- Abdul, Hassan, 397
- Abdullah, King of Jordan, 843
- Abramov, Alexander N., 91
- Adams, Sherman, 215
- Adib, Mamdouh, 102
- Afghanistan, 600
- Albert, Carl, 214
- Algeria, 142, 860
- Allen, Leo E., 214
- Alphand, Hervé, 21, 249–251, 285, 289n, 296, 305, 339, 350, 359, 415n, 528n, 572n, 587, 622–623, 624
- Amer, Gen. Abdul Hakim, 786, 828
- Amin, Moustafa, 26
- Anderson, Robert B., 40, 738, 739–740
- Anis, Abrahim, 332
- Aqaba, Gulf of. See Gulf of Aqaba/Tiran Straits.
- Arab boycott of Israel, 702, 703, 704
- Arab investment bank, proposed, 858, 861
- Arab-Israeli dispute (see also
Arab-Israeli settlement). See:
- Arab boycott of Israel
- Arms shipments to Arab countries under Israel
- Banat Yacub incident
- Fedayeen
- Gaza, Egyptian re-establishment in
- Gaza, UNEF takeover of
- Gaza administration issue
- Gulf of Aqaba/Tiran Straits
- Israeli withdrawal from Sinai and Gaza
- Jerusalem neutral zone dispute
- Syria, possible conflict with under Israel
- Arab-Israeli settlement (see also
Arab-Israeli dispute). See:
- Boundaries issues
- Palestine, comprehensive approach to
- Palestinian refugees
- Arab Summit Conference (Cairo, February 1957), 310, 323n
- Arends, Leslie C., 214
- Argaman, Zev, 225n
- Armstrong, W. Park, Jr., 209n, 590–591, 594n
- Asbjornson, Mildred J., 29n, 187n, 239n, 244n, 245n, 345n, 347n, 369n
- Asha, Rafik, 620n
- al-Assali, Sabri, 459n
- Aswan Dam (see also Congress, U.S.: Review of Middle East policy):
- Australia, 67, 540, 579–580, 725
- Azkoul, 86, 89
- Azzam Pasha, Abdul Rahman, 605–608, 636–641, 648, 656–657, 659, 660, 685–687, 691n, 722, 744
- Baghdad Pact, 16, 588, 696n, 729, 733, 801
- Bailey, Ronald, 492, 595n
- Balkhair, Abdullah, 323
- Banat Yacub incident, 849
- Bank of International Settlements, 478, 487, 521n
- Baraduc, Pierre, 296
- Barawy, Achid, 802
- Barbour, Walworth, 245
- Barco, James W., 56, 97, 144, 245, 427, 526n
- Barnes, Robert G., 29, 745n
- Barnes, Roswell, 239–240
- Baxter, William O., 779, 780
- Beal, John Robinson, 499
- Beam, Jacob D., 511
- de Beaumarchais, J.D.C., 601
- Becker, Loftus E., 656n, 679–680, 681, 688, 691n, 694, 722, 765n
- Beeley, Harold, 452, 584n
- Beliard, Jean, 21, 285
- Bell, James O., 851–852
- Bender, Albert F., Jr., 33–34
- Ben Gurion, David:
- Border settlements, defense of, 384
- Economic situation, 384
- Egyptian troops, attacks on, 7, 13
- Eisenhower, communications with, 79–80, 82–84, 89–90, 109–112, 225–227, 235, 308–309, 312–313, 345–350, 379–380, 410–411, 428–430
- Gaza, Egyptian re-establishment in:
- Gaza, UNEF takeover of, 13–14, 46, 406, 429
- Gaza administration issue:
- Gulf of Aqaba/Tiran Straits:
- Hammarskjöld, attitude toward, 6–7
- Israeli troop withdrawals:
- Declaration of withdrawal, 300–301, 304, 308–309, 337, 345, 347–350
- Eisenhower, communications with, 79–80, 82–84, 89–90, 109–112, 225–227, 235, 308–309, 312–313, 345–350, 379–380
- Israeli Government meetings on, 91n, 228, 229, 237–238
- Israeli reluctance, reasons for, 379, 384
- Israeli revised position, 235, 237–238
- Non-belligerency issue, 148–149
- Process of withdrawal, 359
- UNGA debate re, 73n
- U.S. aide-mémoire on, 170–172, 188, 189
- Jordanian-Israeli relations, 772, 857
- Palestinian refugees, 172
- Richards Mission, 598, 601
- Soviet influence in Middle East, 727, 728
- U.N. sanctions against Israel, 111, 123, 148, 200, 203–204
- U.S. security guarantee for Israel, 793n
- Bennike, Gen. Vagn, 849n
- Bennsky, George M., 649, 662n
- Berding, Andrew H., 511, 546n
- Bergus, Donald C., 10n, 43n, 44n, 61, 73n, 82n, 112, 145, 225n, 226n, 270n, 386, 394n, 412n, 433, 489, 492n, 504, 552n, 603, 620n, 634, 637n, 643, 645, 652n, 655, 661n, 701, 708n, 712n, 727, 747, 772n, 788n, 792n, 793, 821, 828, 831
- Bermuda Conference (March 1957):
- Bernau, Phyllis D., 112n, 115n, 126n, 137n, 138n, 147n, 151, 156n, 196n, 198n, 199n, 201n, 206n, 212n, 213n, 227n, 228n, 229n, 271n, 272n, 273n, 274n, 275n, 279n, 283n, 284n, 290n, 304n, 317n, 330n, 337n, 338n, 357n, 361n, 377n, 442n, 467n, 512n, 564n, 569n, 619n, 656n, 660n, 744n, 859n
- Berry, James Lampton, 701, 706, 710n, 765n
- Bishop, F.A., 452
- Bizri, Gen. Afif, 801–802
- Black, Eugene, 653, 739, 775–778, 838–840
- Blackiston, Slator C., 14n
- Blake, Eugene C., 240
- Boggs, Marion W., 695
- Boundaries issue:
- Bourgès-Maunoury, Maurice, 414n, 415n
- Bowie, Robert, 29, 209n
- Brook, Sir Norman, 452, 774
- Brown, Elizabeth A., 779
- Bulganin, Nikolai A., 17
- Bunche, Ralph J., 46, 122, 123, 143, 150, 276, 277, 398, 399, 405, 417, 444, 447n, 474n, 500
- Bunker, Ellsworth, 556n
- Burdett, William C., Jr., 636n, 642n, 645n
- Burgess, W. Randolph, 179, 738
- Burke, Adm. Arleigh T., 558, 853–856
- Burns, Maj. Gen. E.L.M., 6, 27n, 28, 333, 351, 359, 361, 372, 396, 404, 405, 423, 442, 444, 474–475, 476–477
- Byrd, Harry F., 69
- Byroade, Henry A., 413
- Caccia, Sir Harold, 452, 762, 766, 774
- Canada, 121, 633, 725
- Cannon, Clarence, 214, 619n
- Cargo, William I., 697n
- Caruthers, Osgood, 839
- Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), 209–211, 590–595, 604, 619
- Chamoun, Camille, 609
- China, People’s Republic of, 175
- Chiperfield, Robert B., 214
- Clapp, Gordon R., 662n
- Clapp mission, 662
- Clay, Gen. Lucius D., 143, 147, 150, 207
- Comay, Michael S., 350, 793n
- Congress, U.S.:
- Acts of:
- Aswan Dam (see Review of Middle East policy below)
- Eisenhower Middle East policy, consideration of, 69–70, 122
- Israeli troop withdrawals, resolution on, 218–219, 221–222, 250
- Legislative leaders meeting with Eisenhower, 214–224, 231–232
- Palestinian refugees, 743
- Review of Middle East policy (see also Suez crisis below), 69–70, 122, 626
- Suez crisis, intelligence on, 590, 592, 619
- U.N. sanctions against Israel, opposition to, 139–140, 142–143, 144, 147, 196, 215–224, 231–232
- Cook, Charles D., 860
- Corbett, Jack C., 362n
- Cordier, Andrew W., 93–94, 99, 106, 122, 123, 153n, 247, 277, 278, 324, 361–362, 367, 399, 570n, 741n
- Coulson, Sir John, 318, 564, 572n, 586n, 623
- Crosthwaite, Ponsonby M., 373
- Cumming, Hugh S., Jr., 696n
- Cunningham, Joseph H., 679
- Cutler, Robert, 100, 695
- Dale, William N., 762
- Daridan, Jean, 285, 296
- Dayan, Maj. Gen. Moshe, 359
- De Palma, Samuel, 27n, 31n, 44n, 58n, 75, 142n, 306, 311n, 473n, 511, 515–517, 550n, 553n, 575n, 585, 586n
- Dean, Arthur H., 138, 201–203, 206–207, 212, 227–228, 233–234, 253, 279
- Dean, P.H., 452
- Denmark, 580, 725
- Dillon, C. Douglas, 286, 295, 381, 468, 504, 511, 738, 739, 776, 788n, 846
- Egypt, U.S. sanctions against, 693, 778, 840
- Gulf of Aqaba/Tiran Straits, 422n
- Israel, U.S. economic assistance for, 650–651, 652, 653n
- Suez Canal, 550n, 584, 585, 616n, 617,
- Clearance costs, repayment of, 694, 765n
- Egyptian declaration on operation of Canal, 431n, 432n, 485n, 494n, 496n, 509n, 529n, 553n,
- Interim arrangement on operation of Canal, proposed, 421n
