ECA message files, FRC 53A278, Paris: Telegram
The Assistant Administrator for Programs, ECA ( Porter), to the Administrator for Economic Cooperation ( Foster)1
Repto 4243. For Foster, Wood and Bissell. Dept for Perkins and Cabot. Reference: Repto 4219,2 London Repto 888, Repna 22, Heidelberg Repto 49.
1. Long meeting Monday night lasting until 2:30 a.m. of OEEC delegation heads for discussion presumably near-final text European declaration.
2. Late instructions from Gaitskell produced major problems. United Kingdom pressed for insertion at five different places references to extent to which expansion in UK depended upon outside forces such as terms of trade, availability raw materials, foreign financial developments. Strong support received from Sweden with further assistance of Norway and Denmark.
3. French led opposition supported by Italians and to minor extent by Germans. French took position of inability to accept proposed British changes. Modifications in text if accepted will make document less vital than last draft sent you. While some language was left for Secretariat to polish, major decisions were left to meeting of Ministers Wednesday.
4. Agreed no advance arrangements to be made for publicity in view of uncertainty ability to achieve satisfactory document. Presumption still in agreement will be reached for some statement to be released Wednesday afternoon.
[Page 54]5. We still believe probable our original proposal for response by US will be suitable but impossible predict outcome of Council meeting particularly in view of almost jittery position United Kingdom.