- Acheson, Dean, 45–47, 254
- Acheson Advisory Group, 199–200, 211
- Achilles, Theodore C., 403n
- Adenauer, Konrad, 114–116, 156, 172–173, 196
- Advisory Committee on Export Policy, 661, 683, 748
- Afghanistan, 190
- Africa, 18, 21, 37, 42, 249, 333, 348
- Agency for International Development(AID), 24, 32–34, 37–38, 60, 62, 261–270, 285, 293–297, 324–325, 335–336, 389–390, 406–408
- Agricultural Act of 1956, 482n
- Agricultural commodities (see also
Foreign assistance policy; Trade
policy), 7, 60–61, 278–279, 326–327, 354–355
- Agriculture, Department of, role, 238–240, 243–247, 263–264, 327n
- EEC Common Agricultural Policy, 507–508
- food assistance, 192–193, 238–240, 243–247, 326–327
- Food for Peace program, 192–193, 194, 238–240, 264, 354–355
- grain, 641–643, 646, 741–742
- poultry, 121, 187, 559–560, 576–577, 595, 597, 610–614, 635
- Soviet bloc, trade with, 656–657, 689, 741–742 .
- U.S. agricultural package rejected by EEC, 462–463
- wheat, 741–742
- Air Force redeployment, 65, 69–70, 72
- Albright, Raymond J., 157n
- Alexander, George H., 808n
- Alliance for Progress, 18, 37, 294, 789–791
- Amini, Ali, 793–794
- Amory, Robert, 314
- Anderson, Robert, 1, 2, 87n
- Ansiaux, Hubert, 411n
- Asakai, Koichiro, 555–556
- Atomic Energy Agency, 433
- Atomic Energy Commission, 751, 759–761
- Australia, 53, 452
- Austria, 41, 160
- Bacon, Leonard L., 187n
- Balance-of-payments issue, 1–10, 18, 25, 35–36, 38, 63, 76, 101–104, 109–110, 178–184, 208–209, 416–417, 605
- agricultural exports, 7, 60–61
- British position, 112–114
- Cabinet Committee on Balance of Payments, 27, 20–34, 35n, 49–64, 66, 354, 548–553, 554n
- Canada, 52–53, 56–57, 62, 71, 81, 88, 154–155
- cost and price stabilization, 6
- domestic policy, 38–39, 44
- export promotion, 6, 14, 17, 93, 548–554
- foreign assistance policy, 7, 17, 37–38, 41–42, 86, 308–315
- foreign investment policy, 8, 40–41, 45, 51–53, 61–62, 82, 87–88
- France, 56, 81, 155
- Galbraith letters, 75–87
- Germany, Federal Republic of, 81, 105–108, 114–117, 119, 129–133, 171–172
- gold erosion problem, 2, 5, 16–17, 31, 43, 45–46, 48, 54–60, 63, 71, 74, 78–79, 102, 114–115, 135–138, 143, 146–147, 153, 159–164, 169, 174
- Group of Ten declaration, 144–153
- interagency coordination, 10–14, 22–23
- interest equalization tax, 74, 104, 178–184, 185, 187–188
- International Monetary Fund drawingrights, 4, 55, 56–59, 64, 102, 124–125, 128, 133–135
- Italy, 56, 69, 81, 155
- Japan, 518
- military expenditures, 9–10, 15–17, 25–32, 34–37, 44, 55, 60, 62, 68–74, 81, 84–85, 93–100, 110–111, 117–119, 150, 165–168
- monetary policy (see also gold erosion problem above), 42–44, 74, 79, 82, 87–89, 103, 113–114, 125, 138–141, 179–180
- oil, 92, 97
- short-term demand, 4–5, 13–14, 16
- tourisim promotion, 6–7, 14, 40, 61, 80, 85, 103, 169, 171
- trade deficits, 16, 30–31, 47–48
- trade policy, 7–8, 83–84, 88
- United Kingdom, 81, 109, 110
- U.S. forces deployment, 64–68, 71, 89–93, 95, 99–100, 103–104
- Venezuela, 92, 155
- Ball, George W., 10–11, 21n, 87n
- balance-of-payments issue, 12, 25n, 46, 52–55, 58–61, 63, 120, 125n, 129–132, 141–148, 328–334
- export defense policy, 667–668, 670–671, 697–698, 701n, 743, 744–746
- foreign assistance policy, 153–154, 187, 195–198, 203, 212–213, 214n, 220–222, 224–225, 230, 234, 235, 261, 293n, 321n, 328–334, 341, 389–391, 393–395, 492n, 493–495, 501n, 502–503, 506–512, 557n, 786–788
- international investment and development policy, 403n, 409–410, 413–414, 440, 453–454, 459, 462–463, 478–484, 490–491, 492n, 493–495, 501n, 502–503, 506–509
- trade policy (see also export defense policy above), 520–521, 528, 541–548, 568–570, 576–577, 582–584, 603n, 611–614, 621, 622–627, 641, 645
- Barall, Milton, 777n
- Barber (UK), 222
- Barger, Herman H., 356n, 502, 538n
- Barnett, R.W., 337n, 339
- Barter Program, 802–807, 810–811
- Bator, Francis, 86n
- Battle, Lucius D., 212n, 271n, 291n, 293n, 326n, 411n, 479n, 510n, 762n
- Baumgartner, Leona, 338, 340
- Baumgartner, Wilfrid, 411n
- Beale, Wilson T.M., 649n
- Beaudry, Robert M., 529n, 606n
- Behrman, Jack N., 11–12, 654, 664–666, 705n.
