39. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in Pakistan1

2050. In response to GOP inquiry whether US prepared join Turk-Iraq-UK Pact (urtel 1846)2 you may in your discretion say:

US support for Northern Tier concept remains strong and we hope to see its steady and even rapid fulfillment. We appreciate special situation existing in Iran and Pakistan which governments those countries must take into consideration but we would welcome their adherence as early as they feel situation is propitious. At same time, we do not desire to urge them act faster than their respective situations justify and we recognize importance of timing.
As re US adherence, we are not comtemplating it at moment, due partly to uncertain relations among Arab states and our desire to effect improvement in general Middle Eastern stability. While we have made no decision possibility our adherence at later stage is by no means excluded.
UK adherence to Iraqi-Turk Pact was chiefly to regularize UK-Iraq relations but we have no such requirement. Our treaty relations with various states of area do not require urgent readjustment. We believe our reiterated public statements of support for this type regional arrangement make our favorable attitude toward it adequately clear and that our existing ties with its present and prospective members (through NATO, Manila Pact, military and economic aid agreements) are sufficient enable us give as much support as our resources likely to permit in near future.
It has been and remains our view that Middle Eastern defense arrangements should spring from indigenous initiative and that cooperative approach by Middle Eastern states themselves is first essential. While Turk-Iraqi Pact is excellent step in that direction, it is still far from constituting regional organization. Adherence Pakistan and Iran is needed give it substance.
We think security position of all members such regional organization would be improved whether or not US was also member.
To extent possible, US aid to Middle East countries will in future be based on development of plans for regional defense rather than on separate country-by-country estimates of individual defense needs. This will be true whether or not US itself becomes member of regional organization. Therefore Pakistani Government should not be [Page 59] influenced in its decision re adherence to pact by expectation that US membership or non-membership in same pact would influence amount of aid provided Pakistan.
We believe Pakistani adherence to Turk-Iraqi pact is logical and wise next move toward greater regional security but this is matter which Pakistan must decide entirely for itself. We do not desire to exert pressure nor to hold forth special inducements.

If Pakistani reluctance results in some part from desire to avoid offense to Egypt and Saudi Arabia during Afghan dispute, you might suggest that GOP reconsider after mediation efforts have been concluded.

FYI only: Current review of US budgetary position indicates it likely be extremely difficult provide increased military aid Pakistan. In view of this plus precarious state Pakistani economy it seems unwise give any encouragement to Ayub’s grandiose ideas re expansion Pakistani military establishment. While Pakistani adherence Turk-Iraqi pact is desirable from political viewpoint we cannot afford to pay or promise high price for such adherence.

Question eventual US adherence to regional pact is under study at working level. Decision in principle likely be deferred at least two months and even if favorable decision then taken, actual adherence itself likely to be further delayed for various reasons. End FYI.

Info posts should not discuss foregoing with respective governments unless further instructed.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 780.5/5–2655. Secret; Priority. Drafted by George Allen and Jernegan who signed for Hoover. Repeated to Ankara, Baghdad, Tehran, Cairo, and London.
  2. Supra.