329. Memorandum From President Kennedy to the Export Control Review Board0


I have reviewed the report of the Export Control Review Board1 and its recommendations for action in response to my request of the 16th of May.2 In general, I approve these recommendations, but in giving this approval I should like to have it understood that I am strongly in favor of pressing forward more energetically than this report and its recommendations imply, in our trade with the Soviet and Eastern Bloc. The course of events of the last two months, including particularly the test ban agreement3 and the evidence of greater trade by our allies with the Soviet and Eastern Bloc, persuade me that we must not be left behind. I believe also that one person within the Government should have central responsibility for setting this program into action, and after further consultation I expect to designate such a person. I should be glad to have prompt advice from each of you on this point.

My more specific comments follow.

I agree that the Board should, through the appropriate agencies, go forward with the studies suggested in the first, fourth, fifth and sixth recommendations. Further, the studies and other staff work described in the seventh recommendation should be undertaken under the leadership of the Department of State, with the collaboration of the Department of Commerce and the Department of Defense. These preparations, which are essentially contingency activities, should remain on the staff level for the present.
I approve the second and third recommendations. In giving effect to these recommendations, the judgment of the Secretary of State on the political situation in the satellites and the state of bilateral relations with the Soviet Union should be given special weight by the Board.

The spirit of the third recommendation with respect to satellites should apply not only to the preparation of guidelines but to the disposition of current licensing issues by the Board and the agencies under its direction.

John F. Kennedy
  1. Source: Kennedy Library, National Security Files, Subject Series, Trade, East/West. Secret.
  2. Document 327.
  3. Document 322.
  4. Reference is to the Treaty Banning Nuclear Weapon Tests in the Atmosphere, in Outer Space and Under Water, done at Moscow on August 5, 1963, and entered into force on October 10, 1963; 14 UST 1313; 480 UNTS 43.