310.2/7–154: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Embassy in Austria1
Washington, July 7,
1954—7: 51 p.m.
42. 1. Re urtel 4 you should inform Austrian Government along following lines:
- a.
- Department still opposes en bloc consideration membership applications and favors consideration each applicant on own merits. Admission applicants like Austria which are fully qualified should not be linked to admission Soviet-sponsored applicants which in our view are not qualified.
- b.
- Department understands Belaunde plan contemplates agreement admit at least certain Soviet-sponsored candidates at some stage and thus plan unacceptable to us.
- c.
- Department has no objection to Austrian note to UN Secretary General recalling Austria’s pending application and reiterating Austrians desire for UN membership, and did in fact suggest this course to Austrians. Note would serve purpose of demonstrating to Austrians question not forgotten. However, believe note should not be couched in terms which would result in Security Council taking up application at this time. Would be difficult isolate Austria’s case in SC because other candidates would request action on their applications and because USSR would in all probability resubmit package proposal which we would not accept and Soviets would argue their proposal offered only solution. Thus we see no useful purpose SC action on Austria now.
2. Department unable see any way to achieve favorable action on Austria’s membership application at this time but is presently considering possibility nonmember participation arrangements in GA for states like Austria which have been excluded from membership by Soviet veto. Suggest you discuss matter with Austrians along following lines:
- a.
- In our view arrangements could be worked out consistent with Charter which would permit these states exert considerable influence in GA even if their vote could not count. While we are unable in absence consultations other members, indicate specific terms such arrangements, seems to us they could provide extensive privileges including right speak and make proposals in main GA Committees and GA plenary and right have vote recorded but not counted. GA might request voluntary contribution to cover costs such participation.
- b.
- Believe such arrangements would increase GA effectiveness. In addition they would show USSR that majority will cannot be completely frustrated by Soviet veto. Even possible that effectuation in practice of arrangement would ultimately lead USSR conclude point of diminishing returns had been passed in continuing veto membership of applicants like Austria.
- c.
- Department aware Austria has opposed such arrangements and that number other non-UN members as well as UN Members have been reluctant consider them. We would not wish any such proposal in GA unless favorable action assured on acceptable basis and in particular we would not wish proceed unless we could be certain beforehand that arrangements would not be extended to Soviet-sponsored applicants. If Austria reconsiders matter and decides it is really interested we would be glad consult with other non-members concerned and also UN Members to try obtain their agreement to approval by Ninth GA of non-member participation arrangements for applicants which have been determined qualified for UN membership by GA but have been excluded from membership by Soviet veto. On basis results these consultations it could be decided whether it would be feasible move ahead.
FYI We have discussed matter with Japanese along above lines and Foreign Office presently considering matter.
- Drafted by Paul W. Jones and Elizabeth Ann Brown (UNP), cleared with the Bureau of European Affairs, the Deputy Under Secretary (Murphy) and L/UNA, approved for transmission by Popper, and signed by Assistant Secretary Key.↩