- Belcher, Taylor G., 777n
- Belgium, 143, 223, 368, 387, 451, 462–463, 480–481
- Bell, David E., 22, 86n, 87n, 137, 176n, 197–198, 202, 203, 212–213, 219, 271n, 281, 294, 301n, 321n, 335–336, 344, 350–352, 358–368, 370–377, 382n, 383n, 386, 388, 394, 403n, 409n, 653n
- Bell, John O., 261, 409n
- Berger, Samuel D., 281
- Berlin, 65, 708
- Big Lift military exercise, 96, 100
- Birth control, 340
- Black, Eugene, 231, 259, 418–420, 441
- Blaser (Treasury), 187n
- Blessing, Karl, 411n
- Bloomfield, William, 659
- Blough, Roger M., 769n
- Blumenthal, W. Michael, 517n, 538n, 556–557, 565, 573, 586, 599n, 643–647, 768–769
- Bohlen, Charles E., 651–653
- Boland, Frederick H., 399
- Bolivia, 234, 235, 766, 767
- Bolling, Richard, 209
- Boochever, Louis C., 176n
- Boutin, Bernard L., 786
- Bowles, Chester A., 75n, 212–213, 236–239, 243–247, 403–406, 413–414, 651–653
- Brandin, Robert M., 184n
- Brazil, 334, 359
- Breaux, Clarence T., 656n, 703n
- Brentano, Heinrich von, 233–235
- Brown, Emerson M., 466n
- Brubeck, William H., 496n, 701n, 706–708, 797–799
- Bullitt, John C., 51n, 442, 450, 451–452
- Bundesbank, 59
- Bundy, McGeorge:
- balance-of-payments issue, 22, 43–44, 45n, 47n, 66n, 87n, 97n, 167n, 382n, 383n
- economic defense policy, 659n, 706–708, 725–728, 737–739, 743
- foreign assistance policy, 279, 292n, 326n, 344n, 377–378, 392, 393–395
- international investment and development policy, 415, 422–423, 636–639, 655–656
- military expenditures, 201, 255, 271n, 301n
- strategic materials and commodities policy, 758–759, 765–768, 797–799
- Bundy, William, 281, 653
- Burdett, William C., 459n
- Burnstan, Rowland, 768–769
- Butler, Frank P., 457n
- Buy America Act, 32
- Cabinet Committee on Balance of Payments, 27, 20–34, 35n, 49–64, 66, 354, 548–553, 554n
- Cabinet Textile Committee, 546–547, 558, 562, 585
- Callanan, Paul E., 777n
- Canada, 71, 759–760, 773
- Caplan, Benjamin, 178n
- Carpets, 479–484, 518, 519, 528n, 529–531
- Carr, James K., 771, 786
- Carver, John A., Jr., 801
- Cash, Frank E., Jr., 656n
- Chenery, Hollis B., 24n, 282, 283n, 293n
- Childs, Marquis, 611–614
- Chile, 316, 355, 359
- China, People’s Republic of, 280n, 668, 729
- Christopher, Warren M., 471n
- Civil aviation policy, 709–711
- Civil defense, 765
- Claxton, Philander P., 512n
- Clay, Gen. Lucius D., 353
- Clay Committee. See Committee To Strengthen the Security of the Free World.
- Cleveland, Harlan, 326n, 327n, 399n, 403–404, 409–410, 426–433, 440–445
- Cleveland, Stanley M., 606n
- Clifford, Clark M., 1n
- Coal, 173
- Cochran, H. Merle, 440
- Coerr, Wimberley, 767–768
- Coffee, 807–808
- Coffin, Frank M., 19n, 237, 271n, 293n, 313–315, 325n, 341n, 406–408
- Colbert, James L., 651n, 656n, 701n
- Committee To Strengthen the Security of the Free World (Clay Committee), 344–345, 350–353, 358–359, 370–373
- Common Market. See European Economic Community.
- Congo, 432, 480
- Congress, U.S.:
- Agricultural Act of 1956, 482, 510
- Agricultural Trade Development and Assistance Act (P.L. 480) (see also Food for Peace), 7, 239, 240, 354
- balance-of-payments issue, 5–6
- Buy America Act, 32, 765
- Cooley Amendment loans, 355
- Defense Production Act of 1950, 784, 814
- Export Control Act, 658, 660–662, 670n, 679–680, 684–685, 688, 691–692, 707, 712–717, 765export controls, 658–661
- Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, 259–260, 265
- Foreign Assistance Act of 1963, 391, 750
- foreign assistance policy, 259–260
- House Select Committee on Export
- Control (Kitchin Committee), 658, 668
- Johnson Act (1934), 696–697, 733, 744–745
- Mutual Defense Assistance Control Act of 1951 (Battle Act), 648, 650n
- Senate Subcommittee on the National Stockpile and Naval Petroleum Reserve, 775
- Strategic and Critical Materials Stock Piling Act of 1946, 765
- Sugar Act, 761
- textiles, 469–472
- tin, 768
- Trade Agreements Act, 474
- Trade Expansion Act of 1962, 512–516, 532, 537–538, 540, 547, 568–570, 583, 633–634, 750
- trade policy, 469–470, 512–516, 537n, 732, 741
- Webb-Pomerene Act, 62
- Cooley, Harold D., 754–758
- Cooley Amendment loans, 355
- Coombs, Philip H., 236–237
- Cooperative for American Remittance Everywhere, Inc. (CARE), 192n
- Coordinating Committee of the Paris Consultative Group (COCOM), 649–650, 671–674, 700–701, 713–714
- Coppock, Joseph D., 11, 14, 431–432
- Cottam, Howard R., 808n
- Cotton textiles. See textiles under Trade policy.
- Council of Economic Advisers, 75–76, 80, 136
- Couve de Murville, Maurice, 168–169, 621
- Crab meat trade restrictions, 726, 727
- Creel, Robert R., 170n, 176n, 179n
- Cuba, 658, 708, 755, 761
- Cuban missile crisis, 705–706
- Current Economic Developments, 365–369, 384–389, 415–420, 423–425, 445–447, 671–674, 700–701
- Curtis, Donald W., 116n
- Dale, William B., 801
- Daniels, Draper, 39
- Daufresne de la Chevallerie (Belgium), 223
- Davis, Richard H., 176n
- De Gaulle, Charles, 156
- De Lattre, Andre, 145, 146
- Defense Mobilization Order V-7, 780–781, 782, 785, 788, 792
- Denmark, 451–452
- Dequae, Andre, 411–413
- Development Assistance Committee. See under Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.
