I. Interest of the United States in the Organization for European Economic Cooperation, the Council of Europe, and the European Payments Union 1

1. For previous documentation on these subjects, see Foreign Relations, 1950, vol. iii, pp. 611 ff.

[1] The Ambassador in Sweden ( Butterworth) to the Secretary of State

740.00/1–551: Telegram

[4] The Consul at Strasbourg ( Andrews) to the Department of State

740.00/2–2851: Despatch

[6] The Administrator for Economic Cooperation ( Foster) to the United States Special Representative in Europe ( Katz)

ECA message files, FRC 53A278, Paris: Telegram

[7] The Secretary of State to the Embassy in France

840.20/4–3051: Telegram

[9] The Consul at Strasbourg ( Andrews) to the Department of State

740.00/5–951: Despatch

[12] The Secretary of State to Certain Diplomatic Offices

840.20/5–2951: Circular airgram

[14] The Secretary of State to Certain Diplomatic Offices

740.00/8–351: Circular airgram

[17] The Ambassador in France ( Bruce) to the Department of State

740.00/8–951: Telegram

[19] The Administrator for Economic Cooperation ( Foster) to the United States Special Representative in Europe ( Katz)

ECA message files, FRC 53A278, Paris: Telegram

[23] The Assistant Administrator for Programs, ECA ( Porter), to the Administrator for Economic Cooperation ( Foster)

ECA message files, FRC 53A278, Paris: Telegram