38. Telegram From the Embassy in Pakistan to the Department of State1

1846. At Prime Minister’s request called late this afternoon. Summary of conversation his principal point follows:

Question: Will your Government join Turk-Iraq Pact; General Ayub has submitted his views to Cabinet on its request re GOP joining Pact and recommends against it unless United States joins.

I replied I was quite sure I had seen cables go over my desk at time United Kingdom joined and United States Government took strong position it would not join. I could not remember the reasons but felt certain United States position was strong and could hold out little hope. The Prime Minister asked me cable Department requesting answer.

Prime Minister pointed out Pact would really be strong if United States joined and Cabinet sceptical about backing until United States joined to make it effective Pact. I replied it obvious any Pact would be stronger by United States joining, but why did he intimate Pact would not be effective if United States did not join? Prime Minister at first replied did not know, that was simply Ayub’s recommendation. He then read Ayub’s written recommendation to Cabinet. Ayub pointed [Page 57] out SEATO took care of GOP on East, but GOP not taken care of on West and although GOP had plenty of competent manpower, unless United States came into Turk-Iraq Pact and made materials available, the start on protection of GOP in West made by Turkish-GOP Pact would not be effective. Until United States joined Turk-Iraq Pact it would be shadow and not substance and GOP should make clear it favors joining Turk-Iraq Pact and is in sympathy with its principles and objectives but GOP should use its refusal to join as a means of putting pressure on United States to make up its mind what it is going to do in Middle East and GOP should tell Iraq and Turkey exactly that. (Embassy comment: I have strong suspicion Prime Minister did not intend to read that to me, but he had started reading and went on gallantly.)

Turk-Iraq Pact will be up for action again at Cabinet meeting next Wednesday and Prime Minister would like position of United States prior to that time.

I told Prime Minister I had suspicion Pakistan reason for delay joining Pact was desire not annoy Saudi Arabia and Egypt at time when those countries might be effective in mediating GOP-Afghan dispute. Prime Minister replied that was no concern and reason for delay in first instance had been pressure of internal business; that it was necessary consult General Ayub.

Comment: Of course Ayub has now pushed for well over a year for US to make up its mind on general plans for Middle East and disclose them to GOP and to give aid in accordance with those plans. Every indication up to today including flat statements by Prime Minister and Mirza have been that GOP would surely join Turko-Iraqi Pact. At moment am puzzled in own mind how far there is honest doubt in mind Pakistan Cabinet and how far Ayub has merely been successful in convincing Cabinet to use this problem as one more effort to force decision by United States on plans for Middle East and extent of GOP role and ultimate price United States would pay GOP for role assigned.

Department may wish to pass this message certain other posts but suspect any leak to Turkey, Iraq, or even United Kingdom at this time could be risky and irritating to GOP.

Following country team meeting tomorrow will cable any further assessments and conclusions.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 780.5/5–2655. Secret; Priority.