388. Message From Secretary of State Dulles to Prime Minister Ben Gurion1

My Dear Mr. Prime Minister: I am concerned at a number of recent developments which have served to increase tension between Israel and Jordan at this very critical time.2

We have already expressed to you our hope that the tree planting activity being carried out by Israel in the area between the lines at Jerusalem be suspended, without prejudice, at this time. We greatly regret that Israel has seen fit to continue this activity. The matter is now before the Security Council and the Chief of Staff of the UNTSO has submitted a report3 to the Council recommending that work be stopped to create an atmosphere in which the Mixed Armistice Commission might be able to resolve this problem peacefully.

We were disturbed to hear of the incident of October 19 involving a Jordan civilian passenger aircraft and an Israel fighter plane wherein the civilian plane, which had seven American citizens aboard, was subjected to Israel fire. We have already had occasion to invite the attention of the Israel Government to this matter and to urge that fullest cooperation with the Mixed Armistice Commission be extended so that the facts of this case can be determined and a basis established for the prevention of the recurrence of such dangerous incidents.

We have now received reports that since September there have been indications of digging activity at night in the Mount Scopus area and that free access to the area has not been accorded to personnel of the UNTSO desiring to inform themselves as to the nature of this activity. This situation has given rise to apprehension and concern.

As you know, the Jordanians are being subjected to very heavy propaganda and other pressures from the Soviet Union, Syria, and Egypt because of the demonstrated determination of King Hussein to [Page 773] maintain the independence and integrity of his country. It seems clear that further tension between Jordan and Israel could only serve to benefit the interests of disruptive elements in the area. There are indications that the Jordanians may feel impelled to take dramatic action of some sort to demonstrate that they have not acquiesced in the Israel initiatives.

We wish to make clear that we are not now seeking to comment on the substance of the rights and duties of the parties under the Israel-Jordan Armistice Agreement. We feel the determination of this is the responsibility of the appropriate bodies of the United Nations. Our object is to avoid injecting the Israel-Arab dispute in acute form into the situation.

We see no basis for deferring action in the Security Council with respect to the tree-planting matter. Our position in those debates will be based largely on the recommendations of the Acting Chief of Staff. We would urge renewed consideration by your Government of the suggestion that tree planting be suspended without prejudice for the time being.

We hope that your Government will cooperate fully with the Mixed Armistice Commission with respect to the October 19 plane incident.

We feel that concern over the reports of activity on Mount Scopus could be dispelled if a representative of the UNTSO were able to make a thorough inspection of the area.

These suggestions demonstrate the great importance we attach to full cooperation with the Israel-Jordan Mixed Armistice Commission by both parties to the Armistice Agreement.

In expressing the hope that you and your Government will give earnest consideration to this message, I would emphasize again the high importance which we attach to avoiding Israel-Jordan incidents at this particularly grave period in Middle East affairs. We are expressing our views to the Jordan Government and strongly cautioning against any precipitate action.

With kindest personal regards,


John Foster Dulles4
  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 684A.85/10–2357. Secret. Transmitted to the Embassy in Tel Aviv in telegram 310, October 22, 8:19 p.m., which is the source text, with the instruction: “Deliver following personal message to Prime Minister soonest”. Telegram 310 was drafted by Bergus, cleared by Rountree and Howe, approved by Dulles, and signed by Rountree for Dulles.
  2. On October 22 in Amman, Foreign Minister Rifa’i protested strongly to Ambassador Mallory regarding a recent Israeli attack on a Jordanian civilian airplane, maintained that such provocations appeared to be increasing, and threatened to stop the next Israeli convoy headed for the Israeli sector of the enclave on Mt. Scopus. Mallory commented to the Department of State that “that the Jordanian Government cannot continue impotent for too long particularly as such Israeli activity embarrasses Jordan’s pro-Western stand and makes her even more a target for Russian and Syrian propaganda.” (Telegram 807 from Amman, October 22; Ibid., 684A.85/10–2257)
  3. U.N. doc. S/3892. See Document 369.
  4. Telegram 310 bears this typed signature.