310.2/7–154: Telegram
The Chargé in Austria (Yost) to the Department of State
4. Schoaner, Chief of Political Department and Matsch, chief [garble] Department, took up with me July 1 question of Austrian application for membership in UN. They said Austrian Government desired to have information on following points.
- 1.
- Is US still unalterably opposed to en bloc consideration applications of non-members?
- 2.
- Would US consider favorably plan, which Austrians understand advanced by Belaunde of Peru, for voting on applications non-members broken down into three or four separate blocs?
- 3.
- Would US see any objection to Austrian Government addressing new note to UN recalling and urging action upon its pending application for membership?
- 4.
- Would US be able to offer Austrian Government any further advice as to how it might facilitate action on its application for UN membership?
Austrian representatives explained, while government had little hope under present circumstances attaining membership, it felt some action was necessary to demonstrate Austrian people questions not forgotten nor neglected despite lapse seven years. They said they intend also to take up this subject with British, French and Soviet elements in Vienna. They pointed out Austrian move would be in nature of reminder and not new application for membership.
I told them it was our understanding US remains opposed to consideration of applications in groups which would include Soviet satellites and reiterated reasons for our stand. I added that I thought we fully supported Austrian purpose to remind UN of its application for membership and we would inquire about specific points raised.