387. Telegram From the Department of State to the Mission at the United Nations1

373. Subject: UNEF. USUN 280.2 Briefly U.S. position on UNEF financing3 designed to accomplish one of three objectives in order of preference:

GA should recognize that UNEF is a UN responsibility and that UNEF expenses therefore are responsibility incumbent on membership as a whole in accordance with regular assessment scale. It should formally authorize SYG to incur expenses on behalf of UNEF up to the amounts indicated in his report (i.e., approx. $30 million for 1957 and $30 million for 1958) and assess itself the difference between total those authorizations and what has been raised to date.
GA should recognize UNEF a UN responsibility and expenses therefore responsibility incumbent on membership as a whole in accordance regular assessment scale. It should formally authorize SYG to incur expenses up to amount indicated his report. Noting, however, economic hardship caused many member governments by such a precipitous and significant increase over the normal UN budget of $50 million, GA should urge those countries financially able to grant special and extraordinary assistance in meeting UNEF costs but at same time must assess all members for the difference between what is authorized and what may be raised by we SYG as a result of plea for special and extraordinary assistance. The U.S. for its part would answer the plea by making a special contribution of approximately $12 million.
GA should recognize that UNEF a UN responsibility and expenses therefore responsibility incumbent on membership as a whole m accordance regular assessment scale. It should formally authorize SYG to incur expenses up to amounts indicated his report. Noting, [Page 771] however, economic hardship caused many member governments by precipitous and significant increase over normal UN budget, GA should urge those countries financially able to grant special and extraordinary assistance to meet half the authorized amounts, assessing members the remaining half. The U.S. for its part would answer the GA’s plea by making special contribution of approximately $12 million.

Following guidance recommended regarding tactics:

First objective should be defended vigorously and actively. No suggestion of compromise should be indicated until very late stage.
Second objective should be pursued as a logical consequence of the first flowing from additional consideration of economic hardship rather than as a relinquishment of principle. Here again objective must be pursued vigorously and actively.
Third objective is Dept’s final position.
Whether reference should be made to specific sum $12 million or to merely a “substantial sum” is left to Delegation’s discretion. Whether reference to sum should be made before, during or after consideration resolution also left to Delegation’s discretion, as is problem of public and private emphasis to be given to fact that sum proposed U.S. special assistance not contingent matching basis.
Delegation’s task could perhaps be facilitated in some cases by noting that principal failures cooperate UNEF have been Communist-controlled countries.
Dept’s opinion necessity fight for first objective based not on confidence Delegation can be successful but on belief counter-balance required for strong general feeling indifference toward UNEF undertaking.
View failure “voluntary contributions account” Dept believes psychologically preferable as can be seen use expression “special and extraordinary assistance”.

Note: Delegation must bear in mind objective No. 2 far more desirable than objective No. 3. As weakness objective No. 1 lies in great likelihood it unobtainable so weakness objective No. 3 lies in fact that with UNEF assessments covering only half of estimated costs, probable total special assistance from countries other than U.S. would be insufficient meet balance required fully cover estimated costs.)

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 320.5700/10–2357. Confidential. Drafted by Waring and Fobes and approved by Wilcox who signed for Dulles.
  2. The reference is evidently in error. Telegram 280, August 26, concerns an unrelated subject. (Ibid., 340.53/8–2657)
  3. The Department of State prepared two position papers on UNEF for the Delegation to the 12th Regular Session of the U.N. General Assembly: “United Nations Emergency Force: Administrative and Financial Arrangements”, October 24; SD/A/C.5/267; and “United Nations Emergency Force: Politico-Military Considerations”, October 28; SD/A/C.5/266. (Both Ibid.,IO Files: Lot 71 D 440, PP 12th GA Committees 1–6)