- Negotiations, responsibility for, 362
- UNSC consideration of Egyptian declaration, 511, 526n, 528n, 539n, 546, 547n, 572, 583n, 621n, 622
- Suez Canal Users Association, 575n, 576n
- al-Din, Zakarya Muhi-, 594
- Dirksen, Everett S., 219, 221
- Dixon, Sir Pierson, 27n, 57, 140n, 365–366, 373, 544, 550, 581n, 585, 586
- Dorman, John, 762, 766
- Drain, Richard D., 619n
- Dulles, Allen W., 47–48, 51, 74, 99, 116n, 209n, 151, 510, 565n, 566, 694–695, 744, 840
- Dulles, John Foster, 1–3
- Arab attitudes toward, 744
- Arab-Israeli dispute, intractability of, 29
- Arms shipments to Arab countries, 703, 733
- Aswan Dam decision, 499, 626, 627n
- Baghdad Pact, 733
- Bermuda Conference, 448n, 450–451, 454–461, 463n
- Boundaries issue, 837n, 842–844, 847–850
- Eban, meetings with, 158–170, 180–187, 189–194, 254–267, 291–295, 299–303, 311–317, 325–326, 340–347, 351–355, 356–357, 433–441, 701–705, 727–733, 747–749, 779–785, 828–830, 831–832
- Egypt:
- Cotton sales to U.S., 451
- Funds frozen in U.S., 41–42, 450–451, 738, 753
- Jews in, 12
- Jordan, relations with, 795–796
- Positive neutrality policy, 753–754
- Soviet Union, relations with, 776–777
- United Kingdom, financial relations with, 764, 826–827
- United States, relations with, 11–12, 645–648, 721n, 752–755, 776–777, 788n, 795, 796, 805–806
- U.S. economic assistance, 468
- U.S.-U.K. policy toward, 763–764
- Gaza, Egyptian re-establishment in:
- Complete takeover by Egypt, 438–439, 442, 444, 456
- Hammarskjöld, communications with, 442–444
- Israeli concerns, U.S.-Israeli discussions re, 433–441
- Israeli return in response, 352–357, 359, 368–370, 375–376, 377, 418n
- Nasser, communications with, 445–447
- Pre-withdrawal consideration of, 2–3, 10, 263–265, 271–275, 279, 287–289, 291–294, 296–298, 312, 325–326
- Gaza, UNEF takeover of, 361
- Gaza-Gulf of Aqaba/Tiran Straits settlements, link between, 191, 202, 263
- Gulf of Aqaba/Tiran Straits:
- Free navigation issue, 11, 31, 104–105, 151–152, 155, 190–191, 242, 250, 260–262, 659, 680–688, 694
- ICJ jurisdiction, 455, 466n, 660–661
- Israeli military activity, possible, 684–685
- Israeli protection of its own ships, 261
- Israeli warships in, 614, 616n, 625, 643–645, 656, 659n, 683, 704
- Pilgrims’ passage issue, 684, 687
- UNEF for, 261, 455
- U.S. assurances to Israel, 116, 120, 129, 201n, 286
- U.S. ships in Gulf following Israeli withdrawal, 253, 260, 454–455, 557–558
- Hammarskjöld-Nasser negotiations, 442–444, 467–469
- Israel:
- Collective security arrangement, Israeli interest in, 828–830
- Eisenhower Doctrine as security guarantee, 732, 733
- Export-Import Bank loan, 845n, 846n
- Fedayeen raids against, 14–15
- Immigration to, 655–656, 775
- Jordan, relations with, 772–773
- Soviet Union, relations with, 748
- Syria, possible conflict with, 620–621, 695, 704, 731–732, 733
- U.N. sanctions against:
- Arab-Asian resolution, 15, 28, 44, 53n, 147, 197, 198–199
- Congress, U.S., opposition of, 139, 142–143, 144, 147, 188, 196, 216–218, 220, 221, 223, 231–232
- Eisenhower-Macmillan communications re, 252n
- Israeli declaration to withdraw and, 334
- Israeli position, 294
- Schedule for debate, 181–182, 187, 192, 194, 266, 301
- Security Council as forum for, 143–144
- U.S. position, 102–103, 121–122, 136–137, 301–302
- U.S. resolution, 196, 230, 232–233, 236, 241, 243, 280, 284–285, 290, 304
- U.S. economic assistance, 40–41, 505n, 552–553, 655–656, 705
- U.S. military assistance, 106, 713n
- U.S. security guarantee, 195, 780–785, 792–793
- Israeli troop withdrawals, 38n, 79–80, 82n
- Declaration of withdrawal, 298–306, 309–310, 311–313, 317–320, 325–326, 330–331, 332–336, 338, 341–347
- Eban, private conversations with, 206–207, 212, 227–228
- Eisenhower-Ben Gurion communications, 225n, 226n
- Israeli aide-mémoire on, 160–165, 178–179
- Israeli revised position, 229, 260–267, 268–270, 291–294
- Process of withdrawal, 333, 335, 346, 347, 355
- U.N. attitudes, Israeli hope to change, 193–194
- UNGA debate on, 58, 72–73, 179–180
- U.S. aide-mémoire on, 118–121, 125–132, 147n, 156–158, 163, 187–188, 190–191
- U.S.-Arab discussions re, 154–155
- U.S.-French discussions re, 249–251
- U.S.-Israeli bilateral negotiations, proposed, 162, 178
- U.S. policy to apply pressure, 94
- U.S. position, 24–25, 27–28, 179, 183–186
- U.S. religious groups’ position, 239–240
- Jordan, 732–733
- Loss of Middle East, fears re, 188
- Meir, meetings with, 299–303, 377–378, 433–441
- Middle East, Eisenhower policy on, 30, 69, 122
- Nasser:
- NATO, 748–749, 828–830, 841
- Oil supplies for Europe, 236–237, 242–243, 251, 267
- Operation Stockpile, 106
- Palestine, comprehensive approach to:
- Palestinian refugees, 661, 674, 704–705, 743n, 747n, 797n, 807, 816, 859
- Richards Mission, 552–553, 565, 566
- Saud, meeting with, 77
- Saudia Arabia, U.S. military assistance to, 644
- Soviet influence in Middle East, concerns about, 732, 752–755, 782–783
- Suez Canal:
- Alternatives, need for, 602–603
- Clearance costs, repayment of, 765–766
- Clearing operations, 1–2, 3–4
- Egyptian declaration on operation of Canal, 431n, 432, 449–450, 473–474, 482–484, 485n, 488, 492–494, 496–497, 509–515, 519, 527–530, 550–551, 553–556, 569–570, 601–602
- Eisenhower-Macmillan communications re, 574n
- Hammarskjöld-Nasser negotiations, 442–444, 467–469
- Interim arrangement on operation of Canal, proposed, 117–118, 140, 152–154, 205–206, 251, 400, 403, 457–458, 460–461, 467–469
- Israeli access issue, 100–101, 121–122, 468, 514–515
- Negotiations on reopening, proposed, 22–23, 40, 52–53, 63–64, 65–66
- U.K. resumption of use, 616–617
- UNSC consideration of Egyptian declaration (first round), 511–512, 515n, 525–526, 550–551, 561n, 562–565, 569n, 571–572, 573
- UNSC consideration of Egyptian declaration (second round), 582–583, 584–586, 595–596, 621, 624
- U.S. information activities re, 531–532
- U.S. working group on Canal issues, 362
- Suez Canal Company, settlement with Egypt, 738, 753, 775–776
- Suez Canal Users Association, 575–577
- Suez crisis:
- Syria, 25, 734n
- U.N. debate (see UNGA debate re under Israeli troop withdrawals above)
- U.N. sanctions against Israel (see under Israel above)
- UNEF funding, 770–771, 820
- UNRWA funding, 747n, 797n
- Eban, Abba, 43, 73, 492n, 654, 759
- Arms shipments to Arab countries, concerns about, 701–702, 729–730
- Collective security arrangement, Israeli interest in, 794, 828–830
- Dulles, meetings with, 158–170, 180–187, 189–194, 254–267, 291–295, 299–303, 311–317, 325–326, 340–347, 351–355, 356–357, 433–441, 701–705, 727–733, 747–749, 779–785, 828–830, 831–832
- Egypt, nationalism in, 754
- Eisenhower Doctrine as security guarantee for Israel, 183, 730
- Export-Import Bank loan, 845, 846n
- Fedayeen raids against Israel, 14, 15
- Gaza, Egyptian re-establishment in:
- Complete takeover by Egypt, 438
