166. Message From President Touré to President Eisenhower0

In view of the gravity of the situation in the Congo and the unified, effective support by all the African peoples of our brothers in the Congo, we consider it our duty, in the spirit of loyal cooperation between our peoples for the sake of peace and friendship, to appeal to you personally, as well as to the Government and Congress of the United States, to take vigorous action to obtain immediate and full implementation of the Security Council resolution calling for evacuation without delay of all Belgian troops from the Congo and respect for the territorial integrity of that State.

We are certain that if you will contribute your support, only a few hours will be needed to save the peace, which will benefit the African peoples and the entire world.

Considering this appeal to be a cry of alarm from Africa, humiliated and under attack by its enemies, we firmly hope to be accorded the complete support of the American Government and people, particularly in view of their determining role in world affairs.

You may be assured, Excellency, of our desire to cooperate with, and our steadfast friendship for, the American people.

My very high consideration.1

Sékou Touré2
  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 770G.00/8–860. Official Use Only. The source text, a translation, was attached to a memorandum of conversation by Cassilly, dated August 8. The message was delivered by Guinean Chargé Sylla Lamine.
  2. Telegram 67 from Conakry, August 8, reported that Diallo reiterated this message to Flake, saying that if the United States failed to act, its position and prestige in Africa “would be finished.” (Ibid.)
  3. Printed from a copy that bears this typed signature.