- Development Assistance Group. See under Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.
- Dillon, C. Douglas, 63, 389–390
- Dobrynin, Anatoly E, 744
- Dominican Republic, 755–758, 761
- Donahue, Ruth S., 276n, 358n, 426, 771n
- Dowling, Walter C., 120, 129, 130
- Dozier, William B., 649n, 752n
- Drury (Canada), 71
- Dulles, Allen W. 254–255
- Duncan (Agriculture), 653
- Dungan, Ralph A., 258n, 271n, 291n, 293n, 297–298, 308n, 312–315, 344–345
- East-west trade. See Economic defense policy; Trade policy.
- Easum, Donald, 271n, 283n, 293n, 370n
- Economic defense policy (see also
Trade policy), 680–689, 695–699, 718–740, 747–750
- British position, 649–650, 671–674civil aviation, 709–711
- “Code of Fair Practices in International Trade,” 707
- Congressional investigation, 658–661
- Coordinating Committee of the Paris Consultative Group (COCOM), 701n, 713–714
- crab meat trade restrictions, 726, 727
- Cuban missile crisis and, 705–706embargo criteria, 671–674, 683–684, 688, 689
- Executive Order 10945, 652, 653–654, 656
- Export Control Act, 658, 660–662, 670n, 679–680, 684–685, 688, 691–692, 707, 712–717, 765
- Export Control Review Board, 653–654, 656, 711–712, 729–740, 743
- export controls, 658–668, 669–670, 683–689, 694–695, 697, 699, 700–701, 703n 746, 747–748
- export licenses, 651–653, 654, 670–671, 683–684
- legislation, 658–661, 691–694, 712–713, 742
- multilateral controls, 691, 694–695, 701–708, 712–713, 715–717, 727, 750
- NSC discussion, 695–698oil pipe and equipment, 674
- Sino-Soviet relations and, 668, 729
- Soviet bloc, trade with, 663–668, 669, 718–728, 748–749
- Soviet Union, trade with, 711–712, 718–725, 741–742, 744–746, 749
- State-Commerce Departments differences, 675–680, 689–694
- U.S. policy, 680–684, 699, 706–708, 718–725
- wheat sales to Soviet Union, 741–742
- Egypt, 316
- Eisenhower, Dwight D., 592
- Eliot, Theodore L., 411n
- Ellis, Frank B., 770n
- Engle, Clair, 559–560, 576–577
- Erhard, Ludwig, 171–174, 411n, 640–643, 645
- Etzel, Franz, 411n
- Europe, 150–151, 193, 369
- European Economic Community, 84, 119, 462–463, 478–479, 487–487, 488, 492, 497, 506–509, 512, 520, 529–560
- Executive Order 10945, 652, 653–654, 656
- Executive Order 10952, 765
- Executive Order 11051, 765
- Executive Stockpile Committee, 779–792, 802–807, 810–815
- Export Control Act, 660–662, 670n, 679–680, 684–685, 691–692, 707, 712–717, 765
- Export Control Review Board, 653–654, 656, 670n, 711–712, 729–740, 743
- Export-Import Bank, 39, 742
- Export licenses. See under Economic defense policy.
- Federal Reserve System, 1, 42, 103
- Feldman, Myer, 63, 479–484, 546–548, 563, 565, 574–576, 581, 586, 608–609, 654
- Ferrarri-Aggradi (Italy), 223, 227
- Fessenden, Russell H., 199n
- Finger, Seymour M., 434n
- Finletter, Thomas K., 118, 119
- Finn, Richard B., 186n, 640n
- Focke, Arthur B., 653n
- Fogarty, Edelen M., 457n
- Foley, Eugene P., 768n
- Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), 422–423, 425, 432, 435
- Food for Peace program, 192–193, 194, 238–240, 264, 354–355
- Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, 259–260, 265
- Foreign Assistance Act of 1963, 391, 750
- Foreign assistance policy (see also
Balance-of-payments issue), 21, 151, 195, 204–211, 218–220, 231–232, 236–239, 257–259, 261, 267–270, 272–279, 293–294, 301, 302–308, 335–336, 346–350, 358–365
- Acheson Advisory Group, 199–200
- Agency for International Development (AID), 261–270, 324–325, 335–336, 389–390
- agricultural commodities (see also food assistance below), 192–193, 278–279, 326–327, 354–355
- Agriculture, Department of, role, 238–240, 243–247, 263–264, 327n
- Asia, 234, 235 balance-of-payments issue, 17, 18–21, 37–38, 41–42, 82, 86, 87–88, 308–315, 317–321
- Bell Report, 373–381
- burdensharing, see multilateral approach below
- Clay Committee, 344–345, 350–353, 358–359, 370–373
- Congressional interest, 259–260
- coordination between economic and military assistance, 302–308, 373–378
- dollar procurement, 309–313, 318–319, 354–355
- food assistance (see also agricultural commodities above), 238–240, 243–247, 326–327
- Food for Peace program, 192–193, 194, 238–240, 264, 354–355
- Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, 259–260, 265
- Foreign Assistance Act of 1963, 391, 750
- Germany, Federal Republic of, 127–129, 233–235, 329–334
- interagency coordination, 10–14
- International Cooperation Administration, 207
- International Development Association, 153–154 international organizations, use of, 426–433
- Latin America, 232, 234, 235, 257, 294
- legislation, 219–220, 259–260, 265–266, 358–359, 370–373, 391–392