- Israeli acceptance of token Egyptian presence, 425–426
- Israeli concerns, U.S.-Israeli discussion re, 438, 439, 441
- Israeli return in response, 351–355, 356–358, 364, 375, 441
- Nasser’s purpose, Israeli position on, 409–410
- Non-belligerency issue, 409
- Pre-withdrawal consideration of, 189–190, 264–265, 272–274, 275–278, 279, 291–295, 309, 312, 325–326
- Gaza, UNEF takeover of, 371
- Gaza administration issue:
- Gaza-Gulf of Aqaba/Tiran Straits settlements, link between, 191, 202–203, 258–259
- Gulf of Aqaba/Tiran Straits:
- Economic importance to Israel, 643–644
- Free navigation issue, 126–127, 159, 182, 186–187, 190–191, 201, 255, 702
- ICJ jurisdiction, 506–507, 508
- Israeli protection of its own ships, 256, 307, 312
- Israeli warships in, 395, 616n, 634–635, 642–645, 704
- Multinational declaration re, 257
- Pilgrims’ passage issue, 634–635, 637n, 643
- UNEF for, 35–36, 61–62, 130, 159, 163, 191, 201, 183, 256, 257–258, 276, 277, 307–308
- U.S. ships in Gulf following Israeli withdrawal, 255, 394
- Hammarskjöld-Nasser negotiations, briefing on, 505–506
- Immigration to Israel, 412n
- Israeli troop withdrawals, 35–36
- Declaration of withdrawal, 300–301, 306–309, 311–313, 325–326, 340–347
- Dulles, private conversations with, 206–207, 212, 227–228
- Israeli aide-mémoire on, 158–165
- Israeli reluctance to withdraw, 112–115, 128
- Israeli revised position, 254–267, 276–278, 291–295
- Negotiations with U.N. officials, 91, 92, 93–94, 97–98
- Non-belligerency issue, 130–131
- Process of withdrawal, 338n, 339, 347
- U.N. attitudes, Israeli hope to change, 193–194
- U.S. aide-mémoire on, 119–120, 125–132, 134–135, 145–146, 189–191, 265–266, 267
- Jerusalem neutral zone dispute, 779
- Jordanian-Israeli relations, 780, 831–832
- NATO, 748–749, 781, 828–830
- Oil pipeline in Israel, 507
- Palestine, comprehensive approach to, 831–832
- Palestinian refugees, 159, 702–703, 833
- Richards Mission, 552–553, 603
- Soviet influence in Middle East, concerns about, 727–730, 780–781
- Soviet-Israeli relations, 552, 747–748
- Suez Canal:
- Syrian-Israeli conflict, possible, 702, 730
- U.N. protections for Israel, inadequacy of, 185–186
- U.N. sanctions against Israel, 113, 181–182, 192, 194, 265–266, 301
- U.S. economic assistance, 407, 410, 504–505, 552–553, 703
- U.S. military assistance, 712, 731
- U.S. security guarantee for Israel, 730, 780–785
- Eden, Anthony, 458, 627
- Egypt (see also
Aswan Dam; Gaza, Egyptian
re-establishment in; Suez Canal; Egyptian subheadings under other subjects):
- Communists in, 16–17, 716, 802
- Cotton sales to U.S., 451
- Economic situation, 48, 49, 50, 74
- Funds frozen in U.S.:
- Hammarskjöld-Nasser negotiations (see under Suez Canal below)
- IFC, membership in, 778, 840
- IMF withdrawals, 49, 50
- Imperialism concerns, 247–248
- IPC pipeline, 176–177
- Israel, diplomatic contacts with, 248
- Jews in, 12, 20–21, 412
- Jordan, relations with, 48, 795–796, 800–801, 804
- National Intelligence Estimate on, 790–791
- Nationalism in, 632, 647, 754
- Political situation, 16–17, 74, 713–715
- Positive neutrality policy, 632, 646–647, 677, 716–717, 753–754, 777–778, 786
- Press vilification of U.S., 678
- Radio campaigns against, 20, 177, 588–589
- Richards Mission, 565–566
- Soviet Union, relations with:
- Suez Canal:
- Suez Canal Company, settlement with (see also Suez Canal above), 738, 739, 753, 756–757, 775–776, 839–840
- Syria, relations with, 694, 740, 785–786, 801–802
- Turkey, relations with, 696
- United Kingdom, financial relations with, 711, 763–764, 826–827
- United States, relations with, 11–12, 247–248
- U.S. economic assistance, 468–469
- U.S. military assistance, 213, 627–628
- U.S. objectives and policy for, 380–382, 386–392, 596–597
- U.S. Omega plan re, 608–610
- U.S. sanctions against (see also Funds frozen in U.S. above):
- U.S.-U.K. policy toward, 762–764
- Egyptian-American Rural Improvement Service, 787
- Eisenhower, Dwight D. (see also
- Arab-Israeli dispute, 273
- Ben Gurion, communications with, 79–80, 82–84, 89–90, 109–112, 225–227, 235, 308–309, 312–313, 345–350, 379–380, 410–411, 428–430
- Bermuda Conference, 448n, 450–451, 452–459, 461–462
- Congressional leaders, meetings with, 214–224, 231–232
- Egypt:
- Gaza, Egyptian re-establishment in, 422n
- Gaza, UNEF takeover of, 268, 422n
- Gulf of Aqaba/Tiran Straits:
- Israel, U.N. sanctions against, 147, 199, 252
- Israeli-Syrian conflict, possible, 695
- Israeli troop withdrawals, 102n, 243
- Ben Gurion, communications with, 79–80, 82–84, 89–90, 109–112, 225–227, 235, 308–309, 312–313, 345–350, 379–380
- Declaration of withdrawal, 298n, 308–309, 338, 345, 347–348
- Israeli aide-mémoire on, 178–179
- Israeli revised position, 229, 268–269
- UNGA debate on, 179–180
- U.S. aide-mémoire on, 118–119, 126n, 156–158, 195n
- Middle East policy, 7–8, 30
- Nasser:
- Nationalism and neutralism, views on, 453
- Richards Mission, 393, 565
- Said, meeting with, 847
- Saud, meetings with, 77, 80
- Saud’s letter of friendship, 323
- Suez Canal:
- Suez crisis, 805
- Syria, 734–735
- United Kingdom, U.S. relations with, 453–454
- Eisenhower Doctrine, 98, 174
- Elbrick, C. Burke, 21, 209n, 241, 249, 285, 295, 318, 362, 418n, 421n, 422n, 452, 601, 624, 762, 766
- Eliav, Pinhas, 8–9
- Engen, Hans, 67, 92, 364, 818–819, 821–825, 835–836, 860–863
- Eshkol, Levi, 90, 598, 599, 600, 649–651, 654–656
- Ethiopia, 630, 729
- Export-Import Bank, 214, 215, 505, 553, 650, 651, 703, 839, 840, 845–846
- Faisal, Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia, 744
- Faisal II, King of Iraq, 842
- Falk, Elmer M., 610n
- Faure, Maurice, 24
- Fawzi, Mahmoud:
- Gaza, Egyptian re-establishment in, 197n, 360–361, 447n
- Gaza, UNEF takeover of, 46, 149, 360–361, 397
- Gulf of Aqaba/Tiran Straits, 46, 477
- Israel, U.N. sanctions against, 54–55, 95–96, 141–142, 223n, 304
- Israeli troop withdrawals:
- Palestine, comprehensive approach to, 809
- Palestinian refugees, 742, 824, 860–861, 862–863
- Richards Mission, 565, 566
- Suez Canal, 19, 22, 32, 57
- Egyptian declaration on operation of Canal, 430, 432, 469, 479–480, 498, 500n, 502–504, 513, 514, 519, 520–522, 523, 530n, 532n, 536, 547, 559–561, 570n
- ICJ jurisdiction, 697n
- Improvement fund, 521n
- Interim arrangement on operation of Canal, proposed, 374, 389, 397, 427
- UNSC consideration of Egyptian declaration, 568–569
- Suez Canal Company, settlement with Egypt, 756–757, 840
- U.S.-Egyptian relations, 678n, 758
- Fedayeen, 13, 14–15, 19–20, 103, 407
- Finland, 753, 776
- FitzGerald, Dennis A., 745n
- Flemming, Arthur S., 236, 242
- Fobes, John E., 362n, 745n, 770n, 820n
- Ford, Alan W., 553n, 697n
- Forrestal, James V., 137
- Fox, Gen. Alonso, 105, 106
- France (see also French subheadings under other subjects):
- Frechtling, Louis E., 610n
- Free navigation issue. See under Gulf of Aqaba/Tiran Straits.
