174. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in Guinea0

105. Deliver following to Sekou Toure. Advise Department date time delivery:

“August 15, 1960.

Dear Mr. President: Thank you for your telegram of August seventh1 outlining the views of your Government on the troubled Congo situation which has caused us all such concern.

The United States Government and people fully share your desire to see the problems of the Congo settled as rapidly as possible. As you know, we have been requested on several occasions to assist the Government of the Republic of the Congo unilaterally. I believe very strongly, however, that the present crisis in the Congo can be surmounted only through the united efforts of all countries which believe in human freedom and justice, with these efforts coordinated through the United Nations under the effective leadership of Secretary General Dag Hammarskjöld. The United States is proud of its role in responding to the appeal from the Secretary General and I am especially gratified that among the troops flown by American planes was the entire Guinean contingent.

I believe that the August ninth resolution in the Security Council2 will prove to be a great step toward calming the situation in the Congo as a whole. As you know, this resolution called upon the Government of Belgium for the immediate withdrawal of Belgian troops from Katanga under “speedy modalities to be determined by the Secretary General.” The United States voted for this resolution as it has for the others on the same problem, and will continue to support the United Nations effort to the limit of its ability.

In view of your prominent position in Africa, it would be a great contribution to peace if you were able to use your influence to encourage the fullest possible support for the United Nations effort in the Congo.

I deeply appreciate your warm expression of friendship which is wholeheartedly reciprocated by the United States Government and me personally.

[Page 412]

Sincerely, Dwight D. Eisenhower.”

White House does not intend release this message in line with its long standing policy of maintaining confidential character of such communications between heads of state. Signed original being pouched.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 770G.00/8–1660. Official Use Only; Presidential Handling. Drafted by Cassily, cleared with John Eisenhower, and approved by Calhoun. Herter sent the President a draft of the letter on August 13 with a covering memorandum stating that while he did not wish to encourage Touré to continue the correspondence, it seemed worthwhile to take advantage of the occasion to stress the need to support the United Nations in the Congo. (Ibid., 770G.00/8–1360)
  2. Document 166.
  3. See footnote 1, Document 170.