- military assistance, 189–191, 201–204, 207, 211–212, 247–256, 271–272, 280–287, 301, 302–308, 322, 373–384, 383n, 393–394
- Military Assistance Steering Group, 280–285
- multilateral approach, 150–151, 195, 200, 206, 208, 209, 213, 278, 279, 317–318, 341–344, 346–350, 362, 364–369, 384–390, 426–433
- neutralism and, 262–263
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization role, 196, 198
- oil, 327–328
- Peace Corps, 207
- Philippines, 265n
- police training and equipment, 298–300, 323–325
- population issue, 337–340
- private property protection, 334
- private sector, 360–363, 388–389
- reductions, 392
- Soviet bloc, 356–357
- Foreign Credit Insurance Association, 39, 549
- Forrestal, Michael V., 314
- Fowler, Henry H., 12, 13–14, 255, 653, 666, 668
- Fox, Ed, 355
- France, 41, 79, 81, 112, 142, 155, 168, 172–173, 774
- Frank, A. Eugene, 589n
- Frank, Isaiah, 214n
- Freeman, Orville L., 63, 238–239, 243–247, 327n, 506–509, 510n, 559, 659n
- Freshman, Arnold, 120n, 125n
- Fulbright, J. William, 356–357
- Funari, John, 312–315
- Furnas, Howard, 798n
- Galbraith, John Kenneth, 75–87, 87n, 308–312, 317–321
- Gant, George, 231
- Gardner, Richard N., 403n, 440–442, 448n, 449
- Gaud, William S., 283–284
- General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) (see also European Economic Community; Trade policy), 426, 457–458, 558
- Germany, Federal Republic of, 69, 81, 127, 142, 171–178, 196, 429
- Africa, 333
- aid to underdeveloped countries, 233–235, 333
- balance-of-payments issue, 81, 117, 119, 120–121, 129–133, 156–157, 171–172
- British position, 111–112
- debt payment, 31, 105–108, 121
- foreign assistance policy, 120, 126, 159, 196, 226–227, 233–235, 329–334, 368, 387, 388
- interest equalization tax, 180–181
- military cooperation with U.S., 132–133, 155, 156, 159
- monetary policy, 111–112, 117, 119, 121
- payments surplus, 110–112, 115–116
- Strauss-Gilpatric agreement, 132–133, 155, 156, 159
- trade policy, 173–175, 629, 635n, 640–647
- U.S. forces deployment, 99, 186–187
- U.S. military expenditures, 16, 17–18
- U.S. military expenses offset purchases, 36, 69, 110–111, 117–118, 125–126, 129–133, 155–159, 176–178, 184–185
- vested interests, 105–108
- Gilpatric, Roswell L., 70, 98, 132–133, 252–255, 786
- Giscard d’Estaing, Valery, 141, 144–146, 152
- Gold, Ruth S., 403n, 663n
- Goldberg, Arthur J., 786
- Goldstein, Mortimer D., 179n, 181n, 541n
- Goodwin, Richard, 404
- Gordon, Lester, 314
- Gordon, Walter, 52, 63, 87n, 354–355, 772
- Graham, John S., 759–761
- Grant, James P., 176n
- Greece, 27, 42, 110, 119, 280n, 285, 303, 355, 376, 379
- Green, Alan, 608n, 615
- Greenwald, Joseph A., 615n
- Griffin (Treasury), 214n
- Gromyko, Andrei A., 744
- Group of Ten declaration, 144–153
- Gudeman, Edward, 11, 14, 503, 663, 769
- Hadraba, Theodore, 541n
- Hague, Osborne, 291n
- Hamilton, Fowler, 24, 25n, 37, 261, 263–264, 271n, 276–277, 286–294, 302–307, 308n, 312–315, 321n, 341, 352
- Hansen, Kenneth R., 13, 14, 219, 271n, 378–381, 429–433, 809n
- Hare, Raymond A., 189n
- Harriman, W. Averell, 358, 394, 709–711
- Hartman, Arthur A., 529n
- Hays, Brooks, 403n, 471–472, 653n
- Heald (Ford Foundation), 340
- Hefner, Frank K., 326n, 434n, 443n
- Heller, Walter W., l1n, 57–59, 87n, 109, 137, 138–141, 401–402
- Herter, Christian A., 60–61, 540–541, 546, 565, 569, 573–575, 593–595, 599n, 603–604, 610–611, 628–637, 641, 643–647
- Hiley, A. Evans, 450n
- Hill, Charles M., 326n
- Hillenbrand, Martin J., 120n
- Hilliker, Grant G., 184n
- Hilsman, Roger, Jr., 254
- Hirabayashi, Martin Y., 187n
- Hitch, Charles J., 27, 76
- Hodges, Luther H., 61–63, 520n, 521n, 565, 585, 616–618, 651–654, 658–663, 659n, 670–671, 684–687, 689–694, 697–698, 701–705, 729–731, 733, 786, 788–789
- Hoeven, Charles B., 757
- Hoffman, Paul G., 403, 404–406, 435, 436–439, 443–445, 449
- Holmes, Julius C., 281
- Holtrop, M., 411n
- Home, Lord Alexander Frederick Douglas, 536–537
- Hong Kong, 460
- Hood, Viscount Samuel, 536n, 537n, 752–753
- Hooker (Treasury), 214n
- Humphrey, George, 592
- Hutchinson, Edmond C., 294, 314
- Iceland, U.S. troop withdrawal, 27
- Ide, W. Carter, 176n
- Ikeda, Hayato, 468–469, 499
- Imhof, Johannes V., 604n
- India, 42, 190, 234, 235, 316, 319, 320, 328, 334, 363, 458, 460
- Indonesia, 766
- Interdepartmental Committee of Under Secretaries on Foreign Economic Policy (ICFEP), 10–14, 22–23, 276–279, 358–365, 426–433, 771–774
- Interdepartmental Committee on Trade Agreements (TAC), 455, 456, 520–527
- International Development Year, 413–414
- Interest equalization tax (see also Balance-of-payment issue), 74, 104, 178–184, 185, 187–188