- Freitas-Valle, 92
- Frost, Adm. Lawrence H., 208
- Fuad, Ahmed, 802
- Fulbright, J. William, 30, 69, 70, 221–222, 223, 626
- Furnas, Clifford C., 208
- Galbun, Mahmud, 332
- Gamon, David L., 14n, 81n, 398n, 550n, 610n, 620n, 642n, 661n, 698n, 706, 828, 831, 860
- Gardiner, George B., 712n
- Garner, Robert Livingston, 778
- Garvey, T.W., 452
- Gaza, Egyptian re-establishment in:
- Administrative governor, appointment of:
- Complete takeover by Egypt, U.S.-Israeli concerns re, 438–439, 442, 444, 456
- Dulles-Hammarskjöld communications re, 442–444
- Dulles-Nasser communications re, 445–447
- Egyptian position, 360–361
- Eisenhower-Ben Gurion communications re, 410–411, 428–430
- Israeli acceptance of token presence, 425–426
- Israeli concerns, U.S.-Israeli discussions re, 433–441
- Israeli return in response:
- Military forces in Gaza, 416–417, 422, 475
- Military forces in Sinai, 420, 423–424
- Nasser’s purpose, Israeli position on, 409–410
- Non-belligerency issue, 409, 480–481, 490–491
- Pre-withdrawal consideration of:
- U.S.-U.K. discussions re, 455–456
- Gaza, UNEF takeover of, 361–362
- Civil administration by UNEF, 423, 429
- Consultants to assist with, 143, 147, 150
- Currency issue, 372
- Dissolution of UNEF, possible, 441, 443–444
- Egyptian position, 360–361, 365, 405
- French position, 350
- Hammarskjöld-Nasser negotiations, 474–477
- Hammarskjöld’s report on, 244–246, 264
- Infiltrators, dealing with, 438, 474–476
- Initial takeover period, 370–371
- Israeli dissatisfaction with, 406–407
- Israeli satisfaction with, 702
- Israeli side, stationing on, 365, 367–368, 371
- Israeli-UNEF meetings, 359
- Legal status of UNEF, 365–366, 368
- Military forces, dealing with, 476–477
- Pre-withdrawal consideration of (see also Israeli declaration of withdrawal under Israeli withdrawal from Sinai and Gaza: UNGA debate on), 2
- U.N. Advisory Committee for, 397, 476
- U.S. assurances to Israel, 282–283
- U.S.-U.K. discussions re, 455–456
- Gaza administration issue (see also
Gaza, Egyptian re-establishment in; Gaza, UNEF takeover of; and Declaration of withdrawal
Israeli withdrawal from Sinai and Gaza):
- Gulf of Aqaba/Tiran Straits settlement, link to, 191, 202–203, 258–259, 263, 277, 283
- Israeli civil administration:
- Local administration, 145
- Moratorium on public comment, 371
- U.N. commission to deal with, proposed, 183, 187, 200, 204, 292
- U.N. long-term administration, proposed, 862–863
- UNEF civil administration, 423, 429
- U.S.-Israeli working group on, proposed, 135
- U.S. position, 328–329
- George, Walter F., 15, 116, 142n, 147, 310, 452
- Georges-Picot, Jacques, 325, 372–373
- Germany, Federal Republic of, 199, 209, 579, 725
- Ghana, 729
- Gleason, S. Everett, 51, 101
- Gohar, Lt. Col. Salah, 423
- Gomulka, Wladyslaw, 599
- Goodpaster, Brig. Gen. Andrew J., Jr., 200n, 209n, 215, 228n, 295, 323n, 380, 381–382, 387n, 404n, 410n, 418n, 422n, 448, 452, 546n, 547, 659, 713n
- Gordon, Thomas S., 8, 214
- Graham, J.A.N., 458n
- Graham, Philip, 136n
- Gray, Gordon, 105
- Green, Joseph C., 122
- Green, Theodore F., 69, 214
- Greene, Joseph N., Jr., 27n, 65n, 659, 737, 749n
- Gromyko, Andrei A., 732, 747–748, 749, 760, 777, 780, 782
- Gruenther, Gen. Alfred M., 122
- Gulf of Aqaba/Tiran Straits:
- Economic importance to Israel, 643–644
- Egyptian military activity, possible, 183
- Free navigation issue (see
- Arab position, 123, 151
- Definition of terms, 159, 255, 260–261
- Egyptian position, 110, 123, 151, 173–174, 411
- Eisenhower-Saud communications re, 659, 687–691, 722, 734–736
- French position, 24, 250
- Israeli position, 6, 8–9, 14, 126–127, 166, 169–170, 182–183, 186–187, 190–191, 204, 255, 313–315, 383, 437, 702
- Multinational declaration re, proposed, 250, 257, 261–262
- Saudi position, 103–104, 242, 322, 498–499, 606, 607n, 686, 722
- Searches of ships, 455
- U.K. position, 242
- U.S. aide-mémoire on, 691–693, 694, 722, 736
- U.S. assurances to Israel, 115, 116, 120, 129, 133, 201, 282–283, 286
- U.S. position, 11, 31, 104–105, 133, 151–152, 155, 190–191, 260–261, 294–295, 313–314, 328, 390, 499, 606
- U.S.-Saudi exchanges of views, 659–660, 681–692
- U.S.-U.K. discussions re, 454–455, 466
- Gaza settlement, link to Gulf developments, 191, 202–203, 258–259, 263, 277, 283
- ICJ jurisdiction:
- Interim arrangement to govern shipping, proposed, 657, 679–680
- Israeli military activity, possible, 684–685
- Israeli protection of its own ships:
- Israeli warships in:
- Arab position, 625
- Israeli position, 634–635
- Saudi position, 605–608, 636–641, 648
- Tying up of warships, 616n, 704
- U.N. consideration of, possible, 636–641, 648, 657
- U.S.-Israeli discussions re, 395, 634–635, 642–645
- U.S. position, 395, 625–626, 638, 683
- U.S.-Saudi discussions re, 605–608, 636–641, 648, 656–657
- U.S. strategy for dealing with, 614–616, 657–659, 679–681
- Israeli withdrawal from Sharm al-Sheikh. See Declaration of withdrawal under Israeli withdrawal from Sinai and Gaza.
- Pilgrims’ passage issue, 118–119
- Saudi policy of “closed Arab Gulf,” 102, 498–499, 606, 607n, 686, 722
- U.N. neutral warship, proposed, 658–659
- UNEF for, 2, 25, 45–46
- Duration of deployment, 328
- Egyptian support for, 477
- Hammarskjöld-Eban talks re, 91–93
- Israeli position, 35–36, 43, 61–62, 63, 115, 130, 166, 171, 183, 256, 257–258, 276, 307–308, 314
- Mission, definition of, 159, 163, 191, 201, 257–258, 262, 276
- Naval units, 256, 261, 277, 307
- Saudi position, 105
- U.S. position, 31, 261, 328, 422
- Withdrawal, conditions for, 257–258, 262, 269, 276, 314, 455
- U.S. ships carrying war materials to Israel, Saudi concerns re, 605–608
- U.S. ships in Gulf following Israeli withdrawal:
- Gunewardene, R.S.S., 39
- Hagerty, James C., 178n, 195, 196, 199n, 215, 236n, 295, 422n, 452
- Haikal, Mohammed, 26, 710n, 720n, 723
- Halleck, Charles, 219
- Hammarskjöld, Dag:
- Ben Gurion’s attitude toward, 6–7
- Egyptian funds frozen in U.S., 41
- Gaza, Egyptian re-establishment in, 365, 416–418, 425–426
- Gaza, UNEF takeover of:
- Gaza administration, 197
- Moratorium on public comment, 371
- Gulf of Aqaba/Tiran Straits:
- Israel, U.N. sanctions against, 123, 143
- Israeli-Jordanian relations, 832n, 857
- Israeli troop withdrawals:
- Declaration of withdrawal, 317, 319, 324
- Egyptian forces used in event of failure to withdrawal, 56–57
- Israeli revised position, 276–278, 279
- Negotiations with U.N. officials, 91–94, 97–98
- Process of withdrawal, 366
- Reports to UNGA, 123–124, 141, 150, 385–386
- Suez Canal settlement and, 32–33
- UNGA debate on, 57, 61, 67–68, 72
- U.S. aide-mémoire, 119, 120n, 122–125
- Middle East, U.S. aid policies, 2–3
- Middle East visit (December 1957), 857–858
- Nasser, assessment of, 442
- Negotiations with Nasser, 457, 467
- Palestine, comprehensive approach to, 809
- Palestinian refugees, 663, 741–742, 751, 808, 816, 823, 824, 858–859
- Suez Canal (see also
Negotiations with Nasser
above), 100–101
- Clearance costs, repayment of, 724, 726, 765, 766n
- Clearing operations, 1–2, 3
- Egyptian declaration on operation of Canal, 477–481, 544n, 546n, 547–549, 554n, 568, 570n
- ICJ jurisdiction, 697
- Interim arrangement on operation of Canal, proposed, 106, 206n, 374, 397, 421, 427
- Israeli access issue, 372, 374, 479–480
- Israeli troop withdrawals linked to Canal settlement, 32–33
- Negotiations on reopening, proposed, 22, 23, 40, 57, 65, 92–93, 124
- UNSC consideration of, 544
- Suez Canal Company, settlement with Egypt, 756
- UNRWA, 797, 798
- Hanes, John W., Jr., 681, 745–747, 765n, 816n, 820n
- Hare, Raymond A., 11n, 247–249, 322–323, 430–431, 459n, 564n, 800–802
- Harlow, Bryce N., 215
- Hassanein, Magdi, 802
- Hatem, 420, 424
- Hayden, Carl, 214
- Hayter, Sir William, 774
- Hazlett, Capt. E. E., 805
- Heath, Donald R., 859–860
- Heeney, Arnold, 318, 319
- Hegelan, Faisal, 332
- Heikal, Mohammed. See Haikal.
- Henderson, Loy W., 412n, 483, 708
- Hennings, Thomas, Jr., 214
- Herter, Christian A., 116n, 196n, 254, 291, 295, 299, 303, 340, 347n, 351, 357, 380, 382, 415n, 428n, 492n, 527n, 531n, 585, 712n, 794, 850n, 857–859
- Egyptian-Turkish relations, 695–696
- Gaza, Egyptian re-establishment in, 439
- Gaza, UNEF takeover of:
- Gulf of Aqaba/Tiran Straits, 605n
- Israel:
- Israeli troop withdrawals, UNGA debate on, 385–386
- Palestinian refugees, 661, 698, 706, 741n, 751n, 833, 863n
- Richards Mission, 566, 597n
- Saudi Arabia, U.S. military assistance to, 635
- Suez Canal:
- UNRWA, 610, 613n, 618, 816n
- Herzog, Yaacov, 5, 8–9, 598, 759, 779, 793, 825, 828, 831, 833
- Hill, Robert C., 187, 215, 310
- Hilmi, Samir, 654
- Hitchcock, James J., 593n
- Hoffacker, Lewis, 213–214
- Hoffman, Paul G., 137
- Home, Lord, 400, 403
- Hood, Viscount Samuel, 762, 766, 774
- Hoover, Herbert, Jr., 48–50, 58n, 604
- Hope, C.P., 452
- Houghton, Amory, 286, 295, 601
- Howe, Fisher, 330n, 380–381, 385n, 404n, 418n, 422n, 444n, 482n, 483–485, 499, 528n, 545–547, 571n, 604, 619n, 661n, 706–707, 751n, 772n, 792n, 833n
- Hoyer Millar, Sir Frederick, 452, 483, 493, 494
- Hudson, Manley, 661
- Humphrey, George, 49–50, 51, 100, 179, 180, 196, 237
- Humphrey, Hubert H., 30, 587–589
- al-Hussaini, Jamal Bey, 77
- Hussein, King of Jordan, 148, 310n, 323n, 459n, 531, 609, 657, 708, 772, 795, 804n, 832
- Hussein, Ahmed, 332, 335, 752–759, 789–790, 795n, 800–802, 803, 806, 839
- Iliff, William A., 839, 840
- Imperial Chemical Industries, 702
- India, 49, 50, 284n, 777
- Intelligence Advisory Committee, 208
- Intelligence on Suez crisis. See U.S. intelligence re under Suez crisis.
- International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) (see also Black, Eugene), 4, 501
- International Court of Justice (ICJ). See ICJ subheadings under Gulf of Aqaba/Tiran Straits; Suez Canal.
