320. Telegram From the Embassy in Laos to the Department of State0

1372. From Sullivan. Following is first in series telegrams reporting different aspects my discussions Plaine des Jarres:

Only encouraging result two days I spent there was considerable consensus which I found for troika in Defense and Interior. Souvanna at first insisted troika could only be created at SecState level, with both portfolios necessarily in HLC [XK?] hands. He subsequently relented, however, to agree that, during period when plans for integration armed forces and local administration being developed, troika council composed Phoumi, Souphanouvong and himself could handle Defense and Interior matters in lieu single minister assisted by three SecStates. He expected such period of planning last only “two, three months,” after which execution of plans would be ministerial responsibility. He could then assume both Defense and Interior portfolios. Sisoumang and Pheng Phongsavan actively agree with foregoing. General Sinkapo also found it “realistic.” So did Abramov. However Souphanouvong refused [Page 672] commit self, saying such questions were matters of detail to be thrashed out in three Prince meeting, which should be held Plaine des Jarres. He and Phoumi, he stated on several arrogant occasions, could work these things out together. At lunch just prior my departure, Souvanna told me his group and Souphanouvong’s group would have meeting 10:00 am Monday decide course action.

If Souvanna and Pheng Phongsavan (who will head “government” during Souvanna’s absence) have their way, they may propose tripartite meetings, either Hin Heup or Ban Namone at deputy level in order discuss “modalities” which would govern interim direction Defense and Interior affairs pending development integration program. If such talks eventuate, purpose would be prepare way for three Prince talks where Phoumi would concede on Defense and Interior in favor of interim troika councils to govern both areas. Souvanna and Pheng accept need provide Phoumi with face-saving exit from current impasse. So does Sinkapo.

Souphanouvong, however, says that only thing needed is American pressure (see septel1). Indications are that he will hold out against any initiatives which would have purpose saving Phoumi face.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 751J.00/3–3162. Secret; Niact. Repeated priority to Bangkok, London, Paris, Geneva for Fecon, CINCPAC for POLAD, and to New Delhi and Moscow.
  2. Document 321.