General political policies of the United States toward Korea and appeal to the United Nations General Assembly 1

1. Continued from Foreign Relations, 1947, vol. vi, pp. 596889.

[856] Memorandum by the Under Secretary of State (Lovett) to President Truman

123 [John J. Muccio/7–2848]

[857] The Secretary of State to the Political Adviser in Korea (Jacobs)

501.BB Korea/7–2848: Telegram

[859] The Ambassador in El Salvador (Nufer) to the Secretary of State

501.BB Korea/7–3048

[860] The Political Adviser in Korea (Jacobs) to the Secretary of State

501.BB Korea/8–648: Telegram

[861] The Political Adviser in Korea (Jacobs) to the Secretary of State

501.BB Korea/8–748: Telegram

[862] The Political Adviser in Korea (Jacobs) to the Secretary of State

501.BB Korea/8–948: Telegram

[863] The Secretary of State to Certain Diplomatic Officers

501.BB Korea/8–1048: Circular telegram

[864] The Political Adviser in Korea (Jacobs) to the Secretary of State

501.BB Korea/8–1048: Telegram

[865] The Political Adviser in Korea (Jacobs) to the Secretary of State

501.BB Korea/8–1048: Telegram

[866] The Political Adviser in Korea (Jacobs) to the Secretary of State

501.BB Korea/8–1248: Telegram

[867] The Ambassador in China (Stuart) to the Secretary of State

895.01/8–1348: Telegram

[868] The Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Douglas) to the Secretary of State

501.BB Korea/8–1348: Telegram

[871] The Chargé in India (Donovan) to the Secretary of State

501.BB Korea/8–1448: Telegram

[873] The Political Adviser in Korea (Jacobs) to the Secretary of State

895.01/8–1748: Telegram

[874] The Political Adviser in Korea (Jacobs) to the Secretary of State

895.01/8—1848: Telegram

[875] The Chargé in Australia (Nielsen) to the Secretary of State

501.BB Korea/8–1848: Telegram

[876] The Political Adviser in Korea (Jacobs) to the Secretary of State

740.00119 Control (Korea)/8–1848: Telegram

[878] The Secretary of State to the United States Representative at the United Nations (Austin)

501.BB Korea/8–2048: Telegram

[879] The Political Adviser in Korea (Jacobs) to the Secretary of State

501.BB Korea/8–2248: Telegram

[881] The Political Adviser in Korea (Jacobs) to the Secretary of State

895.01/8–2348: Telegram

[882] The Political Adviser in Korea (Jacobs) to the Secretary of State

740.00119 Control (Korea)/8–2448: Telegram

[883] Memorandum by President Truman to the Secretary of State

895.50 Recovery/8–2548

[884] The Special Representative in Korea (Muccio) to the Secretary of State

740.00119 Control (Korea)/9–348: Telegram

[885] The Special Representative in Korea (Muccio) to the Secretary of State

740.00119 Control (Korea)/9–348