- International Finance Corporation (IFC), 778, 840
- International Monetary Fund (IMF), 41, 49–50
- Iran, 209, 580
- Iraq, 20, 26, 588, 609, 729
- Israel (see also
Gaza, Egyptian re-establishment in; Israeli withdrawal from Sinai and Gaza; Israeli subheadings under other subjects):
- Arab boycott against, 702, 703, 704
- Arms shipments to Arab countries, concerns about, 701–702, 729–730
- Border settlements, defense of, 384
- Collective security arrangement, interest in, 783–784, 794, 828–830
- Economic situation, 384, 649–650
- Egypt, diplomatic contacts with, 248
- Egyptian troops, attacks on, 7, 11, 13
- Eisenhower Doctrine as security guarantee for, 183, 597–599, 600–601, 730, 732, 733, 760
- Export-Import Bank loan, 845–846
- Fedayeen raids against, 14–15, 19–20
- Gaza administration issue:
- Gulf of Aqaba/Straits of Tiran (see also
Free navigation issue
Gulf of Aqaba/Straits of Tiran):
- Israeli military activity, possible, 684–685
- Israeli protection of its ships, 256, 261, 283, 286, 307, 312, 315
- Israeli warships in, 616n, 634–635, 704
- Arab position, 625
- Saudi position, 605–608, 636–641, 648
- U.N. consideration of, possible, 636–641, 648, 657
- U.S.-Israeli discussions re, 395, 634–635, 642–645
- U.S. position, 395, 625–626, 638, 683
- U.S.-Saudi discussions re, 605–608, 636–641, 648, 656–657
- U.S. strategy for dealing with, 614–616, 657–659, 679–681
- Housing projects, 600, 851–852
- Immigration to, 412–413, 552, 599–600, 649, 650, 655–656, 761, 762, 775
- Jerusalem neutral zone dispute, 708–710, 723, 761, 762, 772, 779
- Jordan, relations with, 728, 772–773, 780, 831–832, 857
- Oil pipeline, 35, 62, 126, 507, 508
- Refugee situation, 667–668, 670–672, 699, 706–707, 810, 811, 817, 822, 836, 862
- Richards Mission, 552–553, 597–601, 603
- Sharm al-Sheik, withdrawal from. See Declaration of withdrawal under Israeli withdrawal from Sinai and Gaza.
- Soviet influence in Middle East, concerns about, 727–730, 780–781
- Soviet Union, relations with, 552, 747–748
- Suez Canal, access to, 2
- Syria, possible conflict with, 620–621, 694–695, 702, 704, 730, 731–732, 733, 760
- Tenth anniversary celebration, 703, 705
- U.K. firms’ withdrawal from, 702, 704
- U.N. protections, inadequacy of, 185–186
- U.N. sanctions against:
- Arab-Asian resolution, 15, 28, 53n, 101
- Canadian position, 55, 209
- Congress, U.S., opposition of, 139–140, 142–143, 144, 147, 188, 196, 215–224, 231–232
- Effects of sanctions, U.S. estimate of, 208–211
- Egyptian draft resolution, 141–142
- Egyptian position, 54–55, 95–96, 98
- French position, 251
- French response, possible, 66, 208, 209–210
- Indian resolution, 284n
- Israeli declaration to withdraw and, 334
- Israeli position, 111, 113, 148, 200, 203–204, 294
- Israeli response, possible, 123
- Saudi position, 102, 103, 142
- Schedule for debate, 181–182, 187, 192, 194, 203–204, 225, 233–234, 265–266, 270, 271, 285, 301
- Security Council as forum for, 143–144
- Soviet-Arab resolution, 198
- U.S. position, 53–54, 99, 102–103, 121–122, 136–137, 215–224, 301–302
- U.S. resolution, 196, 230, 236
- U.S. economic assistance:
- U.S. military assistance, 712–713, 731, 760, 761
- U.S. security guarantee (see also Eisenhower Doctrine above), 195, 780–785, 792–793
- Israeli withdrawal from Sinai and Gaza:
- Declaration of withdrawal:
- Arab response, 319–320, 326, 330, 332–336
- Development of Israeli policy. See Israeli revised position below.
- Egyptian position, 331
- Eisenhower-Ben Gurion communications re, 308–309, 312–313, 345–350
- Hammarskjöld’s position, 319, 324
- Israeli Government, impact on, 337, 349–350
- Notification of U.S. Middle East embassies, 309–310, 320–321
- Soviet rumors about, 333, 346
- Text of, 298–299, 311, 313–317, 325
- UNGA, presentation to, 308, 311, 317, 319, 324–325, 327–329, 330–331, 338, 339
- U.S.-Arab discussions re, 332–336
- U.S. assessment of, 317–318
- U.S.-French discussions re, 296–298, 305–306, 318–320, 338–339
- U.S.-Israeli discussions re, 300–303, 306–309, 311–313, 325, 340–347
- U.S. statement to UNGA, 327–329, 330–331, 337
- Israeli reaction to, 339, 340–345, 349
- U.S.-U.K. discussions re, 318–320
- Egyptian forces used in event of failure to withdraw, 56–57
- Egyptian position, 32, 512–513
- Eisenhower-Ben Gurion communications re, 79–80, 82–84, 89–90, 109–112, 225–227, 235, 308–309, 312–313, 345–350, 379–380
- French position, 24, 249–251, 296–298, 305–306, 318–320, 338–339
- Hammarskjöld-Eban talks re, 91–94, 276–278, 279
- Hammarskjöld’s reports on, 123–124, 141, 150, 385–386
- Israeli aide-mémoire on:
- Israeli Government meetings on, 91n, 227, 228–229, 237–238
- Israeli revised position (see also Declaration of withdrawal above):
- Negotiations by U.N. officials, 91–94, 97–98
- Non-belligerency issue, 113–114, 130–131, 138, 148–149
- Process of withdrawal, 12, 35, 333, 335, 359, 361–362, 366, 379
- Suez Canal settlement and, 32–33, 48, 55, 93
- U.K. position, 243–244, 318–320
- U.N. attitudes, Israeli hope to change, 193–194
- UNGA debate on:
- Afro-Asian draft resolution, 39
- Canadian resolution, 56, 57, 241, 294
- Egyptian draft resolution, 37–38
- Hammarskjöld’s report on troop withdrawals, 385–386
- Hammarskjöld’s resolution recommendations, 57
- Initiative through UNEF advisory committee states, proposed, 67
- Israeli declaration of withdrawal:
- Israeli preparations for, 35–37
- Resolutions on withdrawal (1124 and 1125), 15
- U.S.-Israeli communications re, 73–74
- U.S. possible courses of action, 179–180
- U.S. aide-mémoire on:
- Changes in wording, 163
- Elucidation of, 265–266, 267
- Hammarskjöld’s attitude toward, 122–125
- Israeli response, 145–146, 147n, 156–158, 168–169, 170–172, 187–188
- Presentation to Eban, 125–132
- Publication of, 131–132, 135, 195n
- Text of, 132–134
- U.S. discussions re, 118–121
- U.S.-Israeli discussions re, 134–136, 189–191
- U.S. Congressional resolution on, 218–219, 221–222, 250
- U.S. expression of gratification, 345–349, 379
- U.S.-French discussions re, 249–251
- U.S.-Israeli bilateral negotiations, proposed, 162, 166–167, 168, 178
- U.S. position, 24–25, 27–28, 94–95, 179, 183–186
- U.S. religious groups’ position, 239–240
- Declaration of withdrawal:
- Italy, 538, 579, 725
- Jackling, Roger, 766
- Jackson, Henry, 592
- Jamali, Muhammed Fadhi, 86, 87, 88
- Japan, 580
- Javits, Jacob K., 751n
- Jawdat, Ali, 748
- Jernegan, John D., 52n
- Jerusalem neutral zone dispute, 708–710, 723, 761, 762, 772, 779
- Johnson, Lyndon B., 30, 139–140, 215–216, 218, 220, 222–223, 231, 253, 268–269
- Johnston, Eric A., 662, 742, 749–751, 808
- Joint Chiefs of Staff, U.S., 100, 105, 837–838, 852–856
- Jones, John Wesley, 96n, 305n, 525n, 527n, 529n, 539n, 553n, 792n
- Jordan, 20, 211, 609, 614, 647
- Jordan River plan, 668, 742, 749–751, 811
- Joxe, Louis, 285, 289n, 296, 601
- al-Kaissouni, Abdelmoneim, 738, 739–740, 778, 838
- Kalijarvi, Thorsten V., 451n, 738n
- Kefauver, Estes, 30
- Kern, Harry F., 744
- al-Khayyal, Abdullah, 86, 102, 105, 636n, 659, 660, 767
- Khouri, Victor A., 332, 335
- Khrushchev, Nikita S., 732, 761, 781
- Kidron, Mordecai R., 36–37, 317n, 723
- Kisilev, Yevgeniy D., 802
- Knowland, William F., 69, 187–188, 195, 196, 218–219, 222, 223, 224, 592
- Kollek, Theodore (Teddy), 553, 598, 599–600
- Krekeler, Heinz L., 199
- Labouisse, Henry R., 81n, 149, 611, 663, 797n, 808, 833
- Laboulaye, François de, 21, 249, 318, 587n
- Lall, Arthur S., 27n, 39, 61, 84, 92, 99, 284n
- Laloy, Jean Leonard, 601
- LaRue, G.W., 788n
- Laskey, Denis S., 452, 762, 766
- Lathram, L. Wade, 649
- Lausanne Protocol of 1949, 849, 850
- Lawson, Edward B., 8–9, 90–91, 225n, 228–229, 230n, 237–238, 359, 403n, 727
- Leary, Col. Byron V., 620n, 723, 779, 832
- Lebanon, 20, 148, 609, 695, 728
- Liberia, 257, 262
- Libya, 609, 729
- Lloyd, Selwyn, 420
- Aswan Dam, 629
- Bermuda Conference, 450, 452, 456–459, 461–462, 463n, 464n, 465, 466n
- Egyptian-U.K. financial relations, 711, 763–764
- Gaza, Egyptian re-establishment in, 456
- Gulf of Aqaba/Tiran Straits, 466n
- Hammarskjöld-Nasser negotiations, 465
- Nasser, attitude toward, 450, 461–462
- Palestine, comprehensive approach to, 458, 459, 463n, 767–768, 774, 775
- Suez Canal, 464n
- Suez Canal Users Association, 578, 580, 581, 582–583
- Lodge, Henry Cabot, Jr., 56–57, 215, 372–374, 396–398, 425–427, 788, 857
- Egyptian funds frozen in U.S., 41n
- Gaza, Egyptian re-establishment in:
- Gaza, UNEF takeover of:
- Gulf of Aqaba/Tiran Straits, 159
- Hammarskjöld-Nasser negotiations, 474–482
- Israel, U.N. sanctions against, 195
- Israeli-Syrian conflict, possible, 621n
- Israeli troop withdrawals:
- Palestine, comprehensive approach to, 633–634
- Suez Canal (see also
Hammarskjöld-Nasser negotiations
above), 1–2, 42
- Clearance costs, repayment of, 765n
- Egyptian declaration on operation of Canal, 481–482
- Interim arrangement on on operation of Canal, proposed, 106–108, 140n, 153n
- Israeli access issue, 481
- Israeli troop withdrawals linked to Canal settlement, 32–33
- UNSC consideration of Egyptian declaration, 563n, 569n, 570n, 571, 581n, 624
- U.N. sanctions against Israel (see Israel, U.N. sanctions against above)
- UNGA debate on Israeli troop withdrawals (see under Israeli troop withdrawals above)
- Lord, Mary P., 613n
- Lourie, Arthur, 598
- Loutfi, Omar, 84, 141, 544n, 567
- Luce, Clare Boothe, 136
- Luce, Henry R., 136–137
- Lucet, Charles E., 21, 318, 587n
- Ludlow, James M., 75, 77, 81n, 636, 642n, 661n, 663n, 698n, 706
- McAfee, William, 208n
- McCardle, Carl W., 21
- McCloy, John J., 23, 52, 467–469, 500–502, 512–514, 824
- McCollum, Robert J., 610n
- McCormack, John W., 196, 217, 219, 220, 222, 223
- Macmillan, Harold, 241, 243–244, 252, 400, 574, 585, 596n, 617 [Page 883]
- Macomber, William B., Jr., 3n, 64n, 233–234, 350n, 359n, 362n, 452, 619n, 653, 660, 661n
- Mahdi, Saleh, 841, 847
- Mahgoub, 86, 88, 89
- Majid, Abdul Aziz, 102
- Malek. See Malik, Charles H.