- International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (ICFEP), 42, 385, 388, 418–420, 440–442, 452–454
- International Cooperation Administration (ICA), 7, 194
- International Development Association (IDA), 153–154, 418, 441–442, 447, 450–454
- International Finance Corporation (IFC), 420, 452
- International investment and development policy, 401–403
[Page 824]
- Agency for International Development, 406–408
- Development Loan Fund, 406–408
- Food and Agriculture Organization, 422–423, 425, 432, 435
- General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, 426
- International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, 418–420, 440–442, 452–454
- International Development Association, 441–442, 447, 450–454
- International Monetary Fund (IMF), 411–413, 415–420, 426, 440–441
- international organizations, use of, 426–433
- U.N. Capital Development Fund, 409–410
- U.N. Decade of Development, 415, 421, 422–425, 441–442, 445–447
- U.N. Development Year, 413–414
- U.N. Special Fund Project for Cuba, 397–399, 403–406, 434–436, 443–446, 448–449
- United Nations, 428–429, 431, 442
- International Monetary Fund (IMF), 43, 138–153, 396–397, 411–413, 415–420, 426, 440–441, 452
- International Tin Agreement, 768–769
- International Tin Council, 797–799
- Iran, 253, 280n, 281, 285, 430, 793–794
- Iraq, 424
- Ireland, 316
- Israel, 53
- Italy, 36, 41, 112, 142–143, 223, 754
- Jackson, Henry M., 559–560
- Jacobsson, Per, 56
- Jacques, Joseph E., 457n
- Jacques, Sidney B., 466n
- James, D.J., 356n
- Janow, Seymour J., 313–314
- Japan, 2, 60–61, 165–166, 518
- Economic Mission to Washington, 461–462, 467
- foreign assistance policy, 113, 223, 229, 385, 387
- interest equalization tax, 181, 182–183, 185, 187–188
- textiles, 464–465, 468–469, 482–483, 517–519, 553–557, 619–620
- trade, 484, 496–501
- U.S. forces redeployment, 69–71, 73, 91–92
- U.S.-Japan Committee on Trade and Economic Affairs, Hakone, November 1961, 483–484, 496n, 497–501
- Javits, Jacob K., 362, 712–713
- Johnson, Charles E., 291n
- Johnson, G. Griffith, 12, 25n, 27–28, 47n, 144, 299–300, 356n, 541–548, 615n, 701n, 795–796
- Johnson, Lyndon Baines:
- Johnson, U. Alexis, 299n, 347n, 382n, 383n, 394, 651n
- Johnson Act (1934), 696–697, 733, 744–745
- Joint Chiefs of Staff, 281
- Jordan, 33, 360
- Kallis, Selma G., 512n, 537n, 599n
- Kannenberg, M. Hollis, 794n, 796
- Kaplan, Jacob J., 214n, 451n
- Katz, S. Stanley, 362, 656n
- Katzenbach, Nicholas deB., 801
- Kaysen, Carl, 24, 43–44, 47n, 49n, 51n, 76, 87n, 135–138, 149–151, 297–298, 309–315, 335–336, 344–345, 354n, 409n, 561, 570, 593n, 598–599, 678n, 689n, 701n, 706, 765–768, 802
- Kelly, John M., 771, 772–773, 788n
- Kennedy, John Fitzgerald, 169
- balance-of-payments issue, 1–3, 14–24, 26, 35–43, 45–66, 75–94, 120–121, 133–134, 138–153, 141n, 161–162, 170, 308–315, 548–554, 593n, 596–597 [Page 825]
- Bolivia, 234, 235
- China, People’s Republic of, 26
- Cuba, 761
- Cuban missile crisis, 705–706
- Dominican Republic, 761export policy, 648
- Food for Peace program, 192n, 194, 239–240
- foreign assistance policy, 195, 198–199, 202, 204–211, 213n, 218–220, 231–236, 256, 258–260, 262–263, 302–308, 316–317, 321, 350–353, 370–382, 391–392
- France, 168–169
- General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), 568–570
- German military expenses offset purchases, 156, 176
- Germany, Federal Republic of, 156, 172, 173, 187
- India, 234, 235, 316
- Japan, 467–469
- Korea, 26
- Latin America, 194
- oil, 770, 799–801, 809–810
- Pakistan, 234, 235
- Peru, 777–778
- Soviet Union, 698
- strategic materials and commodities policy, 774–777, 779–792, 802–806, 810–815
- sugar, 761, 777–778
- trade policy, 168–171, 173–175, 455–457, 493–495, 519–528, 538–541, 554n, 559–560, 564, 570–577, 593–599, 610–614, 617n, 622–627, 660n, 670n, 678n, 684–687, 689–699, 711–712, 733, 740–746
- tourism promotion, 169, 171
- Turkey, 234, 235
- United Nations, 415, 420–422, 422n, 622–627
- uranium purchases, 759–761
- U.S. forces redeployment, 186–187
- Vietnam, 26
- Keynes, John Maynard, 138
- Kirlin, Florence K., 471n
- Kitchen, Jeffrey C., 184n, 271n, 280–282, 394
- Kitchin, A. Paul, 658n
- Klein, David, 184n, 725–728
- Klutznik, Philip, 404, 434n
- Kohler, Foy D., 696–697, 718n, 753–754
- Komer, Robert W., 271n, 281, 282, 307n, 377–381
- Korea, 26, 91–92, 95, 280n, 282, 285, 303, 360, 376, 379
- Korn, David, 125n
- Kotschnig, Walter M., 399n, 705n
- Krannich, Robert H., 129n
- Kriebel, P.W., 347n
- Kristensen (OEEC), 229
- Kupinsky, Ruth H., 705n, 762n
- Kuss, Henry J., 125n, 184n
- Labouisse, Henry R., 194, 212–213, 231, 237, 239–240, 243n, 257n, 261, 403n, 409n
- Labouisse Task Force, 231–232
- Laos, 33, 254, 360
