186. Memorandum From Dean Acheson to Secretary of State Rusk1


  • Tripartite Talks on the Nuclear Question: Action Memorandum

The memorandum which you and Secretary McNamara sent to the President in response to NSAM 3452 envisages early tripartite talks on the nuclear question among the foreign and defense ministers of the UK, FRG and the United States.

[Page 434]

I would suggest the following course of action in pursuing these discussions.

During the visit of Prime Minister Wilson, you or the President might refer to suggestions for tripartite discussions of the nuclear question in the President’s letter of May 213 and indicate that with the completion of some internal US policy consideration of this matter, such discussions would seem to be timely. The same suggestion could be made to Chancellor Erhard during his visit in August or by letter if the visit is postponed.

In describing the framework of the talks and providing assurances to Erhard, we might indicate that the US policy review reaffirmed that the US would take no action which would prejudice later decision to create a collective force.

We might suggest that the tripartite talks be conducted primarily by the Foreign Ministers of the UK, the FRG and the United States in connection with other meetings which bring the three together. The UN General Assembly in September, the tentative October meeting of NATO ministers, or the regular December NATO Ministerial Meetings might provide such opportunities. Defense Ministers of the three governments would be associated with the talks when brought together by either the Special Committee or NATO Ministerial Meetings.

As a starting point in preparation for such discussions, and to provide continuity, we might propose that Mr. Ball or State Department Officials designated by him, discuss the question with the UK and German Ambassadors beginning in mid-September, or earlier if possible.

The scope of the talks should be defined broadly as covering the range of possibilities in the Memorandum for the President on the nuclear problem prepared in response to NSAM 345, and should be conducted on the basis of the directives to be set forth in the NSAM on this subject which is now in preparation in the White House.


That you approve this general course of action.
That you authorize EUR to coordinate the development of positions for such discussions.
  1. Source: Department of State, S/S Files: Lot 74 D 164. Secret. Drafted by Baker.
  2. Documents 171 and 159.
  3. Document 168.
  4. Rusk initialed his approval of both recommendations on July 15.