472. Circular Telegram From the Department of State to Certain Posts1

120053. State 102181.2 Yemen SITREP.

Since reftel military situation in Yemen has been altered by YARG success February 6-7 in reopening Hudayda-Sanaa road. Since that time road has been used to transport reportedly large quantities of food, arms, ammunition and other supplies. Saudi and Royalist sources in Jidda confirm loss control strategic road.
Reports indicate that part of reason for Republican success may have been clumsy handling by Royalist prince of local sub-commanders in charge Royalist road blockade, resulting disaffection latter from duties. There is also speculation that Royalist tribesmen feared flow of financial subsidies to them might dry up should Royalists take capital [Page 868] and no longer need maximum support tribal levies. Whatever the combination of reasons, Royalist pressure on Sanaa has for the moment been relieved.
Meanwhile Republicans have embarked on new initiatives to discuss reestablishment of diplomatic relations with USG.3 YARG leadership reportedly prepared talk about inclusion Royalists in a Republican government, excluding Hamid al Din (Imam’s) family. They also continue express desire friendship with Saudi Arabia and with West. These actions suggest some YARG concern at becoming overly dependent on Soviets but neither Republican nor Royalist positions yet appear be flexible enough to encourage meaningful negotiations toward peaceful settlement.
New Italian Ambassador has arrived in Yemen and had initial contacts with top level YARG. He has also conveyed to Rome interest on part YARG leadership in resumption relations with West. GOI particularly interested this prospect to provide for greater Western presence in Yemen.
YARG has reiterated that plane formerly assigned US mission in Yemen may be removed. Tentative arrangements underway do so around end February, using British crew.
YAR and PRSY cooperated in military action in border region Bayhan/Baidha in mid-February to rout “infiltrators” and capture alleged arms cache of tribal elements said to be loyal exiled South Arabian sultans. According Sanaa and Aden radios coordinated action was success. President al-Shaabi in talk with our Charge made it clear PRSY considers arms stockpiling was stimulated by Saudis and hinted at trouble PRSY might make for Saudis if latter were to encourage new anti-PRSY schemes.
According Saudi press King Faisal replied to Arab Tri-Partite Committee request for new Saudi-Egyptian effort to solve Yemen problem (following failure convene protagonists in Beirut) by stating Yemenis should choose provisional government from all contending factions. Reply added all others should abstain from military-political interference. Within this framework King reportedly willing assist any efforts toward settlement. According Saudi Deputy FonMin, Nasser’s reply to Committee’s request had signified UAR willingness work with SAG toward solution through Tri-Partite Committee. Meanwhile, indications are Saudis resuming arms aid to Royalists.
Soviet assistance to YARG continues but at lower level than December. Soviets seem to be interested in preserving the regime.
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Comment: Situation on ground still unclear with further military action likely. Republican aircraft still active and Sanaa in less immediate danger from Royalists. As Hajj period in Saudi Arabia approaches (late February) there may be lull in military operations while both sides reassess and restock from outside. Remains be seen whether Royalists in near future able mount decisive offensive. Meanwhile, we continue question whether military solution feasible and will do what we can encourage efforts looking towards political settlement.

  1. Source: National Archives and Records Administration, RG 59, Central Files 1967-69, POL 27 YEMEN. Confidential. Drafted by Dinsmore and Brewer on February 23, cleared by Robert H. Flenner (EUR/SOV), and approved by Brewer. Sent to Ankara, Aden, Algiers, Amman, Beirut, Cairo, Jidda, Kuwait, London, Moscow, Rawalpindi, Tehran, Tel Aviv, Tripoli, Tunis, and CINCSTRIKE.
  2. Document 471.
  3. Documentation on these initiatives is in the National Archives and Records Administration, RG 59, Central Files 1967-69, POL 17 US-YEMEN.