- Latin America, 21, 37, 42, 194, 249, 257, 334, 362, 427
- Leatherman, E. D., 327n
- Leddy, John M., 341, 390, 440–442
- Lee, Frank, 109–114, 234
- Lejins, Nora M., 114n
- Lemnitzer, Gen. Lyman L., 202, 203
- Lewis, James H., 599n
- Lincoln, Murray D., 192n
- Lindhorst-Homan, J., 607
- Lingle, Walter L., 293–294
- Little, E.S., 448n
- Lloyd, Selwyn, 220, 763
- Lobenstine, James C., 214n
- London, Paul A., 462n
- Long-Range International Payments Committee, 64
- Long-Term Arrangement Regarding International Trade in Cotton Textiles (LTA) (1962) (see also textiles under Trade policy), 473–474, 520, 555–557, 558, 564, 565, 570–572, 573
- Louchheim, Walter, 135, 136
- Lubkeman, Walter H., 176n
- Lyon, Robert P., 608n
- MacArthur, Douglas, II, 530n
- Magnuson, Warren G., 559–560
- Manning, Bayless A., 538n
- Mansholt, Sicco L., 607
- Mansholt Plan, 630–631, 641
- Marjolin, Robert E., 226
- Marshall, Charles Burton, 240–245, 248–253, 255
- Marshall Study on the Military Assistance Program, 240–243, 247–248
- Martin, Edwin M., 129n, 163, 195–197, 214n, 268–270, 396n, 399n, 401n, 403n, 409n, 457n, 595–597, 649–650, 651n, 653, 666–668, 771, 777n
- Martin, William McChesney, Jr., 53, 113, 139
- Maudling, Reginald, 145
- May, Alice, 243n
- McCone, John A., 786
- McCormack, John W., 741, 756, 758
- McDermott, Edward A., 786, 799–800, 803–804, 806–807, 810–811,815
- McGhee, George C., 12, 177–178, 267–268, 274–275, 346–350,394
- McGovern, George, 194, 422
- McKitterick, Nathaniel, 326n, 448n, 705n
- McLaughlin, Charlotte M., 656n
- McNamara, Robert S., 25, 36, 60, 64–73, 75, 87n, 94–97, 201–203, 280–282, 382, 383–384, 658–661, 697–698, 731–733, 758–759
- McNutt, Louise, 326n
- Meade, Frazier, 621n
- Meyer, Armin H., 754
- Military assistance policy (see also Foreign assistance policy), 189–191, 201–204, 207, 211–212, 240–243, 247–256, 271–272, 280–285, 301, 302–308, 322, 373–384, 383n, 393–394
- Military Assistance Steering Group, 280–285
- Monti, Vincent J., 179n
- Moor, Carol Carter, 283n
- Morgan, George A., 189n
- Moscoso, Teodoro, 294
- Moynihan, Michael W., 635n
- Mulliken, Jean H., 777n
- Multer, Abraham J., 162
- Mundt, Karl E., 742
- Murrow, Edward R., 279
- Muskie, Edmund S., 471–472
- National Security Council, 687–699
- action memoranda (NSAM):
- no. 4, 751
- no. 6, 195
- no. 22, 198–199
- no. 81, 122
- no. 101, 415, 421
- no. 124, 299n, 325
- no. 126, 776–777
- no. 142, 791–792
- no. 146, 298–299
- no. 150, 301
- no. 159, 307–308, 373, 392
- no. 171, 25–26
- no. 177, 323–325
- no. 187, 806–807, 810
- no. 224, 569–570
- no. 225, 47–48
- no. 228, 379
- no. 242, 382, 383
- no. 270, 98–100
- no. 276, 392
- no. 2455, 699, 704, 706
- actions:
- documents:
- meeting, 503d, July 17, 1962, 695–698
- Standing Group, 28–29, 669, 737–739
- action memoranda (NSAM):
- Nauckhoff, Baron, 452
- Near East, 21, 773
- Nehmer, Stanley, 557n, 589n
- Netherlands, 41, 119, 143, 223, 230, 368, 387, 388, 451, 606–607
- New Zealand, 53
- Newman, George S., 27n, 29n
- Nichols, Clarence W., 753
- Nicholson, James T., 294
- Nigeria, 18, 42
- Nitze, Paul H., 203, 253, 254
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization, 117, 242, 702, 703, 708
- Norway, 451–452
- Norwood, Bernard, 541n, 606n
- Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, 740
- Nunley, William T., 496n
- O’Brien, Lawrence F, 370n, 587
- Office of Civil and Defense Mobilization, 765
- Office of Emergency Planning, 765, 770, 790–791, 792, 803, 810
- Ohira, Masayoshi, 185
- Ohly, John H., 363
- Oil, 92, 97, 327–328, 752–754, 762–764, 770–775, 793–796, 799–801, 808–810
- O’Mahony, Joseph E., 125n, 329n
- Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), 5–6, 113, 200, 213n, 279, 341–344, 390
- Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), 793–796, 808
- Pakistan, 27, 42, 190, 234, 235, 280n, 458, 460
- Palmer, R., 341n
- Paraguay, 355
- Paris Club (IMF Group of Ten), 149
- Parsons (UK), 113–114
- Pastore, John O., 470, 564n, 581
- Peace Corps, 207
- Pearcy, George, 795–796
- Pearson, Lester, 71
- Pelt, Adrian S., 606–607
- Pereira, Pedro T., 224, 229–230
- Perkins, Raymond S., 461n
- Persons, Gen. Wilton B., 1n
- Peru, 777–778
- Peterson, Avery F, 461n, 484–489, 492–493, 502–503
- Petroleum. See Oil.
- Petroleum Study Committee, 770n, 799–801
- Pezzullo, Lawrence, 501n
- Philippines, 265n
- Pius XII, Pope, 340
- Plakias, John N., 397n, 399n
- Plumptre (Canada), 223, 228–229
- Poage, W.R., 756, 758
- Poland, 651n, 658n, 659, 660n, 661n
- Pollack, Gerald A., 541n
- Pollack, Herman, 541n
- Poole, Richard A., 777n
- Population issue, 337–340
- Portugal, 224, 229–230, 368
- Poultry. See under Trade policy.
