ECA message files, FRC 53A278, Paris: Telegram
The Acting United States Special Representative in Europe ( Riddleberger) to the Acting Administrator for Economic Cooperation ( Bissell)
Repto 5477. For Harriman, Bissell and Porter from Tasca and Gordon. Ref: Torep 8159;1 Repto 5428;2 airgram Repto circular A–708.3 Full text decision OEEC council sent Washington via ref airgram. That plus reftel gives all info available present time. Character of European members will depend in part upon US selection. Role of Stikker in coal plus his two advisers for purpose of supplying political tone required. Steel and power require more high level technical appraisal. Would appear feasible to extend Stikker approach to steel and power on same basis as coal.
Do not understand reference to high level admin officials. Believe maximum impact US would be thru highly qualified people from industries concerned. Role of US participants would be to supply technical know-how at high level with particular reference to problems of expansion in sectors involved as well as to underline great US interest in development of concrete expansion targets. Incidentally believe that there should be high level labor participation at all stages. Cruikshank considering problem this end.
Determination of procedure for manpower clearly linked to arrangements made in other fields. In any case, feel further study necessary on our part to determine objectives and suitable procedures to realize objectives. OSR Labor Division currently studying this problem. Believe agriculture would be handled by ordinary vertical Food and Agriculture Comite of OEEC. Urge strongly that you proceed immed with respect to coal, steel and power as recommended Repto 5428. Separate comments will follow on manpower and agriculture. [Tasca and Gordon.]4
- Supra.↩
- Document 27.↩
- Not printed.↩
- No specific reply to telegram Repto 5477 has been found in Department of State or ECA message files. Riddleberger and Porter began sending detailed reports on the meetings of various OEEC committees and special working groups, for example, telegrams Repto 5502, November 1, Repto 5627, November 9, Repto 5734, November 16, and Repto 5738, November 16, in ECA message files, FRC 53A278, Paris.↩