40. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in Turkey1

1536. Embtels 1461 and 1462.2

Reasoning behind what may have appearance of hands-off attitude re ME Defense is actually tactics and timing, a) Next logical step development Northern Tier is accession Pakistan to Turco-Iraqi Pact which move we have sought encourage as strongly as believe expedient. In fact we do wish see most rapid possible progress towards [Page 60] realization effective ME defense system and strongly support Pact, b) As previously stated believe would be counter-productive press for immediate Iranian accession which we believe will be forthcoming in due course, c) Continue believe unwise for states bordering Israel join Northern Tier at this time and we pursuing policy neither encouraging nor discouraging re joining Pact, d) Believe existing security treaty relationships with Turkey and Pakistan along with military assistance is clear indication of strong US interest in security of area, therefore question US participation not urgent, e) Closely watching proposed ESS Pact developments and taking course which in our judgment would slow down, frustrate, or render innocuous such a Pact.
Re Turk memo April 28, you should inform Foreign Office Department has studied with much interest Turks’ analysis of situation and views as to possible courses of action, and greatly appreciates their sharing their thinking with us. You may in your discretion inform Turks substance paragraph 1, stressing this deliberate course intended bring about maturity of Northern Tier organization on sound political basis. Turks should be assured we continue have very strong interest in development ME defense.
  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 780.5/5–2155. Secret. Drafted by Dixon and approved by Jernegan who signed for Hoover. Repeated to London.
  2. Telegram 1462 is Document 37. Regarding telegram 1461, see footnote 2 thereto.