- Malik, Charles H., 17, 24, 223n, 244, 247, 513, 737, 774–775, 788, 809
- Mallory, Lester D., 772n, 795n
- Mansfield, Mike, 30, 69, 219, 223, 592
- Marshall, George, 137
- Martin, Joseph W., Jr., 222
- Mathews, Elbert G., 645n, 833
- Meeker, Leonard C., 31n, 44n, 58n, 96n, 117n, 140n, 152n, 205n, 306, 309, 473n, 485n, 511, 527n, 529n, 569n, 575n, 583n, 640, 653–654
- Meir, Golda, 2, 124, 312, 749
- Dulles, meetings with, 299–303, 377–378, 433–441
- Eisenhower Doctrine as security guarantee for Israel, 598–599, 600–601
- Gaza, Egyptian re-establishment in:
- Gaza, UNEF takeover of, 10, 370–371
- Gaza administration, proposed U.S.-Israeli working group on, 135
- Gulf of Aqaba/Tiran Straits:
- Immigration to Israel, 599, 762
- Israel, U.N. sanctions against, 181, 233
- Israeli troop withdrawals, 97, 138, 207
- Jordanian-Israeli relations, 857
- NATO, 760
- Syrian-Israeli conflict, possible, 760
- U.N. sanctions against Israel, 181, 233
- UNGA debate on Israeli troop withdrawals, 27n
- U.S. economic assistance, 600
- U.S. military assistance, 760, 761
- Menderes, Adnan, 696
- Menon, V.K. Krishna, 20, 73, 84–85, 86–87, 88–89, 127, 467, 477, 556
- Menzies, Robert G., 107, 403, 788
- Merchant, Livingston T., 774
- Meroz, Yohanan, 489, 634, 701, 727
- Merrill, Robert T., 765n
- Metzger, Stanley D., 96n, 117n, 205n, 362n, 432n, 485n, 511, 529n, 575n
- Middle East (see also Palestine, comprehensive approach to):
- Minnich, L. Arthur, Jr., 215
- Mohieddin, Zakaria, 20–21
- Moline, Edwin G., 362n, 575n, 583n
- Mollet, Guy, 280n, 284, 289, 297, 317, 338, 352, 415–416, 418, 419n, 435, 601, 624
- Moose, James S., Jr., 176n
- Morgan, Thomas E., 214
- Morocco, 609
- Morris, Brewster H., 452, 458n
- Morris, Willie, 762, 766
- Morse, Wayne, 30
- Mouser, Grant E., 252n
- Murphy, Robert D., 15, 31n, 44n, 69, 102, 116n, 125, 142n, 209n, 240n, 546n, 712n, 774
- Naevdal, Per Thee, 98–99, 860
- Nasser, Gamal Abdul, 11, 148, 323, 459n
- Arab Summit Conference, 310n
- Aswan Dam, 175, 588
- Baghdad Pact, 588
- Communists in Egypt, 16–17, 716
- Egyptian political situation, 16–17, 74
- Eisenhower, proposed meeting with, 739–740, 755
- Eisenhower Doctrine, 174
- Fedayeen, views on, 19–20
- Foreign policy, 715
- Gaza, Egyptian re-establishment in:
- Gaza, UNEF takeover of:
- Gulf of Aqaba/Tiran Straits, 173–174
- Hammarskjöld’s assessment of, 442
- Humphrey, meeting with, 587–590
- IPC pipeline, 176–178
- Iraq, 26
- Israel, opposition to, 433–434
- Israeli-Egyptian diplomatic contacts, 248
- Israeli withdrawal from Sinai and Gaza, 512–513
- Jews in Egypt, 20
- Jordanian-Egyptian relations, 800–801, 804
- Middle East, Eisenhower’s policy on, 17–18
- National Intelligence Estimate on, 790–791
- Negotiations with Hammarskjöld, 457, 467
- Positive neutrality policy, 716–717
- Radio campaigns against Egypt, attitude toward, 20, 177, 588–589
- Saud’s assessment of, 827
- Soviet-Egyptian relations, 16–18, 24, 513, 631–632, 716, 786, 802
- Suez Canal, 19, 99
- Egyptian declaration on operation of Canal, 477–481, 500–502, 512–514, 518–519, 536–538
- Negotiations with Hammarskjöld re, 474–481
- Interim arrangement on operation of Canal, proposed, 177, 251, 457
- Israeli access issue, 5, 479–480, 502, 513
- Negotiations on reopening, proposed, 92–93, 124
- UNSC consideration of Egyptian declaration, 542–543
- Suez Canal Company, settlement with Egypt, 839
- Suez crisis, 56–57, 594
- Syria, attitude toward, 720–721
- Syrian-Egyptian relations, 694, 785–786, 801–802
- Turkish-Egyptian relations, 696
- U.K. attitude toward, 452–453, 461–462
- U.S. approach for dealing with, 445–448, 450–451, 596–597
- U.S.-Egyptian relations:
- U.S. recognition as Arab leader, 737, 777
- National Intelligence Estimates:
- National Security Council (NSC), 783
- Navy, U.S. Department of, 396
- Nehru, Jawaharlal, 30, 34
- Netherlands, 257, 578, 725
- The New York Times, 151n, 239, 341, 589, 678, 839
- New Zealand, 580
- Newsom, David D., 102, 614n, 636, 648, 656n, 660, 679, 681, 688, 689, 690n, 691n, 767n, 841, 847
- Newsweek, 589
- Nile Waters Agreement, 609
- Noel, Emile, 285, 296
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), 748–749, 760, 781, 828–830, 841
- Norway, 154, 205–206, 579, 633, 725, 809
- Nosseir, Abu, 802
- O’Connor, Roderic L., 610n
- Oil pipelines:
- Oil supplies for Europe, 236–237, 242–243, 251, 267
- Oman, 703
- Operation Stockpile, 105–106
- Pakistan, 20, 580
- Palestine, comprehensive approach to:
- Palestine Conciliation Commission, 662n, 663, 664, 673, 810, 834, 849
- Palestinian refugees, 610–611
- Arab unity re, 809–810, 833
- Automatic reintegration (see Resettlement in Arab countries below)
- Compensation for, 159, 167–168, 668, 673–676, 706–707, 811, 833–834, 862
- Demographic breakdown, 812
- Economic considerations, 665
- Economic development projects for (see also Jordan River plan below), 819, 823–825, 834, 835–836, 858, 860–861, 863
- Eisenhower-Ben Gurion communications re, proposed, 836–837
- History of refugee problem, 662–663
- Integration of refugees in communities where they reside, 812–814, 816, 835, 858
- Israeli initiative, possible, 824, 825–826, 858, 859–860
- Israeli policy, 45, 46, 159, 167–168, 172, 663, 677, 702–703, 833
- Jordan River plan and, 668, 742, 749–751, 811
- Leaders of, 810
- Political considerations, 663–665
- Postponement of consideration of, 741–743, 807–808, 834–835
- Repatriation of, 46, 159, 172, 667–668, 670–673, 706–707, 810, 836–837, 862
- Resettlement in Arab countries, 663, 665–666, 668, 811
- Self-support projects, 813, 814, 817, 835
- “Third party” involvement in arranging settlement, 707, 750, 751n, 807, 808, 817, 818–819
- U.N. efforts re. See United Nations Relief and Works Agency.
