369. Editorial Note
On September 4, Jordanian U.N. Representative Haikal requested an urgent meeting of the Security Council to consider Jordan’s complaint concerning continued Israeli activities in the no-man’s land around Government House in Jerusalem. (Letter from Haikal to the President of the Security Council; U.N. doc. S/3878) The following day, Israeli Representative Kidron requested the Security Council to consider an Israeli complaint that Jordan was violating provisions of the Israeli-Jordanian Armistice Agreement, particularly Article VIII, which provided for a special committee to enlarge the scope of the agreement. Kidron maintained that Jordanian refusal to agree to the function of this special committee had resulted in an infringement of Israeli religious and educational rights. He also charged that Jordan had constantly violated the provisions of Article I of the Armistice Agreement which affirmed the principles of non-aggression, non-intimidation, and the promotion of peace, and Article XII which provided for a review of the provisions of the agreement. Finally, Kidron denied that there were any aggressive aspects to the work being undertaken in the area in question. (Letter from Kidron to the President of the Security Council, September 5; U.N. doc. S/3883)
Both items were placed on the Security Council’s agenda and discussed at the 788th meeting on September 6. After considerable discussion, the Council decided to request separate reports from the Chief of Staff of UNTSO on each complaint. (U.N. doc. S/PV.788)
In his first report, dated September 23, Colonel Leary of UNTSO maintained that while the Chief of Staff had authority to ensure the demilitarized character of the area between the lines, there was no basis for UNTSO authority to regulate civilian activities there. Therefore, Leary proposed a meeting of the Mixed Armistice Commission (MAC) to discuss civilian activities in the zone with a 2-month deadline to reach a decision, and that pending such discussions Israel suspend its activity. (U.N. doc. S/3892)
In his second report, dated October 31, which dealt with the Israeli accusations of September 5, Leary advised that Israel was entitled to request the implementation of the provisions of Article VIII of the Armistice Agreement, but that Israel could best facilitate the implementation of the Agreement if it resumed full participation in the meetings of the Mixed Armistice Commission and offered full cooperation to UNTSO. He also noted that each side accused the other of violating Article I and that no progress had been made toward the implementation of Article XII. (U.N. doc. S/3913)