- Powell, Richard, 621
- Prado y Ugarteche, Manuel, 777–778
- Prebisch, Raul, 623
- Propps, Herbert, 457n
- Rashish, Meyer, 106n, 214n, 512n
- Rathbone, Monroe Jackson, 762–764
- Rayburn, Sam, 648
- Read, Benjamin H., 392, 450n, 603n
- Reed, James A., 801
- Rehm, John Bertram, 537n
- Reilly, Patrick, 648
- Reischauer, Edwin O., 473, 505, 509–510
- Renner, John C., 125n, 403
- Reuter, Richard W., 354–355
- Rey, Jean, 595–597
- Rice, A.E., 265n
- Richardson, David, 326n
- Rickett, Denis, 227–228, 230–231
- Riddleberger, James W., 194, 256, 440
- Riley, Paul H., 801
- Roberts, Richard H., 326n
- Rockefeller, John D., 111, 337, 339
- Rogers, Paul G., 658n
- Romania, 748
- Rooney, John J., 553
- Roosa, Robert V., 4, 13, 46–47, 55–59, 61, 87n, 113, 136, 137, 178n, 401–402
- Rostow, Walt Whitman, 161–164, 195–196, 203, 204–209, 219, 258–259, 262–263, 271n, 363, 718n
- Roth, William M., 635n, 636–639
- Rubber, synthetic, 655
- Rubin, Seymour, 281
- Ruser, Claus R., 808n
- Rusk, Dean, 66–67, 68n,-120–121, 165–168, 383–384
- balance-of-payments issue, 19–22, 89–93, 105–108, 382, 605
- export control policy, 658–663, 675–680, 687–688, 695–698, 701–705, 712–713, 718n, 729–733
- foreign assistance policy, 19–22, 209–213, 257–258, 274–275, 337–340, 346–350, 356–357
- foreign economic policy, 10–11, 14–15, 182–184
- Germany, Federal Republic of, 105–108, 120–121
- international investment and development policy, 420–421, 436–439, 448–449, 473–478, 493n
- Italy, 589
- military assistance, 202–204, 247–248, 253–256, 283–284
- military expenditures, 66–67, 68n, 89–93, 165–168
- population problems, 337–350
- Soviet bloc, 356–357
- strategic materials and commodities policy, 754–758, 762–764
- trade policy, 455–457, 517–519, 530–531, 536–539, 561–568, 573–575, 604–605, 616–618, 641
- Sadrin (France), 223, 225
- Sato (Japan), 461–462
- Saunders, Harold, 301n
- Schaetzel, J. Robert, 496n, 621
- Scheel, Walter, 329–334
- Scheyven, Louis, 462–463
- Schlesinger, Arthur, Jr., 219, 422–423
- Schmulker, Sidney, 125n
- Schroede,Gerhard, 157–159, 171, 186–187, 640–643, 645
- Schweitzer, Paul-Pierre, 452
- Senate, U.S. See Congress, U.S.
- Sheet glass, 518, 528n, 529–531
- Sheppard, David, 328
- Shimoda, Takeso, 223, 229
- Simmons, Frederick, 86n, 176n
- Slater, Warren, 589n
- Smith, Bromley, 192–193, 292n, 378n, 695n
- Smith, Tim, 397–399
- Sneider, Richard L., 468n
- Sorensen, Theodore, 87n, 135–136, 152, 219, 258n, 587
- South Africa, 452, 760–761
- Southard, Frank A., 4, 396–397, 401
- Soviet bloc trade. See Economic defense policy.
- Soviet Union (see also Economic defense policy), 447, 651n, 652
- Spaak, Paul-Henri, 529–531
- Spain, 41, 160
- Special Representative for Trade Negotiations, 22, 540–541, 546–547, 568, 634
- Springsteen, George, 178n, 450n
- Stalder, Andrew, 129n
- Stevens, Robert, 589
- Stevenson, Adlai E., III, 153, 237, 422, 445–447
- Stikker, Dirk, 117, 119, 167, 168
- Stinebower, Leroy D., 794–796
- Stockpiles. See Strategic materials and commodities policy.
- Stoessel, Walter J., 214n
- Stone, Galen L., 589n
- Strategic materials and commodities policy (see
Agricultural commodities):
- Barter Program, 802–807, 810–811
- Canada, 759–760, 773
- coffee, 807–808
- Defense Mobilization Order V-7, 780–781, 782, 785, 788, 792disposal of stockpiles, 811–815
- Executive Stockpile Committee, 779–792, 802–807, 810–815
- national stockpiling program, 774–777, 779–792, 802–807, 810–815
- Office of Emergency Planning, 765, 770, 790–791, 792, 803, 810 oil, 327–328, 752–754, 762–764, 770–775, 793–796, 799–801, 808–810
- Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, 793–796
- Petroleum Study Committee, 799–801
- sugar 754–758, 761, 777–778
- tin, 765–769, 797–799
- uraniurn, 751, 758–761
- Venezuelan oil, 773
- Strauss, Franz Josef, 121, 132–133
- Strauss-Gilpatric agreement, 132–133, 155, 156, 159
- Sugar, 754–758, 761, 777–778
- Sullivan Charles A., 118–119, 125n, 184n, 291n
- Swank, Emory C., 589n, 762n
- Sweden, 41, 55–56, 150, 451–452
- Sweeney, Joseph, 656n
- Symington, Stuart, 263–264, 775
- Taiwan, 376
- Takeuchi, Ryuji, 504–505, 509–510, 619–620
- Tannenwald, Theodore, 231
- Tariffs. See Trade policy.
- Tax depreciation reform, 38
- Taylor, Gen. Maxwell D., 298n, 299–300, 301n
- Textiles. See under Trade policy.
- Thailand, 42, 254
- Thompson, Kenneth, 339, 340
- Thompson, Llewellyn E., 658n, 679, 753, 744
- Thorp, Willard L., 366, 387
- Tilson, David, 434n
- Tin, 765–769, 797–799
- Tobin, Irwin M., 58, 75, 79, 87n, 136–137
- Toner,Joseph, 291n
- Trade Agreements Committee. See Interdepartmental Committee on Trade Agreements.