- UNGA consideration of, 81–82, 669
- U.S. funding of programs, 699–701
- U.S.-Israeli discussions re, 702–703, 704–705
- U.S. reports on (see also Villard Study below), 661–676, 698–701, 807–819, 833–837
- Villard Study, 661n, 698–701, 706–707, 741–743, 749–751, 807–819, 833–837, 859–860, 863n
- Panama, 257, 262
- Parpais, Paul, 296
- Paul, Norman, 590, 591, 594n, 619n
- Pearson, Lester, 41n, 46, 55–56, 59, 67, 71, 72–73, 98, 135, 143, 201, 207, 292, 319, 325, 365, 441
- Pederson, Richard E., 417n
- Pella, Giuseppe, 816, 861
- Persons, Maj. Gen. Wilton B., 215
- Phleger, Herman, 27n, 116n, 142n, 158, 180, 189, 254, 261, 286, 289n, 291, 300, 305, 340, 406, 421n, 422n, 433, 452, 492, 494
- Gaza, Egyptian re-establishment in, 357, 401n, 409
- Gaza, UNEF takeover of, 408
- Gaza administration issue, 192–193, 263
- Gulf of Aqaba/Tiran Straits, 294–295, 307, 394, 395
- Israel:
- Israeli troop withdrawals, 39, 307, 308, 309, 310, 311, 320n, 347
- Suez Canal, 22, 23, 52, 362, 381, 382, 431n, 468–469, 483, 484, 496n
- U.N. sanctions against Israel, 196, 232n
- Pilgrims to Mecca. See under Gulf of Aqaba/Tiran Straits.
- Pineau, Christian, 21–25, 107, 124, 280n, 284, 285–289, 296–298, 305–306, 324, 338–339, 350, 370, 601–603, 624, 840
- Poland, 412, 599
- Portugal, 579
- Positive neutrality, 632, 646–647, 677–678, 716–717, 753–754, 777–778, 786
- Proctor, Carolyn, 79n, 118n, 119n, 120n, 121n, 195n, 253n, 260n, 268n, 269n, 279n, 350n, 356n, 563n
- Quarles, Donald A., 837n
- al-Quwatly, Shukri, 310n, 323n, 842
- Rabb, Maxwell M., 195
- Radford, Adm. Arthur W., 100, 557–558, 695
- Rafael, Gideon, 36, 98, 311, 338n, 433, 492n, 509, 598
- Ramsbotham, Peter E., 106
- Ramsden, C.O.I., 452
- Rayburn, Sam, 218, 221, 222, 224
- Raymond, John M., 514n, 529n, 539n, 546n, 553n, 562n, 765n
- Refugees in Palestine. See Palestinian refugees.
- Reinhardt, G. Frederick, 511, 531–532, 537n
- Reston, James, 482, 761
- Riad, Gen. Mahmoud, 98
- Richards, James P., 15, 102, 116, 142n, 147, 310, 393, 499, 552, 565–566, 597–601, 603, 842
- Richards Mission, 338, 393, 499
- al-Rifai, Abdul Monem, 86, 87–88, 123, 198, 223n
- al-Rifai, Samir, 772n, 795n, 813, 857–858
- Roberts, Randolph, 402n
- Robinson, Jacob, 306
- Rockwell, Stuart W., 11n, 14n, 31n, 40n, 155n, 213–214, 587n, 597, 605, 706, 708, 722, 727, 738, 748, 762, 779, 785n, 788n, 794, 805n, 808n, 826n, 828, 831, 832, 844
- Rountree, William M., 10n, 11n, 27n, 41n, 58n, 80, 96n, 102, 116n, 142n, 155n, 158, 180, 189, 209n, 225n, 226, 230, 254, 270–271, 286, 289n,
291, 295, 300, 305, 311, 332, 340, 356n, 385n, 387n,
394n, 406, 421n, 422n, 428n,
433, 452, 492, 546n, 557, 562n, 575n, 583n, 610n, 642n, 645n, 701n, 737n, 739n, 745n, 759, 762n, 772n, 774, 775, 792n,
828n, 840, 841, 850
- Aswan Dam decision, 626n
- Boundaries issue, 854–856
- Egypt:
- Gaza, Egyptian re-establishment in, 355, 357, 375n, 401n, 402, 414n, 417, 418n, 445n
- Gulf of Aqaba/Tiran Straits, 722
- Hammarskjöld-Nasser negotiations, assessment of, 489–492
- Israel:
- Israeli troop withdrawals, 79, 154, 309, 310, 320n, 347n
- Jerusalem neutral zone dispute, 708, 710n
- Palestine, comprehensive approach to, 766, 767n, 768, 769n, 788–789
- Palestinian refugees, 706, 741n, 749n, 807n, 808n, 823, 824, 825, 837n
- Richards Mission, 552–553, 566, 603
- Suez Canal, 362, 381, 382, 531, 553n, 574, 616n [Page 887]
- U.N. sanctions against Israel, 15, 81–82, 196, 232n, 294
- Rousan, Mahmoud A., 332
- Rowell, Edward J., 610n
- Russell, Richard B., 218, 224, 253, 592
- Sabry, Ali, 247–249
- al-Said, Nuri Pasha, 26, 774, 841–844, 847–850
- Salisbury, Lord, 381
- Saltonstall, Leverett, 69, 222, 224
- Sandys, Duncan, 63, 64
- Sapir, Pinhas, 91
- Saud ibn Abd al-Aziz, King, 322–323, 459n, 609, 842
- Saudi Arabia (see also Saud ibn Abd al-Aziz; Saudi subheadings under other subjects), 48, 729, 733
- Sebilleau, Pierre, 601
- Sedgwick, Charles, 286
- al-Shabandar, Moussa, 332
- Shafik, Doria, 176
- Sharm al-Sheikh. See Gulf of Aqaba/Tiran Straits; Israeli withdrawal from Sinai and Gaza.
- Shaw, John F., 41n, 117n, 362n, 432n, 472n, 493n, 494n, 519n, 525n, 527n, 528n, 529n, 539n, 547n, 550n, 569n, 575n, 583n, 585, 586n, 595n, 616n, 627n, 697n, 745n, 838n
- Sherman, Meir, 649, 651, 654
- Sherwood, Robert K., 605
- Shiloah, Reuven, 134, 226–227, 270–271, 291, 299, 311, 377n, 394n, 396, 406, 433, 508, 509, 642, 793n
- Gaza, Egyptian re-establishment in, 264, 271–272, 353–354, 402–403, 410
- Gaza, UNEF takeover of, 43, 145–146, 409, 439, 441
- Gulf of Aqaba/Tiran Straits, 43, 62, 63, 115, 130, 182–183, 508, 645
- Hammarskjöld-Nasser negotiations, assessment of, 489–492
- Israeli troop withdrawals, 165, 187, 194, 308, 337, 345
- Suez Canal, 509
- UNGA debate on Israeli troop withdrawals, 75–77
- Shoaib, Mohamed, 839
- Shukairy, Ahmad, 614n, 788
- Silver, Abba Hillel, 207
- Sisco, Joseph J., 362n, 444n, 519n, 527n, 29n, 553n, 569n, 583n, 620n, 21n, 641, 656n, 661n, 688
- Smith, H. Alexander, 121, 218, 220, 224
- Snyder, Howard, 178n
- Soviet Union:
- Arms shipments to Arab countries, 701–702, 729–730, 733
- Aswan Dam, 499, 627–628
- Egypt, relations with. See under Egypt.
- Israel, relations with, 552, 747–748
- Israeli troop withdrawals, rumors about, 333, 346
- Middle East influence:
- Middle East policy, 603
- Suez Canal, use of, 100
- Syria, relations with, 728–729, 733, 734–735, 758, 777, 782
- Turkey, relations with, 732
- U.N. sanctions against Israel, 198, 208
- Spain, 580
- Sparkman, John, 30
- Spender, Sir Percy, 27n, 67, 97
- Stabler, Wells, 597, 608n, 626n, 627n, 645n, 95n, 697n, 752, 756n, 826n
- Stockpile Operation, 105–106
- Straits of Eilat, 6
- Straits of Tiran. See Gulf of Aqaba/Tiran Straits.
- Sudan, 609, 630, 729
- Suez Canal (see also
Suez Canal Company; Suez Canal
Users Association; Suez crisis):
- Alternatives, need for, 602–603
- Arab Four-Power statement on, 310
- Arbitration committee, proposed, 23
- Bermuda Conference paper on, 464–465
- Board of Consultants, proposed, 501
- Clearance costs, repayment of:
- Clearing operations, 1–2, 3–4, 19, 48, 52, 99
- Egyptian declaration on operation of Canal (see also UNSC
consideration subheadings below):
- Consultations with user governments issue, 477–478
- Draft memoranda, 430–431, 432, 449–450, 469–472
- Egyptian clarifications, 473–474, 479, 498
- Egyptian decision to implement, 503–504
- Egyptian revised version, 532–535
- French position, 493, 538, 601–602
- Hammarskjöld-Nasser negotiations re (see also below), 477–481
- Hammarskjöld’s assessment, 544n, 546n, 547–549, 554n
- Interim arrangement proposal, response to, 374, 389
- Israeli position, 491
- Media’s acquisition of, 482–483
- Multilateral negotiations re, proposed, 495, 503
- Publication of, 550–551
- SCUA response, 493, 494, 538, 575–582, 584n, 616n
- U.K. position, 483n, 492–493, 494–495, 550
- U.S. coordination of future courses of action, 510–512
- U.S.-Egyptian discussions re, 496–497, 500–504, 512–514, 518–519, 520–522, 527–530, 536–538, 540, 556, 559–561, 574
- U.S. initial response, 472n, 473–474, 481–482, 509–510, 512
- U.S. revision, 483–488, 493, 496–497, 502–504
- Eisenhower-Macmillan communications re, 574–575
- Four-Power (France, Norway, U.K., U.S.) agreement on, 154, 205–206
- Funds for Egypt to operate, 49
- Hammarskjöld-Nasser negotiations, 457
- ICJ jurisdiction, 697
- Improvement fund, 431, 449, 487, 501, 521n
- Interim arrangement on operation of Canal, proposed:
- Egyptian counter-proposal. See Egyptian declaration on operation of Canal above.
