86. Memorandum From Acting Secretary of State Bowles to the Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Politico-Military Affairs (Kitchen)1


  • Military Aid to Central American Countries

I have today signed the memorandum to the President recommending that a determination be made authorizing up to $6.5 million in grant [Page 191] military assistance to five Central American republics and Panama to preserve internal security.

If the President makes this determination, a grave responsibility lies on us to insure that the assistance is responsibly administered. I call to your attention the following considerations which appear pertinent:

We must make perfectly clear that this aid is not to be used to deter legitimate popular expressions of aspirations for greater social justice and political freedom. This is particularly important since this assistance is not designed to provide the capability to put down any major uprisings but rather is aimed at the control of “spontaneous outbursts”. If weaponry identified as coming from the United States shoots down non-violent demonstrators, we would obviously be in grave danger of strengthening the popular appeal of forces unsympathetic to the United States.
In Nicaragua—and perhaps in other countries as well—we should be alert to the possibility of conditioning specific elements of our aid upon the accomplishment of specific reforms in police, judicial or other governmental procedures.
We should indicate to all the countries that the problem of internal security in Central America should be a matter of joint rather than unilateral concern. Our goal, I think, should be the development of a coordinated plan for defense against clandestine border crossing and coastal landings so that our aid supports the common determination of these countries to resist Castro subversion, rather than treating each country separately.
We should emphasize again the high importance we attach to “civic action” by the security forces of each country. The recommendation to the President points out that part of the assistance will consist of tools or construction machinery which will enhance the capability of these forces to participate in economic and social development. We should not fail in this respect.

I should like to be kept informed of the major steps which are taken to implement the Presidential determination, keeping in mind the above considerations, and to this end should appreciate your staff keeping Andrew Rice of my office advised.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 710.5-MSP/9-2861. Secret. Drafted by Bowles’ Special Assistant Andrew E. Rice. Filed with Document 84.