305. Telegram From the Department of State to the Mission to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization1

161093. NATUS. Subj: European Defense Cooperation. Ref: USNATO 2966.2

Following, based on uncleared memcon, is for your information, Noforn, and subject to revision upon review:
In course of call on Secretary May 7, British Ambassador Sir Patrick Dean referred briefly to Healey’s desire discuss European defense cooperation with Clifford and also to Embassy discussions with Department officials along lines reftel.
Secretary indicated to Ambassador that he supported greater cooperation among Europeans in this field and emphasized that related discussions should consider across-the-board arrangements rather than only particular issues such as offset, arms sales, etc.
  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, DEF 4 NATO. Secret; Immediate. Drafted by Irving G. Cheslaw (EUR/BMI), cleared by McAuliffe and EUR/BMI, and approved by Springsteen. Repeated to Bonn and London.
  2. Telegram 2966, May 8, reported that Healey wanted to discuss some kind of European caucus within NATO on at least some defense matters. (Ibid.)