- Trade Expansion Act of 1962, 512–516, 532, 537–538, 540, 547, 568–570, 583, 633–634, 750
- Trade policy (see also
European Economic Community; General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade; International investment and development policy), 455–457, 496–497, 540–541
- agricultural commodities, 462–463, 506–509, 523, 595, 621, 623–624, 630–631, 641–643, 646, 656–657, 689
- Belgian carpets and glass, 480–481
- bicycles, 536–539
- carpets, 479–484, 518, 519, 528n, 529–531
- escape clauses, 489, 515, 518–519, 528, 633
- Export Control Act, 658, 660–662, 670n, 679–680, 684–685, 688, 691–692, 707, 712–717, 765
- export expansion, see trade expansion below
- France, 566, 583–584, 604–605, 607, 621, 629, 640–641
- glass, 528–531
- Hong Kong, 482–483
- House Select Committee on Export Control (Kitchin Committee), 658, 668
- Interdepartmental Committee on Trade Agreements (TAC), 455, 456, 520–527
- Italy, 589, 620
- Japan, 484, 518
- MansholtPlan, 630–631, 641
- Netherlands, 606–607
- oil, 92, 97, 327–328, 708, 762–764, 770–775
- preference issue, 625–627, 631–632
- sheet glass, 518, 528n, 529–531
- Soviet bloc and Soviet Union, see under Economic defense policy
- Soviet most-favored-nation trade status, 745
- Special Representative for Trade Negotiations, 22, 540–541, 546–547, 568, 634
- textiles, 60–61, 457–460, 464–474, 479–484, 504–506, 509–512, 517–520, 532–536, 589–592, 619–620
- Cabinet Textile Committee, 546–547, 558, 562, 585
- cotton equalization fee, 504–506, 509–512, 533–534
- Long-Term Arrangement Regarding International Trade in Cotton Textiles (LTA) (1962), 473–474, 520, 555–557, 558, 564, 565, 570–572, 573
- President’s Advisory Committee on Textiles, 458
- U.S. 7-point program, 464–465, 467, 473
- wool, 535–536, 546–548, 555–559, 561–568, 570–576, 578–581, 589, 608–609, 615–616, 619–620
- Trade Expansion Act of 1962, 512–516, 532, 537–538, 540, 547, 568–570, 583, 633–634, 750
- trade expansion program, 541–545, 548–554, 568–570, 593–608, 616–618
- U.N. Trade and Development Conference, 622–627
- U.S.-Japan Committee on Trade and Economic Affairs, Hakone, November 1961, 483–484, 496–501
- White House Conference on Export Expansion (1963), 616–618
- Treaty of Rome, 83
- Trezise, Philip H., 490–491, 512n, 529n, 675–677, 703n, 801
- Tunisia, 42
- Turkey, 27, 42, 110, 119, 234, 235, 280n, 281, 285, 303–304, 376, 379
- Turner (BOB), 653
- Turpin, William N., 656n
- Tuthill, John W., 279
- Tyler, William R., 120n, 129–132
- Udall, Stewart L., 809–810
- U.N. Capital Development Fund, 397–400, 409–410
- U.N. Coffee Conference, 807–808
- U.N. Decade of Development, 415, 422–425, 441–442, 445–447
- U.N. Development Authority, 409–410
- U.N. Development Year, 413–414
- U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), 422–423, 425, 432, 435
- U.N. Special Fund Project for Cuba, 397–399, 403–405, 434–436, 443–445, 448–449
- U.N. Trade and Development Conference, 622–627
- United Arab Republic, 316
- United Kingdom (see also
European Economic Community), 81, 109, 119, 142, 145–146, 368, 429
- balance-of-payments issue, 2, 81, 109–110, 112–114, 159–160
- bicycle trade, 536–539
- COCOM List review, 649–650, 671–674
- foreign assistance policy, 224, 227–228, 230–231, 385–387
- Japan, 113
- oil trade, 752–754
- Soviet oil purchases, 763
- trade policy, 459–460, 525, 566, 608n, 615–616, 621, 667–668, 671–674
- U.S. economic relations, 108–114
- United Nations (see also U.N. headings), 338, 428–429, 431, 442
- Uranium, 751, 758–761
- Van Houten (Netherlands), 223
- Vedeler, Harold C., 658n
- Veliotes, Nicholas A., 466n
- Venezuela, 92, 155, 316, 755, 773
- Vettel, Thelma E., 187n, 457n, 510n, 619n
- Vietnam, 26, 33, 42, 254, 280n, 36Vine, Richard D., 599n
- Vinson, Carl, 470, 564n
- Walker, Herman, 521–527
- Wallner, Woodruff, 448n
- Webb, William O., 189n
- Webb-Pomerene Act, 62
- Weiss, Leonard, 457n, 512n, 529n, 537n, 541n, 599n, 606n
- Weiss, Seymour, 201n, 211n
- Werner, Pierre, 411n
- Westfall, Virginia, 399n
- Westrick, Ludgar, 222–223, 226–227, 644
- White, Lee, 790–791
- White House Conference on Export Expansion (1963), 616–618
- Whitt, John S., 451n
- Widman, FL., 178n, 179n, 181n
- Wilkin, David, 399n
- Williams, Manning H., 192–193, 257
- Wilson, George M., 453–454
- Wilson, James M., Jr., 201n
- Wilson, Leonard, 512n
- Wirtz, W. Willard, 565, 801
- Woods, George, 452
- Woodward, Robert H, 257
- Wool textiles. See under Trade policy.
- Wright, Robert H., 661n, 675n, 701n, 712n
- Wyndham White, Eric, 458, 473, 506n, 556, 558, 559, 573
- Young, M.S., 656n
- Yugoslavia, 193, 658n, 660n, 750
- Zijlstra, J., 411n