Efforts to resume negotiations with the United Kingdom, France, and the Soviet Union concerning an Austrian treaty; four-power negotiations concerning occupation costs in Austria; Chancellor Figl’s visit to Washington, May 12–16, 1952; Secretary of State Acheson’s visit to Vienna, June 29–July 1, 1952; interest of the United States in the maintenance of a two-party coalition following the election of February 22, 1953; policy of the United States concerning the reduction of occupation forces in Austria; formulation of National Security Council policy toward Austria (NSC 164/1); Chancellor Raab’s visit to Washington, November 21–25, 1954

[873] No. 873
The Secretary of State to the Embassy in Austria

663.001/7–753: Telegram

[885] No. 885
Memorandum Prepared in the Embassy in Austria


[888] No. 888
The Secretary of Defense (Wilson) to the Secretary of State


[895] No. 895
Statement of Policy by the National Security Council

S/SNSC files, lot 63 D 351, NSC 164 Series

[899] No. 899
The Secretary of State to the Embassy in Austria

763.0221/10–2753: Telegram