- Egyptian position, 251, 374, 389, 397, 427, 457
- Four-Power agreement on, 152–154, 205–206, 387, 389
- Inducements for Egypt to accept, 400, 403, 460–461, 465, 468–469
- SCUA and, 382, 392, 457–458, 460, 464
- U.K. publication of, 381–382
- U.N.-sponsored working paper, 106–108, 117–118
- U.S. position, 96–97, 99–100, 140, 421, 467–468
- U.S.-U.K. discussions re, 457–458, 460–461, 462
- U.S.-U.K. joint statement on, 464–465
- Israeli access issue, 2
- Israeli troop withdrawals, link to Canal settlement, 32–33, 48, 55, 93, 96
- Negotiations on reopening, proposed, 57, 124
- Oil supplies for Europe and, 236–237, 242–243, 251
- Political settlement prior to reopening, proposed, 135
- Soviet use of, 100
- Sterling payments issue, 581, 582, 584, 585–586, 595n, 596n, 616n, 617
- U.K. resumption of use, 581, 616–617
- UNSC consideration of Egyptian
declaration (first round):
- Discussion of Canal issue, 573n
- Egyptian position, 542–543, 546, 564–565
- French position, 528n, 539
- Hare’s attitude toward, 527, 542
- Israeli participation, 571
- U.K. position, 511–512, 528n, 539, 550–551, 561–562, 572
- U.S. course of action, 515–517, 570–572
- U.S. position, 525–526, 539–540, 543–547
- U.S. report to Security Council, 562–565, 568–569, 571, 573
- U.S.-U.K. discussions re, 570–571
- UNSC consideration of Egyptian declaration (second round):
- U.S. information activities re, 531–532
- U.S. working group for Canal issues, 362
- U.S. warships’ use of, 396
- Suez Canal Company, 184
- Suez Canal Users Association (SCUA), 22, 63–64, 382, 583
- Suez crisis, 56–57
- Surur, Shaikh Mohammad, 102
- Sweden, 579, 725
- Swihart, James W., 106
- Syria, 211, 665
- Egypt, relations with, 694, 740, 785–786, 801–802
- Eisenhower-Saud communications re, 734–735
- IPC pipeline, 25, 176–177
- Israel, possible conflict with, 620–621, 694–695, 702, 704, 730, 731–732, 733, 760
- Jordan, subsidy for, 48
- Nasser’s attitude toward, 720–721
- Refugee situation, 741–743, 812
- Richards Mission, 565, 566
- Soviet Union, relations with, 728–729, 733, 734–735, 758, 777, 782
- United States, relations with, 40n, 708
- Taber, John, 223
- Taylor, Gen. Maxwell D., 837–838
- Thimayya, Gen. K. S., 143, 150
- Time magazine, 589
- Timmons, Benson E.L., III, 458n
- Tiran Straits. See Gulf of Aqaba/Tiran Straits.
- Tito, Marshal Josip Broz, 754
- Truman, Harry S., 136, 157, 843, 844
- Tunisia, 609, 729
- Turkey, 20, 580, 729, 781
- Tyler, William R., 21, 286, 418n, 601, 625
- Uganda, 630
- Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. See Soviet Union.
- United Kingdom (see also
Bermuda Conference; U.K. and
U.S.-U.K. subheadings under other subjects):
- Aswan Dam, 627, 628–629
- Egypt, financial relations with, 711, 763–764, 826–827
- Four-Power agreement on Suez Canal, 154, 205–206
- Gulf of Aqaba/Tiran Straits, multinational declaration on, 250, 257
- Israeli business’ withdrawal from, 702, 704
- Oil supplies for, 237
- Radio campaign against Egypt, 20, 177
- United States, relations with, 452–454
- United Nations. See:
- U.N. sanctions against under Israel
- United Nations Emergency Force
- United Nations General Assembly
- United Nations Relief and Works Agency
- United Nations Security Council
- United Nations Special Committee on Palestine.
- United Nations Charter, 185–186
- United Nations Emergency Force (UNEF) (see also Gaza, UNEF takeover of; UNEF for under Gulf of Aqaba/Tiran Straits):
- United Nations General Assembly (UNGA):
- Israeli withdrawal from Sinai and Gaza, debate on:
- Afro-Asian drait resolution, 39
- Canadian resolution, 56, 57, 241, 294
- Egyptian draft resolution, 37–38
- Hammarskjöld’s report on troop withdrawals, 385–386
- Hammarskjöld’s resolution recommendations, 57
- Initiative through UNEF advisory committee states, proposed, 67
- Israeli declaration of withdrawal:
- Israeli preparations for, 35–37
- Resolutions on withdrawal (1124 and 1125), 15
- U.S.-Israeli communications re, 73–74
- U.S. possible courses of action, 179–180
- Palestine, comprehensive approach to, 81, 633–634, 642
- Refugee problem, consideration of, 81–82, 669
- Resolutions (see also under Israeli withdrawal from Sinai and Gaza, debate on above; U.N. sanctions against under Israel):
- Suez Canal clearance costs, 724–726, 765–766
- UNEF funding, 33–34, 770–771, 820–821
- UNEF takeover of Gaza, report on, 244–246, 264
- Israeli withdrawal from Sinai and Gaza, debate on:
- United Nations partition resolution of 1947–48, 842–844, 847–850
- United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA):
- United Nations Security Council (UNSC) (see also UNSC consideration subheadings under Suez Canal):
- United Nations Special Committee on Palestine (UNSCOP), 842
- United States Information Service (USIS), 531–532
- Universal Suez Canal Company. See Suez Canal Company.
- Urrutia, Francisco, 832n, 857
- Vandenberg, Arthur S., 220
- Venezuela, 209
- Vigier, Henri, 6
- Villard, Henry S., 661n, 698–701, 706, 741–743, 745n, 749–751, 788n, 807–816, 823, 833, 860–863
- Villard Study (see also Palestinian refugees), 661n, 698–701, 706–707, 741–743, 749–751, 807–819, 833–837, 859–860, 863n
- Vinson, Carl, 214
- Voice of Arabs, 20, 800
- Vorys, John M., 221, 223, 239
- Wadsworth, George, 77, 102, 610, 657n, 681n, 827–828, 843n
- Wadsworth, James J. 52, 56, 91–94, 156, 543–545, 546n, 565, 567–568
- Wahab, Ahmed Abdel, 470n
- Walmsley, Walter N., Jr., 96n, 452, 504, 539n, 20n, 621–623, 642n, 712n, 741n, 788n, 92n
- Walters, Vernon A., 289n, 296
- Wan Waithayakon, Prince, 233–234
- Waring, Robert O., 117n, 765n, 770n
- Warren, Fletcher, 696n
- Waugh, Samuel C., 845n, 846
- Weinberg, Sidney, 195
- Wheeler, Lt. Gen. Raymond A., 512, 541
- Wheeler, Gen., 694, 840
- White, Paul Lincoln, 483, 546n, 617
- Whitman, Ann, 157, 574n
- Whitney, John Hay, 229, 381, 452, 578–582, 584n, 766, 774
- Wilcox, Francis O., 21, 27n, 31n, 44n, 52n, 8n, 73n, 116n, 117n, 122, 142n, 158, 189, 209n, 254, 291, 301, 305, 306, 318, 394n, 98n, 421n, 422n, 433, 473n, 509n, 510, 529n, 553n, 562n,
586n, 620n, 706, 765n, 770n
- Gaza, Egyptian re-establishment in, 363, 401n
- Gaza, UNEF takeover of, 361–362
- Gulf of Aqaba/Tiran Straits, 25
- Israel, U.N. sanctions against, 53, 101, 181, 192, 196, 198, 232n, 304
- Israeli troop withdrawals, 312, 331, 338
- Palestinian refugees, 661–676, 749n, 807n, 816–819, 824, 825, 837n
- Suez Canal, 381, 571, 572, 694
- U.N. sanctions against Israel (see Israel, U.N. sanctions against above)
- UNEF funding, 820–821
- UNGA debate on Israeli troop withdrawals, 75–77, 81–82
- UNRWA funding, 610–613, 618, 797n, 816, 818
- Wiley, Alexander, 69, 217, 221
- Wilkins, Fraser, 21, 40n, 41n, 52n, 73n, 102, 125, 130, 155n, 158, 225n, 230, 286, 306, 311, 332, 452, 460n, 483n, 489, 492n, 566, 603, 608–610, 637n, 655, 696n
- Wilkinson, J. Burke, 286
- Wilson, Charles E., 48, 557, 558, 837
- Wood, George, 839
- Yassin, Shaikh Yusuf, 77, 101–105, 230, 322
- Yemen, 20, 412, 610, 729
- Yost, Charles W., 414n, 601
- Yugoslavia, 754, 776–777
- Zabarah, Assayed Ahmad Ali, 332
- Zeineddine, Farid, 86, 88, 332, 333–334, 335, 336, 625