A. Visit to Washington of Prime Minister René Pleven, January 29–30, 1951
[139] The Ambassador in France ( Bruce) to the Secretary of State
Paris, January 10, 1951—2 p.m.
751.13/1–1051: Telegram
[140] The Ambassador in France ( Bruce) to the Secretary of State
Paris, January 10, 1951—4 p.m.
751.13/1–1051: Telegram
[141] The Secretary of State to the Embassy in France
Washington, January 11, 1951—9 p.m.
751.13/1–1051: Telegram
[142] The Ambassador in France ( Bruce) to the Secretary of State
Paris, January 13, 1951—2 p.m.
751.13/1–1351: Telegram
[143] The Secretary of State to the Embassy in France
Washington, January 15, 1951—7 p.m.
751.13/1–1351: Telegram
[145] The Ambassador in France ( Bruce) to the Secretary of State
Paris, January 23, 1951—7 p.m.
751.13/1–2351: Telegram
[146] Ambassador at Large Philip C. Jessup to the Secretary of Defense ( Marshall)
[Washington,] January 24,
[147] Memorandum by the Ambassador at Large ( Jessup) to the Secretary of State
[Washington,] January 25,
[149] United States Minutes of the First Meeting Between President Truman and Prime Minister Pleven, Cabinet Room of the White House, January 29, 1951, 2:30–5 p.m.
Washington, January 29, 1951, 2:30 p.m.
to 5 p.m.
CFM files, lot M–88, Pleven visit
[150] Memorandum of Conversation, by the Assistant Chief of the Policy Reports Staff ( Barnes)
[Washington,] January 29,
Conference files, lot 59D95, CF 51
[151] United States Minutes of the Second Meeting Between President Truman and Prime Minister Pleven, Cabinet Room of the White House, January 30, 1951, 11 a.m.–12:30 p.m.
Washington, January 30, 1951, 11 a.m. to
12:30 p.m.
Conference files, lot 59D95, CF 51
[153] Memorandum by Lucius D. Battle, Special Assistant to the Secretary of State
[Washington,] January 30,
Secretary’s Memoranda, lot 53D444, Memoranda—January 1951
[154] United States Minutes of the Third Meeting Between President Truman and Prime Minister Pleven, Cabinet Room of the White House, January 30, 1951, 3 p.m.–4:45 p.m.
Washington, January 30, 1951, 3 p.m. to
4:45 p.m.
Conference files, lot 59D95, CF 51