310.2/6–2954: Telegram

The Ambassador in Japan (Allison) to the Department of State


3266. Reference Department telegram 2847, June 23.

Substance of reference telegram communicated to Foreign Office. Foreign Office official reports Foreign Minister has not reached decision on question non-member participation in GA. He seemed particularly impressed by Embassy’s inability to give any hope of early admission Japan to full membership, and implied there had been some wishful thinking on subject in Foreign Office.
With regard specific arrangements, Foreign Office considers right to make proposals as Key provision.
Japanese fear of loss in prestige by accepting non-member participation in GA indicated by objection to use term “associate membership” since term has stigma of Japan’s former secondary status in ECAFE with which Japanese were dissatisfied. Foreign Office official suggested as possible alternative “non-voting participant”. Embassy officer thought question of satisfactory title could be worked out.