset because the obvious advantages are considered to be outweighed by the disadvantage of possibly confirming any suspicion in the Libyan mind that US objective with respect to Libyanization is continued use of Wheelus by US forces. End FYI.

In drafting final instructions for US side subcommittee, State/Defense considering Lightner’s and Jones’ comments. In this connection also request Embassy forward recommended agenda, including description and problems if any raised for US by each item, for early sessions subcommittee in accordance Hancock conversation with Paolozzi and Moody at Wheelus.

Embassy and Jones authorized to freely exchange info with British on role composition and activities of subcommittee.

Ambassador should not raise other aspects Wheelus problem. If Mazziq tries to raise such matters as abrogation principle, dates, etc., he should be informed Ambassador under precise instructions to follow up on only one aspect 15 June discussion, namely Libyanization subcommittee, and has no instructions other subjects as yet.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, DEF 15–4 LIBYA–US. Secret; Priority. Drafted by Newsom and Blake; cleared by Warren, Runyon, Frazier Meade of BNA, Hilbert of AIR, Eric E. Oulashin, and Bronez and Heffner of DOD/ISA; and approved by Newsom. Also sent to Baida and repeated to London for Lewis Jones, to Benghazi, CINCEUR, and CINCUSAFE.
  2. Dated June 25. (Ibid.)
  3. Dated June 27. (Ibid.)
  4. Not found.