331. Memorandum From the President’s Special Assistant for National Security Affairs (Bundy) to the Export Control Review Board0

The President has now received recommendations and comments with respect to the internal organization of the Government for consideration of the problem of East-West trade, and has asked me to report the following decision.

The President wishes to proceed as his memorandum of September 191 suggests—with a comprehensive review of our position in this field and with substantial efforts to improve it promptly. He accepts the recommendation of the Secretary of State that established channels of coordination and control be used for this purpose, and it is his understanding that under the direction of the Secretary of State, Under Secretary Ball will be responsible for this coordination, with due regard of course to the statutory responsibilities of the Secretary of the Treasury and Secretary of Commerce. The President further understands that under the general direction of the Secretary of Commerce, Under Secretary Roosevelt will take special responsibility for the work of his department in this field.

Finally, the President accepts the recommendation of the Secretary of State that initial discussions with the Soviet Government shall be conducted by Ambassador Thompson under appropriate guidance.

The President asked me to emphasize again his interest in prompt and energetic action in this field.

McGeorge Bundy
  1. Source: Kennedy Library, National Security Files, Subject Series, Trade, East/West, 10/63-11/63. Secret.
  2. Document 329.