62. Circular Telegram From the Department of State to All Posts in the American Republics1

1667. During San Jose conference Secretary met various US newsmen regularly stationed Latin capitals. He impressed by their ignorance Alliance for Progress. Some these same correspondents in recent stories explained at great length why Alliance is failing. In aggregate, they have contributed significantly to negative image of program being formed by US public and Congress.

With concern over problem increasing at highest level administration, Department feels ARA country teams from Ambassador on down have special, urgent responsibility provide maximum positive guidance to resident US correspondents as well as casuals passing through. Without gilding facts or minimizing problems, Department feels there are enough Alliance accomplishments which, if pointed up, would moderate reporters’ preoccupation with program failures and shortcomings.

Evidence of this was seen during San Jose meeting when stories began appear in US press sounding gee-whiz note that in fact there has been considerable and even surprising progress under Alliance.

In laying on guidance, posts should (1) emphasize fact Alliance not US aid program but rather US pledge aid these countries willing make sacrifices and provide great bulk of total investment required in economic, social development programs, (2) deal with self-help projects undertaken without reference to Alliance or without US funding as Alliance projects as long as they are within spirit of Punta del Este and (3) based on materials provided from Washington keep newsmen informed on Alliance as whole and not just your country.

It would be most helpful intensify Latin American identity with Alliance and its goals. Most convincing display of success in Alliance is active participation and involvement in it by Latin leadership.

  1. Source: Department of State, Conference Files: Lot 66 D 110, CF 2229. Confidential. Drafted by King; cleared by Phillips, Martin, and Goldmann; and approved by King.